For Every Confederate Soldier Statue They Remove, Put Up 10

The South, especially South Carolina, had been talking succession since Andrew Jackson's administration. I grew up in Georgia, and I can assure everyone that S. Carolinians are not the brightest bulbs on the tree. They did not concern themselves about details, like the South having virtually no factories for producing weapons of war, or even more than a primitive railroad network. S. Carolina is the reactionary center of the South. Their motto should be, "React NOW! Think it over later."
The South, especially South Carolina, had been talking succession since Andrew Jackson's administration. I grew up in Georgia, and I can assure everyone that S. Carolinians are not the brightest bulbs on the tree. They did not concern themselves about details, like the South having virtually no factories for producing weapons of war, or even more than a primitive railroad network. S. Carolina is the reactionary center of the South. Their motto should be, "React NOW! Think it over later."

I believe that all of the States that seceded underestimated Lincoln's determination to win this war. They never thought that the Union would sacrifice 300,000 soldiers laying dead in Southern dust, and still fight. And they never even imagined that the Union army would come South and wage war upon civilians.
I wouldn't build monuments to the scoundrels who brought northern wrath upon them. The poor White southerners should have been the first to call for removing those dreadful icons off public lands.
A SOLDIER who fought against the Northern army invasion, was not a "scoundrel". He was merely fight to defend his home, property, family.
He would not have to defend his home, property or family for a cause not his if he and his fellows had overthrown the rich plantation overloards. It was sheer stupidy to fightand die for slavery when you didn't own slaves. Double down on stupidy by allowing the rich fatcats, who brought slaves to take your jobs, to then manipulate you into going to war for them.
This whole topic gives me the opportunity to expand it into another area of government power abuse. Namely, that the Confederates drafted soldiers to fight, whether they liked it or not. It was just as evil then as it was during the Vietnam Era, when the government was fighting an unjust war.

What's more honorable, fighting to defend your homes and lands from an invasion...Or invading your neighbor to Tyrannize them?
Defending the right to enslave others has never been honorable
This whole topic gives me the opportunity to expand it into another area of government power abuse. Namely, that the Confederates drafted soldiers to fight, whether they liked it or not. It was just as evil then as it was during the Vietnam Era, when the government was fighting an unjust war.


You do know that the Union had a draft during the Civil War, right?
After the Civil War was over, and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The USA still had slavery.

Tell us more about the 13th Amendment

The 13th Amendment was ratified Dec 6, 1865. War was over. Lincoln was dead. This finally freed the last Union slaves.

Well said....

Lincoln was not satisfied with the Emancipation Proclamation. He pushed for the 13 th amendment right up to the time southern terrorists assassinated him
What's more honorable, fighting to defend your homes and lands from an invasion...Or invading your neighbor to Tyrannize them?
Defending the right to enslave others has never been honorable

You do know that the USA had slavery for 89 years, right? are on the ball

And which states demanded slavery in order to join the nation

Come can say it
I'm not offended by people flying the Confederate Flag or anything...but I've always wondered why people just fly their state flag instead?
I wouldn't build monuments to the scoundrels who brought northern wrath upon them. The poor White southerners should have been the first to call for removing those dreadful icons off public lands.
A SOLDIER who fought against the Northern army invasion, was not a "scoundrel". He was merely fight to defend his home, property, family.
He would not have to defend his home, property or family for a cause not his if he and his fellows had overthrown the rich plantation overloards. It was sheer stupidy to fightand die for slavery when you didn't own slaves. Double down on stupidy by allowing the rich fatcats, who brought slaves to take your jobs, to then manipulate you into going to war for them.

What do you call fighting for a Tyrant, who trashed the US Constitution, and sent 300,000 good men to their deaths?
I wouldn't build monuments to the scoundrels who brought northern wrath upon them. The poor White southerners should have been the first to call for removing those dreadful icons off public lands.
A SOLDIER who fought against the Northern army invasion, was not a "scoundrel". He was merely fight to defend his home, property, family.
He would not have to defend his home, property or family for a cause not his if he and his fellows had overthrown the rich plantation overloards. It was sheer stupidy to fightand die for slavery when you didn't own slaves. Double down on stupidy by allowing the rich fatcats, who brought slaves to take your jobs, to then manipulate you into going to war for them.

What do you call fighting for a Tyrant, who trashed the US Constitution, and sent 300,000 good men to their deaths?

Without Lincoln...the South would be looked at like South Africa today
What's more honorable, fighting to defend your homes and lands from an invasion...Or invading your neighbor to Tyrannize them?
Defending the right to enslave others has never been honorable

You do know that the USA had slavery for 89 years, right? are on the ball

And which states demanded slavery in order to join the nation

Come can say it

None slavery was legal in all States at that time.
I wouldn't build monuments to the scoundrels who brought northern wrath upon them. The poor White southerners should have been the first to call for removing those dreadful icons off public lands.
A SOLDIER who fought against the Northern army invasion, was not a "scoundrel". He was merely fight to defend his home, property, family.
He would not have to defend his home, property or family for a cause not his if he and his fellows had overthrown the rich plantation overloards. It was sheer stupidy to fightand die for slavery when you didn't own slaves. Double down on stupidy by allowing the rich fatcats, who brought slaves to take your jobs, to then manipulate you into going to war for them.

What do you call fighting for a Tyrant, who trashed the US Constitution, and sent 300,000 good men to their deaths?

Without Lincoln...the South would be looked at like South Africa today

You mean a country that went from prosperous to a shit hole?
Yes, remind people that you support treason. Put up a Trump sign, too, and there will be no doubt.

You libtards don't even know what treason means, let alone who it applies too, best look at Obama that is the bastard who committed treason like it or not.
I think the fact that civil war spies were executed when caught shows that both sides understood what being a traitor was. Violent Insurrection began with the first shot fired at ft. Sumter.
Honest question...Do they teach the fact that Northern states also had slavery in Northern schools?
Yea ...yea
Tell us all about it

A small number in the border states of Maryland and Kentucky

Do they teach in the south that 40% of the population of the south were enslaved?
I wouldn't build monuments to the scoundrels who brought northern wrath upon them. The poor White southerners should have been the first to call for removing those dreadful icons off public lands.
A SOLDIER who fought against the Northern army invasion, was not a "scoundrel". He was merely fight to defend his home, property, family.
He would not have to defend his home, property or family for a cause not his if he and his fellows had overthrown the rich plantation overloards. It was sheer stupidy to fightand die for slavery when you didn't own slaves. Double down on stupidy by allowing the rich fatcats, who brought slaves to take your jobs, to then manipulate you into going to war for them.

What do you call fighting for a Tyrant, who trashed the US Constitution, and sent 300,000 good men to their deaths?

Without Lincoln...the South would be looked at like South Africa today

You mean a country that went from prosperous to a shit hole?
You celebrate South Africa?

First day on the board and you are already showing what an asshole you are

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