For it is Written

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
Romans 14:11 "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."

to me: 1473. egó

Usage: I, the first-person pronoun.
have (2), mine (10), mine* (1), myself (11), number (1), ours (8), ourselves (4), part (2), say (1).

It has been written
[the] Lord,
to Me
will bow
will confess

So in other words... For those who are involved with this.... this will occur. For those not in this 'picture' due to a non concern towards these things, etc, it might not as readily apply.

For example... atheists might not be concerned with these sorts of things and so wouldn't be involved in comparison to those 'atheists' that might be involved with these sorts of things, but only in guise as to being, yet might be involved.. etc....

But how would this be 'fair' if a person didn't want to become involved but became involved to maybe have to find this a 'painful' thing to go through?

And this is true also...

Because #1: If from the notion that God is painful to acknowledge and The Lord is painful to acknowledge, then maybe They are painful to acknowledge.

But #2: If from the notion that God is not painful to acknowledge and The Lord is not painful to acknowledge, then maybe They are not painful to acknowledge and this 'bowing' of knee and confessing with tongue would not be a painful experience but a rejoicing one.

As for me and this house, please... do not bring discouragement ..

* knock knock


Hi. Have you heard that The LORD and God and The Christ Messiah are really false persons and that's is why we are here? To set you free and at liberty?

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Lots of things are written...

funny how there are no original copies for any of it, so what really is written.

isn't it.. . almost like a cover up..

It's all rather simple you see.... those windmills twirling in the wind.. it was for the children.. it was supposed to have been for the abused children... It went sour.. it went wrong... the ones that were trying to help became as abused children...

Then the cries began..

I had a lady friend who is no more.. Her last words were 'Oh my God'! She kept being denied her speeches and her Oh my God's... just like those little abused children..

It's funny... those that have become no more.. they really were. but those children.. those abused children.. those real ones... they are still around...

The scary part was when she couldn't get away from her attackers... I tried to help but couldn't... she was trapped behind bars... I was unable... she was not in prison.. she could have been a villain... but her friend which she lived with, well, the one who heard her crying all the time, i'm not sure... who cares, though, right? the little children are still around...

Dumb wits just don't know... They would rather believe in their 'fortune telling' than in a crying out of 'Oh my God'!

They were seduced and still can't get enough... 'Oh my God'!

Their 'excuse'?

either 'I don't know' or 'I can't...'

Never 'I'm not doing anything wrong, though'. Neither was it for them... those that seduced them..

Do they not know how to say silent prayers? Or is that 'mischief'?

I mean, at least 'they' might have a chance, right?

They met up with a group of wrongdoers.. they tried to reason with them.. the wrongdoers asked them to 'see things their way'. Sure enough, the right became wrong eventually... After that, they began eating all sorts of flesh... Flesh of animals and flesh of right doers... but never once was it wrong.. not after they began seeing it from their point of view..

How could it NOT be seen as wrong?

Easy... time after time the reason was given.. but now they were not willing to see their own fault... the reason was that that type of life was the only type of life they had ever seen or been around.. so of course, they were not doing anything contrary.... not even when seen by their eyes.

It began for those little abused children.. but even after seeing that all their life, what was so 'wrong' with that? Maybe a little 'sad' but everyone and every family has their 'story', right?

Those that were crying out.. those that had care then... they aren't around anymore.. they went.. they cried out enough.. their crying outs is not heard anymore... but the children are still around.. the remainders of those that were there are still around.. barely being heard for their 'Oh my God'! s

Many think it's a joke but not when families ask to not meddle. But if an individual asks for another to not meddle, well, it becomes a joke and maybe even something 'scheming' against those families.. after all, families is the 'house', right?

Abuse like I've never seen. My goodness... I never knew what 'torture' could have been like...

As long as the view was kept on the families, those individuals' crying outs were less and less audible.. Thanks be to God that they've gone and are no more, right? It's good for the whole family.. especially when seen from their point of view..

Doesn't that sound strange? as if they never had a 'family' of their own or something.... as if they never knew what 'family' was supposedly 'as'... do they not remember their own family and that is why they needed to 'see things' in another way? Their original view was not really similar to theirs.. so if they could 'see things' from their point of view... from their families' points of views... then maybe they can side with the 'new' family against their original ones.. that would be like abuse.. but isn't that what we were talking about? that's why they needed to 'see things' differently than from what they had always seen things as... even all the while the crying outs became less and less and soon was gone...

It began for the abused children... 2 or 3 years ago.. maybe less. maybe more.. still... are they still trying to 'see' things from another point of view?

The children are still around... some have gone.. not heard anymore...

To see things from another perspective... who encouraged them? how were they so easily swayed? will any be able to help them recover to themselves?

In all seriousness.. medications? Church? confessionals? I mean... what sorts of 'help' might they be needing.. a refinding of who they might have been? Have they been asked how they feel? what might they want to 'share'?

They can't rob another to gain themselves... that is from another point of view... not their own....

One of the hardest parts is to readmit that there are some 'villains' and that they know how to be very subtil. A keen eye and discernment, regained, even to 'lose' acquaintances because of such, can be very painful and become very 'accusative', by them..

When the look or eye of The King does not disperse 'evil', something is amiss, right?

Proverbs 20:8 "A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes."

Rather than trying to 'see' things from a different perspective, and God forbid that it be done while on the throne of judgment, seeing things as King, for that King, as Himself, would be best, wouldn't you think?

So what could be the problem? Children crying because of abuse while the King needs to try to see how the family is 'okay' at having the children cry?

Remember, sin is supposedly, 'fun' and 'exciting', or something to that sizzling effect to not even want to consider leaving it...

How long does it take for a person to make a choice, a decision.. even from within a family to stand either for or against it? time after time? or sorrow after sorrow or pleading after pleading?

Abuse in relationships causes this.. a need at one point for the 'victim' to have to choose and then have the ability to do.....

But sometimes, the victim can't anymore.. helpless.... the 'ability' has gone.. it is no more..

And this is where 'trust' is absolutely vital. Because even after abuse, if the 'abuser' is serious about keeping the 'relationship' and working on 'it', and the 'victim' is more or less 'helpless' to do any, it is crucial that the 'victim' not end up a 'dead' person.

From time to time, those memories come to the forefront.. they get relived.. those crying outs, those 'oh my God' s... those pains and fears of absolute horror... a dream? a nightmare?? needing medications? they still come out though.. and they remind of the tortures of 'Oh my God' s. For absolutely no feasible reason like when a drunk abuser comes home to his spouse only to hear her 'Oh my God' s.

Sad? for the abuser? maybe... drinking too much can cause that and not heeding wise counsel should have been avoided. Sad? for the victim? The victim has reasons.. the abuser has reasons... it is their relationship... but still... the 'what has already happened'... what is that all about???

I mean... it all depends... Grandpa usually has a say in there somewhere or another, right? Or maybe 'dad'? I mean, the sister neighbor.. the one that seemed to be sweet all of a sudden... well.. she is gone... no more to be heard of but boy, let me tell you... she sounded as if she witnessed some nightmarish incidents.. I hope she is able to sleep okay.. God forbid that what she might have witnessed take away from her well being life... In all seriousness. In The Name of The Only Begotten Son of The LORD. Amen.

So let me not forget to remind again.. It was all about those children.. that is why those silver windmills twirling around on the lawn was placed there for.. in rows of 20's and 30's all over the entire lawn for the silver mills to be twirling around upon, all day.... for the children.. the children that needed as much hope and much more reality as those windmills could be seen twirling..

whoever placed them ALL there sure took alot of time.. sure had alot of hope.. good hope.. ... I agreed and I still do... In The Name of The Only Begotten Son of The LORD. Amen.

Don't forget...we were all children.. and when we become parents, we often feel more obligated than really having the best plan.. obligation can do that... it can lessen the reality of what will be... and when parents are afraid to admit that they need some time away from their very own children for their own well being, for whatever reason they might have, and everybody has them from time to time, those obligations to be parents can turn the softest love into the hardest hatred. And so time away is a very 'good' way to keep that love..

Keeping a cool and calm collectiveness is not always easy when burdens are weighing down heavily... especially when little ones and obligations are there.. time apart... it allows for the 'adult' matters to be taken cared of first, then the others...

It's like sending them to Auntie's or Grandma's for a week or two.. during summer break or something...
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The earth moved, the mountains quaked, the seas stood still. 'what happened', someone asked...

'Someone got really mad at God and for no apparent reason'..

'And so this'?


Firstly, noone gets upset enough to upset God to have the earth move, to have the mountains quake, to make the seas still, for no apparent reason... Everyone has a reason for getting another upset. Everyone has a reason for 'doing' what caused the other to get 'upset'.

So... that being put aside....

'What happened'?

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