For Every Confederate Soldier Statue They Remove, Put Up 10

If we are to remove ALL the monuments of racism and slavery, why don't we start with Democrat party?
It is Republicans who are defending the confederacy
If we are to remove ALL the monuments of racism and slavery, why don't we start with Democrat party?
It is Republicans who are defending the confederacy

Lincoln was a Republican. ;)
I know....imagine a time when Republicans actually put the needs and suffering of others above the wealthy
Ulysses S Grant, Commanding General of the entire Union Army was a slave owner...
Got to remove his statues. Right? :lol:

True, Ulysses S. Grant, inherited the slave from his father-in-law, and then he freed him.

It noteworthy to say that happened when Ulysses S. Grant was a Democrat.
What gave the South the right to confiscate Federal Property? that is what Fort Sumner was...federal property. Did the South make an offer to compensate the Union for all the federal property remaining in their new found nation?

They tried to negotiate a peaceful transition, when that failed they viewed themselves as the feds over that piece of property, and when the occupying army would not leave, the new country of the South physically removed them.
We did the same thing to the British, 85 years earlier.

Don't understand the difference with England and self rule versus SLAVERY huh cupcake?

So the CONservative cupcakes just chose to use violence to implement what they wanted huh?

How'd that "physically removing" thing work out :)

They declared their independence and since Lincoln and the Union refused to recognize their declaration, war became the only option left.

Gawd you wingnutters, but you support the sovereign citizens movement too?


Look, from my perspective, this has nothing to do with militias, slavery, etc.
I simply look at it as whether or not states could vote to declare their independence and leave the Union.

We all know why the South wanted to secede, it was the only way they were going to be able to continue their horrific practice of enslaving other human beings.
However, that is absolutely not the reason the Union forcibly kept them from becoming their own country.
There was nothing in the Constitution at the time that made it clear that terrotories could vote to join the Union, but not be able to vote to leave.

IMO it was morally wrong to kill others in order to force them to remain in the Union.

Weird you'd think the traitorous states could've figured out all they needed to do was get an amendment passed?

But your premise is BS, the traitors fired on the USA
Confederate soldiers’ statues are being removed all over the South. For in New Orleans, one in Virginia. More in Florida. But these are all on public land, in city squares. There is no attempt to remove any statues (or even flags) from private property. People can fly flags or display statues in their front yards, in full view, if they wish to. Some people here in Tampa, Florida already do.

So if the do-gooders really want to make Confederate statues an issue, let’s make it one for them. For every Confederate soldier statue they remove, let’s put 10 more up. They remove 10, we put up 100. They remove 100, we put up 1000.

Before you know it, you won’t be able to drive 2 blocks without seeing a reminder of the Confederacy and the people who fought for it. The do-gooders will wish they never came up with this idea. And yeah, there’s always airplanes with skywriting and message trailers.

Now, as for the politics, I can sympathize with black folks being uncomfortable with glorification of the nation that supported slavery. And maybe the flags representing that (partially) could be a bit over the top. Maybe that statue of Jefferson Davis also.

But the removal of soldiers’ statues is not acceptable. Jefferson Davis was a politician who led the Confederacy. And the Confederate flag represents that nation and its politics. But soldiers don’t make laws. They don’t prescribe policy. They follow orders and risk their lives (and often lose them) in wars. It’s just not right to remove soldiers’ statues and dishonor them in the process. They take them down….put more up.

The Democrats are trying to rewrite their own history. They'd like to get as far away from slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and other products and vestiges that continue to sully their well-known history and current totalitarian objectives, and their renewed support for the slavery of all to The State.

Democrats trying to rewrite history?

The KKK was started by soldiers returning from the Civil War to fight the Carpetbaggers who were looting the South.

Yup, soldiers of the Confederacy, which was Democrat in origin.

Today's Republicans are trying to say it was started by the Democrats. THIS is rewriting history.

Nope. Your attempt to rewrite history is an attempted rewrite of history.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Southerners of both parties fought for segregation. But when push came to shove, every single Southern Republican voted against the Civil Right Act in the 1960's while a handful of Southern Democrats voted in favour.

Shrug. Democrat is Democrat. Democrats attempted to filibuster the thing to death. Everett Dirksen, Republican, built a coalition of Republicans in favor of the bill without whom the bill would have failed.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

"Favour"? Are you Canadian? Brit? ESL?

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

I'm sure it makes you feel better about the Republicans racism today, but it's a false history.

Democrats are as racist today as they have ever been. The difference today is they are more equal opportunity in their hate, as they hate whites as much or more as they hate all others.

They are collectively insane.

Good thing you liars keep it to party versus ideology since we know all those CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa guys were huge libs right? LMAOROG, You cupcakes
There was nothing in the US Constitution that prevented secession. As a matter of fact, we were a country born of secession. From England.


Texas v. White. Texas v. White, (1869), U.S. Supreme Court case in which it was held that the United States is “an indestructible union” from which no state can secede.

Texas v. White - Wikipedia

When I was growing up in Georgia in the 1950's, I heard ad nauseum from yankees about how we Southerners refused to forget the Civil War. As things stand today, it seems to be the reverse. We Southerners have moved on, but these message boards of full of yankees who are outraged that we are taking down confederate statues.Go figure.

LMAOROG, Yeah, it's outrage coming from US that you Klowns are FORCED to remove them, lol
There was nothing in the US Constitution that prevented secession. As a matter of fact, we were a country born of secession. From England.

And the real traitors IMO was Lincoln and the Union that killed in order to prevent what their fathers and grandfathers did just 85 years before.

Absolutely. Lincoln got what he deserved for treason, and war crimes against the South, and violations of the Constitution...

Typical traitorous bastard, like most of today's alt right!
Confederate soldiers’ statues are being removed all over the South. For in New Orleans, one in Virginia. More in Florida. But these are all on public land, in city squares. There is no attempt to remove any statues (or even flags) from private property. People can fly flags or display statues in their front yards, in full view, if they wish to. Some people here in Tampa, Florida already do.

So if the do-gooders really want to make Confederate statues an issue, let’s make it one for them. For every Confederate soldier statue they remove, let’s put 10 more up. They remove 10, we put up 100. They remove 100, we put up 1000.

Before you know it, you won’t be able to drive 2 blocks without seeing a reminder of the Confederacy and the people who fought for it. The do-gooders will wish they never came up with this idea. And yeah, there’s always airplanes with skywriting and message trailers.

Now, as for the politics, I can sympathize with black folks being uncomfortable with glorification of the nation that supported slavery. And maybe the flags representing that (partially) could be a bit over the top. Maybe that statue of Jefferson Davis also.

But the removal of soldiers’ statues is not acceptable. Jefferson Davis was a politician who led the Confederacy. And the Confederate flag represents that nation and its politics. But soldiers don’t make laws. They don’t prescribe policy. They follow orders and risk their lives (and often lose them) in wars. It’s just not right to remove soldiers’ statues and dishonor them in the process. They take them down….put more up.

The Democrats are trying to rewrite their own history. They'd like to get as far away from slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and other products and vestiges that continue to sully their well-known history and current totalitarian objectives, and their renewed support for the slavery of all to The State.

Democrats trying to rewrite history?

The KKK was started by soldiers returning from the Civil War to fight the Carpetbaggers who were looting the South.

Yup, soldiers of the Confederacy, which was Democrat in origin.

Today's Republicans are trying to say it was started by the Democrats. THIS is rewriting history.

Nope. Your attempt to rewrite history is an attempted rewrite of history.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Southerners of both parties fought for segregation. But when push came to shove, every single Southern Republican voted against the Civil Right Act in the 1960's while a handful of Southern Democrats voted in favour.

Shrug. Democrat is Democrat. Democrats attempted to filibuster the thing to death. Everett Dirksen, Republican, built a coalition of Republicans in favor of the bill without whom the bill would have failed.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

"Favour"? Are you Canadian? Brit? ESL?

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

I'm sure it makes you feel better about the Republicans racism today, but it's a false history.

Democrats are as racist today as they have ever been. The difference today is they are more equal opportunity in their hate, as they hate whites as much or more as they hate all others.

They are collectively insane.

Good thing you liars keep it to party versus ideology since we know all those CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa guys were huge libs right? LMAOROG, You cupcakes

No, they weren't. And neither are you.
If we are to remove ALL the monuments of racism and slavery, why don't we start with Democrat party?
It is Republicans who are defending the confederacy
If we are to remove ALL the monuments of racism and slavery, why don't we start with Democrat party?
It is Republicans who are defending the confederacy

Lincoln was a Republican. ;)

PROGRESSIVE Abe who gave US the first income tax to pay for the CONservatives war???
Confederate soldiers’ statues are being removed all over the South. For in New Orleans, one in Virginia. More in Florida. But these are all on public land, in city squares. There is no attempt to remove any statues (or even flags) from private property. People can fly flags or display statues in their front yards, in full view, if they wish to. Some people here in Tampa, Florida already do.

So if the do-gooders really want to make Confederate statues an issue, let’s make it one for them. For every Confederate soldier statue they remove, let’s put 10 more up. They remove 10, we put up 100. They remove 100, we put up 1000.

Before you know it, you won’t be able to drive 2 blocks without seeing a reminder of the Confederacy and the people who fought for it. The do-gooders will wish they never came up with this idea. And yeah, there’s always airplanes with skywriting and message trailers.

Now, as for the politics, I can sympathize with black folks being uncomfortable with glorification of the nation that supported slavery. And maybe the flags representing that (partially) could be a bit over the top. Maybe that statue of Jefferson Davis also.

But the removal of soldiers’ statues is not acceptable. Jefferson Davis was a politician who led the Confederacy. And the Confederate flag represents that nation and its politics. But soldiers don’t make laws. They don’t prescribe policy. They follow orders and risk their lives (and often lose them) in wars. It’s just not right to remove soldiers’ statues and dishonor them in the process. They take them down….put more up.

The Democrats are trying to rewrite their own history. They'd like to get as far away from slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and other products and vestiges that continue to sully their well-known history and current totalitarian objectives, and their renewed support for the slavery of all to The State.

Democrats trying to rewrite history?

The KKK was started by soldiers returning from the Civil War to fight the Carpetbaggers who were looting the South.

Yup, soldiers of the Confederacy, which was Democrat in origin.

Today's Republicans are trying to say it was started by the Democrats. THIS is rewriting history.

Nope. Your attempt to rewrite history is an attempted rewrite of history.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Southerners of both parties fought for segregation. But when push came to shove, every single Southern Republican voted against the Civil Right Act in the 1960's while a handful of Southern Democrats voted in favour.

Shrug. Democrat is Democrat. Democrats attempted to filibuster the thing to death. Everett Dirksen, Republican, built a coalition of Republicans in favor of the bill without whom the bill would have failed.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

"Favour"? Are you Canadian? Brit? ESL?

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

I'm sure it makes you feel better about the Republicans racism today, but it's a false history.

Democrats are as racist today as they have ever been. The difference today is they are more equal opportunity in their hate, as they hate whites as much or more as they hate all others.

They are collectively insane.

Good thing you liars keep it to party versus ideology since we know all those CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa guys were huge libs right? LMAOROG, You cupcakes

No, they weren't. And neither are you.

Well I know the party of Lincoln gave US the first income tax, to pay for a war, imagine that happening today with the GOP, wanting to actually pay for a war? lol
Yes, remind people that you support treason. Put up a Trump sign, too, and there will be no doubt.

You libtards don't even know what treason means, let alone who it applies too, best look at Obama that is the bastard who committed treason like it or not.
I think the fact that civil war spies were executed when caught shows that both sides understood what being a traitor was. Violent Insurrection began with the first shot fired at ft. Sumter.

Wrong. Fort Sumter was South Carolina's property since they legally seceded from the Union.
The " legality" you speak of is contentious to say the least. I'm not sure there is a general consensus on that one way or the other. I do believe a Supreme Court ruling invalidated the idea of secession...but the ruling seems to have also left "wiggle room" for future secessionists upon approval from the other states.
Yes, remind people that you support treason. Put up a Trump sign, too, and there will be no doubt.

You libtards don't even know what treason means, let alone who it applies too, best look at Obama that is the bastard who committed treason like it or not.
I think the fact that civil war spies were executed when caught shows that both sides understood what being a traitor was. Violent Insurrection began with the first shot fired at ft. Sumter.

Wrong. Fort Sumter was South Carolina's property since they legally seceded from the Union.
The " legality" you speak of is contentious to say the least. I'm not sure there is a general consensus on that one way or the other. I do believe a Supreme Court ruling invalidated the idea of secession...but the ruling seems to have also left "wiggle room" for future secessionists upon approval from the other states.

But as you admit, secession was legal. It was Lincoln's invasion that was illegal, and unconstitutional.

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