For all you hardliners who blame Fentanyl deaths on the person who OD-ed.

Yes, and I know the difference between a dumbass and an asshole! On this topic, you are both!

Bullshit. Fentanyl exists because heroin is illegal.

I recall it's a standard 10% for The Big Guy.

Are you...drunk?
Legalize heroin and the demand for fentanyl will increase.

I'll tell you why but you are likely not intelligent enough to understand.

The best high with heroin is the first one. The others are chasing that first high until the addiction makes withdrawal too painful. With fentanyl the first high is the same as heroin. So is every other hit. It's the best, every single time. Legal heroin can only be the tease.
Fentanyl has become a panic word. People hear the word on the news every night next to pictures of millions of dead teenagers who would otherwise be down at the malt shop or dancing shoeless at the sock hop (I assume that's what teenagers still do).

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When people are in a panic, they don't deal with issue logically, they demand something, anything, be done and right now!

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So, now that we are in panic mode over the newest outrage, Fentanyl ... millions of Americans who depend on that drug for the management of severe pain are going to suffer.

It's inevitable.
When more Americans die in one year from ILLEGAL fentanyl than the total number of Americans that died fighting in the entire 20 year long Vietnam War we should do something to at least reduce the flow of fentanyl into our nation.

The first thing we should do is secure the Mexican border so the Border Patrol can return to interdicting the flow of illegal drugs rather than babysitting illegal aliens and busing them all over our nation.

This young female cop just TOUCHED a rolled up dollar bill with traces of Fentanyl. She was on the ground dying within a couple of minutes. She would have been dead had the other officers not immediately adminstered 3 doses of Narcan. Now do you get it?

The US govt is busy sniffing up parody posts on Twitter but letting people die like this. A total abdication of duty.
When more Americans die in one year from ILLEGAL fentanyl than the total number of Americans that died fighting in the entire 20 year long Vietnam War we should do something to at least reduce the flow of fentanyl into our nation.

But ... who is to blame?

The people who supply it ... or the people who, of their own free will, choose to take an illicit drug that they know full-well can kill them?

And, for that matter, what good has assigning blame EVER done.
And if they weren't she would have, like hundreds of others every single day. But that's fine, who cares, right?
And Govt activists™ by the hundreds of thousands patrol our streets every day. The public school teacher variety by the millions help children become more cautious about what they ingest. Many help those suffering mental illness and legal drug addictions like no one else.
But that's fine, who cares, right?
But I want to take this discussion a little further and talk about the meaning and utility of this sentiment — “the most terrifying words are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

It was, and is, a moronic and childish thing to say and believe. That’s right, I’m saying that Reagan was being moronic and childish when he said it with a grin, that George Will (who, with his PhD, should know better) was moronic and childish when he wrote it in a column, and that the politicians and commentators who are employing it now are being moronic and childish.
Wrong answer, buffalo breath!

In its pure form, overdoses are only moderately unpredictable, with most overdose deaths occurring at serum concentrations of between 150 and 250 ng/mL.

I posted a link above where two experts notes that what the police said happened was very unlikely to be what happened.
And Govt activists™ by the hundreds of thousands patrol our streets every day. The public school teacher variety by the millions help children become more cautious about what they ingest. Many help those suffering mental illness and legal drug addictions like no one else.

Public school teachers must teach foreign students to speak English because same govt let them pour over the border. Police must deal with crime and overdoses for same.
This young female cop just TOUCHED a rolled up dollar bill with traces of Fentanyl. She was on the ground dying within a couple of minutes. She would have been dead had the other officers not immediately adminstered 3 doses of Narcan. Now do you get it?

Urban myth

Despite occasional news stories about police officers and other first responders experiencing ill effects or needing Narcan, an opioid antidote, after exposure to fentanyl, Marino said he doesn't know of any verified medical cases of a first responder testing positive for fentanyl through mere skin contact or being in the vicinity of the drug. And overdosing in such a scenario seems highly unlikely based on what researchers know about fentanyl and other opioids, he said.

In its guide for emergency responders, the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) and American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT) say that for opioid toxicity to occur, "the drug must enter the blood and brain from the environment." For this to happen, the drug would need to be absorbed by a mucous membrane (such as the nasal passages), inhaled, ingested or delivered by a syringe. Fentanyl can also enter a person's system therapeutically through dermal patches, but it takes several hours to absorb.

"ased on our current understanding of the absorption of fentanyl and its analogs, it is very unlikely that small, unintentional skin exposures to tablets or powder would cause significant opioid toxicity, and if toxicity were to occur, it would not develop rapidly, allowing time for removal," the guide says.
Legalize heroin and the demand for fentanyl will increase.

I'll tell you why but you are likely not intelligent enough to understand.

The best high with heroin is the first one. The others are chasing that first high until the addiction makes withdrawal too painful. With fentanyl the first high is the same as heroin. So is every other hit. It's the best, every single time. Legal heroin can only be the tease.
You, of course, ignore the thousands upon thousands of people who were addicted to opiates (usually morphine, at the time) who functioned fine-often for decades-as long as they could get their drugs. You know someone alive because of a lifelong opiate addict. (You might be alive because of him.)
You, of course, ignore the thousands upon thousands of people who were addicted to opiates (usually morphine, at the time) who functioned fine-often for decades-as long as they could get their drugs. You know someone alive because of a lifelong opiate addict. (You might be alive because of him.)
And every one of those functioning just fine on heroin, because it makes them feel normal would sell their children for a fentanyl high. Even if it kills them.

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