For killing that terrorist general, Trump should win the fucking Nobel Peace Prize

He has done more for peace than Obama ever did.
The true Orwellian right: give someone a ‘peace prize’ for escalating conflict in the ME and further destabilizing the entire Region.
^^^^^^^^ If Clayhead had been attacked by Hitler and his family taken to a german gulag to be gassed, he would have been out in the street yelling for people to just stay calm, don't escalate any tensions or further instigate trouble with the Fuhrer! If everyone just remains calm, maybe Adolf will settle down and go back to painting houses! :21:

Notice how ALL of the 1000 post of month members of this forum are cheering for war and escalation.
Amazing cognitive dissonance to read 'peace prize' and 'killing' in the same sentence .....~S~
If you kill a mass murderer doesn't that help maintain the peace? Or are you just willfully stupid?
It depends on how simple minded one is, I suppose?

And if not simple minded, whether one is capable of assessing the whole picture in the region, and how much one cares about one's long term goals, strategies, and missions, and whether you have any concerns for the future safety of our state department and embassy workers, our military deployed in the middle east, and our allies in the region....from making such an assassination........

One would need a thorough risk assessment, And long term considerations of what the retaliation could look like, before pulling the proverbial, trigger.

HOPEFULLY, president Trump didn't just shoot from the hip, and took advice from advisors with knowledge and wisdom.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?
How could one not rationally have to assume such, after his withdrawing troops from Syria so easily after a phone call with Erdogan, and against advice of his experts, just a few weeks ago? It would be irrational NOT to be cautious or have concern and reservations....imo.
If you had been paying attention, you would have known the President had been talking about withdrawing troops from Syria for some time, and you have realized it was not a spur of the moment thing. It was unreasonable to expect the US to support the Kurds nationalist ambitions since all the land they wanted for their state already belonged to other countries. The Kurds simply had to find a way to fit in Syria, and they have. President Trump made a hard choice but the right choice for the US that was based on the realities of the situation and there was nothing whimsical about it. Like most Democrats, you are so obsessed with President Trump, you are unable to see anything else.
And you are so consumed with defending him, at all costs..... :rolleyes:

Hopefully there are some Americans out there that are neutral, giving good, unbiased advice to the President. :lol:
If you kill a mass murderer doesn't that help maintain the peace? Or are you just willfully stupid?
It depends on how simple minded one is, I suppose?

And if not simple minded, whether one is capable of assessing the whole picture in the region, and how much one cares about one's long term goals, strategies, and missions, and whether you have any concerns for the future safety of our state department and embassy workers, our military deployed in the middle east, and our allies in the region....from making such an assassination........

One would need a thorough risk assessment, And long term considerations of what the retaliation could look like, before pulling the proverbial, trigger.

HOPEFULLY, president Trump didn't just shoot from the hip, and took advice from advisors with knowledge and wisdom.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

I'll forgo the usual MI oxymoron , with the plan they have for>>>


You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Obama Received a Nobel Peace Prize.

And you cons are still upset. Get Over it losers.

He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.
If you kill a mass murderer doesn't that help maintain the peace? Or are you just willfully stupid?
It depends on how simple minded one is, I suppose?

And if not simple minded, whether one is capable of assessing the whole picture in the region, and how much one cares about one's long term goals, strategies, and missions, and whether you have any concerns for the future safety of our state department and embassy workers, our military deployed in the middle east, and our allies in the region....from making such an assassination........

One would need a thorough risk assessment, And long term considerations of what the retaliation could look like, before pulling the proverbial, trigger.

HOPEFULLY, president Trump didn't just shoot from the hip, and took advice from advisors with knowledge and wisdom.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?
How could one not rationally have to assume such, after his withdrawing troops from Syria so easily after a phone call with Erdogan, and against advice of his experts, just a few weeks ago? It would be irrational NOT to be cautious or have concern and reservations....imo.
If you had been paying attention, you would have known the President had been talking about withdrawing troops from Syria for some time, and you have realized it was not a spur of the moment thing. It was unreasonable to expect the US to support the Kurds nationalist ambitions since all the land they wanted for their state already belonged to other countries. The Kurds simply had to find a way to fit in Syria, and they have. President Trump made a hard choice but the right choice for the US that was based on the realities of the situation and there was nothing whimsical about it. Like most Democrats, you are so obsessed with President Trump, you are unable to see anything else.
And you are so consumed with defending him, at all costs..... :rolleyes:

Hopefully there are some Americans out there that are neutral, giving good, unbiased advice to the President. :lol:
There is no cost at all to defending him because he has been doing the right thing, but for you, on the other hand, you have to labor so hard to invent things to try to justify your completely irrational hatred of the President. It's time to end your temper tantrum and to try to pay attention to what is going on in the world instead of just what is going on in your head.
It depends on how simple minded one is, I suppose?

And if not simple minded, whether one is capable of assessing the whole picture in the region, and how much one cares about one's long term goals, strategies, and missions, and whether you have any concerns for the future safety of our state department and embassy workers, our military deployed in the middle east, and our allies in the region....from making such an assassination........

One would need a thorough risk assessment, And long term considerations of what the retaliation could look like, before pulling the proverbial, trigger.

HOPEFULLY, president Trump didn't just shoot from the hip, and took advice from advisors with knowledge and wisdom.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

I'll forgo the usual MI oxymoron , with the plan they have for>>>


You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
Obama Received a Nobel Peace Prize.

And you cons are still upset. Get Over it losers.

He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.
You're joking, right? Do you really think Iranian terrorists were just waiting for a green light from the US to try to kill US leaders?
It depends on how simple minded one is, I suppose?

And if not simple minded, whether one is capable of assessing the whole picture in the region, and how much one cares about one's long term goals, strategies, and missions, and whether you have any concerns for the future safety of our state department and embassy workers, our military deployed in the middle east, and our allies in the region....from making such an assassination........

One would need a thorough risk assessment, And long term considerations of what the retaliation could look like, before pulling the proverbial, trigger.

HOPEFULLY, president Trump didn't just shoot from the hip, and took advice from advisors with knowledge and wisdom.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?
How could one not rationally have to assume such, after his withdrawing troops from Syria so easily after a phone call with Erdogan, and against advice of his experts, just a few weeks ago? It would be irrational NOT to be cautious or have concern and reservations....imo.
If you had been paying attention, you would have known the President had been talking about withdrawing troops from Syria for some time, and you have realized it was not a spur of the moment thing. It was unreasonable to expect the US to support the Kurds nationalist ambitions since all the land they wanted for their state already belonged to other countries. The Kurds simply had to find a way to fit in Syria, and they have. President Trump made a hard choice but the right choice for the US that was based on the realities of the situation and there was nothing whimsical about it. Like most Democrats, you are so obsessed with President Trump, you are unable to see anything else.
And you are so consumed with defending him, at all costs..... :rolleyes:

Hopefully there are some Americans out there that are neutral, giving good, unbiased advice to the President. :lol:
There is no cost at all to defending him because he has been doing the right thing, but for you, on the other hand, you have to labor so hard to invent things to try to justify your completely irrational hatred of the President. It's time to end your temper tantrum and to try to pay attention to what is going on in the world instead of just what is going on in your head.
I don't have to labor with shinola, it comes naturally!!!! :)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

I'll forgo the usual MI oxymoron , with the plan they have for>>>


You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
Obama Received a Nobel Peace Prize.

And you cons are still upset. Get Over it losers.

He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.
You're joking, right? Do you really think Iranian terrorists were just waiting for a green light from the US to try to kill US leaders?
In order to have backing or less scorn, for doing it.... if the USA did it, without scorn, then it must be ok for their retribution.
Obama Received a Nobel Peace Prize.

And you cons are still upset. Get Over it losers.

He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.

He was not a nation leader.

He was an Iranian General and our Military is always in harm's way...

The fact is the individual was waging war with the blessing of the Iranian Cleric Council and he finally was killed.

Yes, we will be attacked but that is a given no matter what we do...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States had “clear, unambiguous” intelligence that a top Iranian general was planning a significant campaign of violence against the United States when it decided to strike him, the top U.S. general said on Friday, warning Soleimani’s plots “might still happen.”

Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a small group of reporters “we fully comprehend the strategic consequences” associated with the strike against Qassem Soleimani, Tehran’s most prominent military commander.

But he said the risk of inaction exceeded the risk that killing him might dramatically escalate tensions with Tehran.

“Is there risk? Damn right, there’s risk. But we’re working to mitigate it,” Milley said from his Pentagon office.

Top U.S. general: Soleimani was planning 'campaign' of violence against U.S.

So President Trump made his decision to kill Soleimani on the basis of risk assessments from top US intelligence and military sources. How simple minded do you have to be to suggest it was just whimsical?
How could one not rationally have to assume such, after his withdrawing troops from Syria so easily after a phone call with Erdogan, and against advice of his experts, just a few weeks ago? It would be irrational NOT to be cautious or have concern and reservations....imo.
If you had been paying attention, you would have known the President had been talking about withdrawing troops from Syria for some time, and you have realized it was not a spur of the moment thing. It was unreasonable to expect the US to support the Kurds nationalist ambitions since all the land they wanted for their state already belonged to other countries. The Kurds simply had to find a way to fit in Syria, and they have. President Trump made a hard choice but the right choice for the US that was based on the realities of the situation and there was nothing whimsical about it. Like most Democrats, you are so obsessed with President Trump, you are unable to see anything else.
And you are so consumed with defending him, at all costs..... :rolleyes:

Hopefully there are some Americans out there that are neutral, giving good, unbiased advice to the President. :lol:
There is no cost at all to defending him because he has been doing the right thing, but for you, on the other hand, you have to labor so hard to invent things to try to justify your completely irrational hatred of the President. It's time to end your temper tantrum and to try to pay attention to what is going on in the world instead of just what is going on in your head.
I don't have to labor with shinola, it comes naturally!!!! :)
They may have a treatment for that.
I'll forgo the usual MI oxymoron , with the plan they have for>>>


You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.
You're joking, right? Do you really think Iranian terrorists were just waiting for a green light from the US to try to kill US leaders?
In order to have backing or less scorn, for doing it.... if the USA did it, without scorn, then it must be ok for their retribution.
Clearly Iran has the approval of Democrats like you.
You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
Bullshit. Your worst nightmare is that Iran won't retaliate against the US because that would be good for Trump.
Obama Received a Nobel Peace Prize.

And you cons are still upset. Get Over it losers.

He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.

He was not a nation leader.

He was an Iranian General and our Military is always in harm's way...

The fact is the individual was waging war with the blessing of the Iranian Cleric Council and he finally was killed.

Yes, we will be attacked but that is a given no matter what we do...
Yes a General, but he was also the equivalent to our Secretary of Defense, and attended world affairs events as the Shaw' s second in charge.... is what it said on the news.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
Bullshit. Your worst nightmare is that Iran won't retaliate against the US because that would be good for Trump.
I want no such thing!!! Y'all are demented!!!! I've lived overseas when Dad was stationed there, and do not want any of us Americans, serving their country overseas harmed or killed!!!
He did not deserve it.

Nobel chief regrets Obama peace prize

Obama will forever be known for his droning of countries we were never at war with...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.

He was not a nation leader.

He was an Iranian General and our Military is always in harm's way...

The fact is the individual was waging war with the blessing of the Iranian Cleric Council and he finally was killed.

Yes, we will be attacked but that is a given no matter what we do...
Yes a General, but he was also the equivalent to our Secretary of Defense, and attended world affairs events as the Shaw' s second in charge.... is what it said on the news.

There is no Shah in Iran anymore... The last one ran for his life after his overthrown from power...

As for his equivalent to our SoS that mean nothing to me and the fact remains the man was marching to his own death.

We have been at war with Iran ( unofficially ) since 1979 and in war Military leaders die and so do rulers.

In the end it would happen no matter if us, Israel or someone else.

Now we kicked the hornet nest what will be Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran respinse?

It will not be a war on the battlefield but what Iran will do is what they have done for decades and run operations that will do terroristic attacks throughout the world with their proxy army...
Yet when this president does it, y'all are mum?

Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.

He was not a nation leader.

He was an Iranian General and our Military is always in harm's way...

The fact is the individual was waging war with the blessing of the Iranian Cleric Council and he finally was killed.

Yes, we will be attacked but that is a given no matter what we do...
Yes a General, but he was also the equivalent to our Secretary of Defense, and attended world affairs events as the Shaw' s second in charge.... is what it said on the news.

There is no Shah in Iran anymore... The last one ran for his life after his overthrown from power...

As for his equivalent to our SoS that mean nothing to me and the fact remains the man was marching to his own death.

We have been at war with Iran ( unofficially ) since 1979 and in war Military leaders die and so do rulers.

In the end it would happen no matter if us, Israel or someone else.

Now we kicked the hornet nest what will be Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran respinse?

It will not be a war on the battlefield but what Iran will do is what they have done for decades and run operations that will do terroristic attacks throughout the world with their proxy army...
you're right, no Shaw, slip of tongue...
Did he order the attack on a country we are not at war with or have troops in the region?

See the fact is you are upset now that it was done in a region we have been involved in for almost two decades ( notice the almost part ) but sat quietly when Obama was using drones in Yemen which we had no reason to be in and used drones against Iranian backed terrorists to boot!

Do I agree with Trump using a drone?



Order to Kill could have been carried out by Israel with our blessing and we should have not done it ourself.

Now with that written should I cry over that asshole death?



Simple, that individual was wanted for decades by us and his death is a great blow to the Iranian Clerics that thought America had no bite.

What will become of this?

North Korea will make threats, Cartels and Gangs will stir up nonsense here and many places around the world from Manila to Houston will be targeted by Iranian Guard Members that have been sleeping.

So in the end if you never objected to Obama usage of drones to kill terrorists why now do you care?
I'm not crying over the thug' s death, I'm worried about everyone else in harm's way, overseas and here,

now the okay to assassinate another Nation's leaders, puts ours at greater risk.

He was not a nation leader.

He was an Iranian General and our Military is always in harm's way...

The fact is the individual was waging war with the blessing of the Iranian Cleric Council and he finally was killed.

Yes, we will be attacked but that is a given no matter what we do...
Yes a General, but he was also the equivalent to our Secretary of Defense, and attended world affairs events as the Shaw' s second in charge.... is what it said on the news.

There is no Shah in Iran anymore... The last one ran for his life after his overthrown from power...

As for his equivalent to our SoS that mean nothing to me and the fact remains the man was marching to his own death.

We have been at war with Iran ( unofficially ) since 1979 and in war Military leaders die and so do rulers.

In the end it would happen no matter if us, Israel or someone else.

Now we kicked the hornet nest what will be Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran respinse?

It will not be a war on the battlefield but what Iran will do is what they have done for decades and run operations that will do terroristic attacks throughout the world with their proxy army...
you're right, no Shaw, slip of tongue...

Iran should have been slapped hard after the Beirut bombing of our military barracks but instead Reagan worried about another Vietnam ( Like Carter did ) and decided to blow up a valley instead.

Invading Iran will be the fall of us because Iran would be our Afghanistan and no way to win it and will cost so many lives and resources, but many of Trump voters will disagree with me.

When you are dealing with countries like Iran you must remember they have their tentacles around the world with the help of Russia and China, so we ( The United States of America ) must be wise and avert any possible war on Iranian soil or we will discover how many sleepers Iran has from Lebanon to our soil.

Again I will not cry over the individual death because this is war but if you believe one moment I do not understand the grave nature of this then read what I have written and notice my understanding of the entire Iranian and American unofficial war...

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