For anyone serious about markets and investing


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Holy crap. I don't want to jinx this, but every time so far that I've tuned into Schwab's new online "Schwab Network" (Home | Schwab Network) all I get is MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS.

That's it. No fluff, no fucking happy talk, no stories about pets, no trying to be funny, just MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS. Unlike CNBC and Bloomberg.

Holy crap. I don't want to jinx this, but every time so far that I've tuned into Schwab's new online "Schwab Network" (Home | Schwab Network) all I get is MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS.

That's it. No fluff, no fucking happy talk, no stories about pets, no trying to be funny, just MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS. Unlike CNBC and Bloomberg.

what are they saying? :) please simplify any answer to where a complete market dummy could understand, if you answer! :D:D
what are they saying? :) please simplify any answer to where a complete market dummy could understand, if you answer! :D:D
Well, they talk about market specifics, from big picture macroeconomic stuff to individual equities and trends. So it's all (so far, at least) actionable information for investors.

I'm a GEEK for this stuff, so I'm easily amused. It used to be frustrating not having enough solid information on a live video basis without all the fluff crap.
For anyone who has tried Marketwatch or Forbes or any other market website that is only interested in pushing advertisements, this is good to know. I think Scwab just bought Ameritrade, or maybe its been a while, can't remember. Seems to me they just changed their name, but I can't remember if these two are right, as I use E*Trade when outside of my 401K
Well, they talk about market specifics, from big picture macroeconomic stuff to individual equities and trends. So it's all (so far, at least) actionable information for investors.

I'm a GEEK for this stuff, so I'm easily amused. It used to be frustrating not having enough solid information on a live video basis without all the fluff crap.
Why don't you hold yourself to the same standard? You spend most of your day on this board spewing fluff crap about your personal hatred of Donald Trump and his supporters.
Holy crap. I don't want to jinx this, but every time so far that I've tuned into Schwab's new online "Schwab Network" (Home | Schwab Network) all I get is MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS.

That's it. No fluff, no fucking happy talk, no stories about pets, no trying to be funny, just MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS. Unlike CNBC and Bloomberg.

Just so you know....
Schwab is merging with AmeriTrade completely....

And Schwab is sitting on too many low interest bonds they are going to hold to maturity...which is going to cut into their long term profits.

In about two years those great stock and market reports are going to evaporate away. Talent costs money. They will be out of it soon.
Just so you know....
Schwab is merging with AmeriTrade completely....

And Schwab is sitting on too many low interest bonds they are going to hold to maturity...which is going to cut into their long term profits.

In about two years those great stock and market reports are going to evaporate away. Talent costs money. They will be out of it soon.
Well, I'll take it while I can get it.
If you are not backing Commodities for future spectacular growth, then we live with very different mind-sets . To find out about Commodities , look at Chris Vermeulen of Technical Traders . I have "read them all" but he is a very sound and honest man and I am not aware of anybody that is more right and more consistently right about matters .He is "The" precious metals voice to listen to . Am not selling anything nor have any sort of link. Just imho with bank statement full support.
Holy crap. I don't want to jinx this, but every time so far that I've tuned into Schwab's new online "Schwab Network" (Home | Schwab Network) all I get is MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS.

That's it. No fluff, no fucking happy talk, no stories about pets, no trying to be funny, just MARKET NEWS and APPROPRIATE ANALYSIS. Unlike CNBC and Bloomberg.

The difference is Schwab is a Broker. CNBC and Bloomberg are Media outlets. They present material to interest there audience while Schwab presents analysis that will help their customers in making the right investment decisions.
lol sounds like the degenerate gamblers who sweat over the tout sheets the bookies put out. The only difference is the bookies are actually somewhat honest while brokers and traders are habitual liars going by data provided by other habitual liars in 8K's, 10K's and other corporate reports. lol

If there were real facts and truthful data that would allow real life due diligence nobody would buy 90% of that junk paper. It's hilarious how many right wing suckers babble about '$3 trillion in govt debt', while completely ignoring this:

Outstanding corporate debt securities in the United States have been trending upwards since the first quarter of 2018, with this growth accelerating with the onset of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. From a total of almost 19.6 trillion U.S. dollars in Q1 2018, by Q2 2022 this value had climbed to approximately 23.9 trillion U.S. dollars. Of this latter total, 16.3 trillion U.S. dollars was debt issued by financial corporations.

And this is with far fewer corporations dominating the markets. Toss on consumer debt and bailouts and Biden's massive corporate welfare program.
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Here's what and why....

SOME Student loan Forgiveness (NOT ALL) and the whole program overhauled.... plus a serious drop in taxes for average citizens can bail out this economy. (Corporations and CEOs need not apply)
Because the most industrious members of this nation would use the money to help fight inflation, get things they need and save some of it. (So long as states don't start raising their taxes)

That would do it.

It would infuse the market with enough cash to make it float again. Which is going to be the biggest problem.
Credit drives the economy. From construction loans to shopping malls....we need the economy moving forward.

This nation was founded on tobacco and liquor sales to Europe. Currently our processed food feeds a substantial portion of it. The affordable tabletop computer drove the internet economy with tech still being in high demand today. If we could stop fighting amongst ourselves long enough we can pull out of this mess.
I would just raise taxes on imports from labor racketeering countries, raise minimum wage to reflect real inflation, which would allow a reduction in payroll taxes, and raise taxes on unearned incomes, like casino gambling winnings in the stock markets, and bring back the anti-trust laws and chain store scams, and add significant tax breaks for manufacturing, i.e. people who actually produce goods.

I would especially do away with inventory taxes on unsold goods and materials, an especially stupid tax; those are mostly local, though, but Federal nationwide ban would be helpful.

A federal real estate tax earmarked for defense spending only.

Profits on IPO shares, i.e. the first purchase of a stock, would get a big tax cut as well, but not subsequent sales gains, and if one is the original purchaser of a stock the dividends would be taxed pretty light as well. Mutual funds and hedge funds don't get these bennies.

I have a few more, but don't have time for a long list. The 'double taxation' sniveling is total bullshit argument; don't like it then do away with the 'limited liability' scam for corporate ownership and assume the real risk of owning a business when buying shares.
It would infuse the market with enough cash to make it float again. Which is going to be the biggest problem.
Credit drives the economy. From construction loans to shopping malls....we need the economy moving forwar

Too much cash is flowing into the top 10%' pockets, and instead of starting new businesses they just rent seek, which is why stock prices are way too high and sucking money away from investing in new businesses. Bring back anti-trust enforcement, bust up chain store monopolies, and promote new business formations and you fix a lot of problems, including ending the 'too big to fail' rackets and getting bankers and hedge funds out of controlling industrial production.
Too much cash is flowing into the top 10%' pockets, and instead of starting new businesses they just rent seek, which is why stock prices are way too high and sucking money away from investing in new businesses. Bring back anti-trust enforcement, bust up chain store monopolies, and promote new business formations and you fix a lot of problems, including ending the 'too big to fail' rackets and getting bankers and hedge funds out of controlling industrial production.
Yes and no....

One of the pillars of any economy is the real estate market. Ours is actually owned by investment banks and people through their retirement portfolios. Using an instrument called commercial paper. The government, during quarantines but at the onset of vaccines being available, made a LOT of commercial paper available in order to free up cash for lending. This created a runaway stock market with a boom/bull market. Everyone could borrow money for free and buy stocks (and they did).

Now a section of that commercial paper is likely worthless that covers commercial property as people work from home. They are buying fewer office clothes, eating fewer lunches out, not burning as much gas for vehicles.

IOW a section of the economy has shrunk massively, going bankrupt, and nothing can stop it.

We need "the next thing" to stimulate the economy and get people to buy into it. Just like they did computer or cell phone technology.

That requires cash. This will make the losses of the commercial real estate market bearable.

We are never going to stop rich people from being rich or poor people from making poor choices. That's a fantasy. Redistributing wealth only makes rich people leave the country and start businesses elsewhere. (Global banking and economy) We need money to move again. And it currently is not going to go anywhere with high interest rates and no borrowing.
We are never going to stop rich people from being rich or poor people from making poor choices. That's a fantasy. Redistributing wealth only makes rich people leave the country and start businesses elsewhere.

So what? Subsidizing debt with taxpayer bailouts and corporate welfare is 'redistributing wealth', and rich people love it. They want to leave, then the leave their plunder behind, too. Not many people get rich these days by 'hard work' or inventing new mouse traps, so they aren't any big loss. Go back to encouraging small and medium sized businesses that produce goods and larger payrolls, get rid of monopolies, and grow another middle class, encourage savings instead of punishing savers, and we're back on track. Bill Gates doesn't need a $300 million dollar gift from taxpayers to build a battery factory. Off shore companies don't need deferred tax breaks, hedge fund mangers don't need yet more tax breaks, etc. Stop protecting stock markets and make them really competitive and free.
Here's what and why....

SOME Student loan Forgiveness (NOT ALL) and the whole program overhauled.... plus a serious drop in taxes for average citizens can bail out this economy. (Corporations and CEOs need not apply)
Because the most industrious members of this nation would use the money to help fight inflation, get things they need and save some of it. (So long as states don't start raising their taxes)

That would do it.

It would infuse the market with enough cash to make it float again. Which is going to be the biggest problem.
Credit drives the economy. From construction loans to shopping malls....we need the economy moving forward.

This nation was founded on tobacco and liquor sales to Europe. Currently our processed food feeds a substantial portion of it. The affordable tabletop computer drove the internet economy with tech still being in high demand today. If we could stop fighting amongst ourselves long enough we can pull out of this mess.
So we need another Inflation Reduction Act?

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