For Exciting Authentic Elections: get Steve Bannon to run the RNC, & Ocasio-Cortez to run the DNC


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Bannon said that if Democrats lose the midterms, it will lead to a Democrat civil war.

Cortez said the same about Republicans.

this is a brilliant political tactic with a scientific name. its called "ratfucking"
Democrats are in a civil war. Bannon is just a political pundit and at 65 is unlikely to be a political candidate but hyphen Cortez may well be the socialist future of the incoherent remnants of the democrat party.
Democrats are in a civil war. Bannon is just a political pundit and at 65 is unlikely to be a political candidate but hyphen Cortez may well be the socialist future of the incoherent remnants of the democrat party.
Trump's 70 and he has a bright future! so does America!
Democrats are in a civil war. Bannon is just a political pundit and at 65 is unlikely to be a political candidate but hyphen Cortez may well be the socialist future of the incoherent remnants of the democrat party.
Trump's 70 and he has a bright future! so does America!
The point is that hyphen Cortez seems to be the future of the democrat party. That ain't such a bright future, or is it?
"i'm not trying to persuade liberals. i'd rather insult them and thereby give energy to people who are on my side to go out and vote" - Sloppy Steve Bannon
Trump should do a rally in every single district. let's vote out every last Democrat!
in Germany, Bannon's appointment to the White House was treated as front-page headline news. "we know Bannon", Merkel leaned in and whispered to Trump as if she were giving away a secret
Democrats are in a civil war. Bannon is just a political pundit and at 65 is unlikely to be a political candidate but hyphen Cortez may well be the socialist future of the incoherent remnants of the democrat party.
No AOCey Doke

Obama refused to endorse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. He won two Presidential elections, so Cory Booker, or some other Obamaclone, is the way the Dimocrats will head. The shuffling Black followers of the Whiteys Hating Whitey elite have finally taken the poverty-pimp lead now; all other victims groups must fall in line behind them.

hillary was no Obama, Sanders even less so. The 2016 campaign was an aberration, a bridge too far into rabid Feminism and off-the-wall Socialism.

"Brown is down,
Red is dead.

Feminist hos
Be the ones who knows
Once you have Black
You never go back."

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