For killing that terrorist general, Trump should win the fucking Nobel Peace Prize

lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
Bullshit. Your worst nightmare is that Iran won't retaliate against the US because that would be good for Trump.
I want no such thing!!! Y'all are demented!!!! I've lived overseas when Dad was stationed there, and do not want any of us Americans, serving their country overseas harmed or killed!!!
Whatever your history might be, now you are clearly so obsessed with all your Trump hatred you would gladly support successful attacks against the US if you thought it would be bad for Trump. I don't blame you for being ashamed of this.
He has done more for peace than Obama ever did.

Remember when they took out Al Bghdadi?

Nobody else does either.

And this latest failed attempt to distract from his impeachment, isn't going to work either.
He has done more for peace than Obama ever did.
How long have you been for assassinating that General? A year? Two years? More? Have you ever started any of your multitude of threads calling for his assassination?
Amazing cognitive dissonance to read 'peace prize' and 'killing' in the same sentence .....~S~
If you kill a mass murderer doesn't that help maintain the peace? Or are you just willfully stupid?
How long have you been calling for the assassination of this Iranian general? How many threads have you started/participated in over the years calling for his assassination?
I'll forgo the usual MI oxymoron , with the plan they have for>>>


You may be too stupid to understand it, but the Iranian leaders know by now that any response against US personnel or property will be responded to by the US with attacks directly against the Iranian officials who ordered it. While you may be titilated by visions of dead Americans, the Iranians will more likely launch a symbolic attack against Saudi Arabia or Israel than risk another US response.
It'll be an Asymmetrical retribution, on their timing. Never a direct attack by the Iranian govt.... hopefully not an assassination of one of our leaders, by someone from another country they discretely hire.
lol That's what they did that got Soleimani killed. The Iranian government always uses Arab terrorists to do their fighting for them. They had their Iraqi militia shoot rockets at US personnel and property 12 or 13 times before they finally killed an American and the US responded by killing 25 of the Iranian backed militia in response. Then the Iranians sent their Iraqi militia to attack the US embassy and the US response was to execute their top terrorist, Soleimani. It is most likely the Iranians will try to launch an attack on Saudi Arabia or Israel rather than risk another very harsh US retaliation. I know that will disappoint Democrats, but war is hell.
Your last sentence was unnecessary, and diminished your thought out response prior to it.... :(
I'm sure you don't like it, but we both know Democrats would prefer to see a successful attack against America because it would be bad for Trump and since the 2016 election nothing seems to be important to Democrats other than their irrational hatred of Trump.
Were you one of those Rightwingers mourning OBL's death?
It is no secret that the Europeans who decide on the Peace Prize base their choice on political correctness.

(For example, they awarded the Peace Prize to an American president who had just moved into the White House and not even done anything yet.)

So even if President Trump were able to broker a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Nobel committee would never give the Prize to him.
They awarded a Nobel to the first black American President

Quite an accomplishment
He should actually get The Ass Kicking Goat Humper Killing Award.

The Peace Prize is only useful for toilet paper.

Oh Solo Mio is burning in Hell with Stalin, Bin Laden, Hitler and Your Daddy Al Baghdadi!
Being black is an accomplishment?

Why does his skin color matter?

Martin Luther King thinks you are an asshole.

It is no secret that the Europeans who decide on the Peace Prize base their choice on political correctness.

(For example, they awarded the Peace Prize to an American president who had just moved into the White House and not even done anything yet.)

So even if President Trump were able to broker a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, the Nobel committee would never give the Prize to him.
They awarded a Nobel to the first black American President

Quite an accomplishment
Obama "won" a peace prize simply because he's black and trendy. Heck, his wife was a Maxim hot 100, again because she's black and trendy. The left is made up of intellectually dishonest people.

when OBL was killed, you fuckwads said the President deserved zero credit.

Does that only apply to black Presidents?
Just since October, Trump has:
  1. Killed the founder and leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
  2. Killed the Iraqi military commander and head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
  3. And now killed the Iranian Major General, the "General Patton" of Iran and commander of the Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani. And with no collateral damage.

Let's admit it: in any sane world, if this was anyone else, Obama, Hillary or another Democrat, Trump would be on the front page of every newspaper a national hero, they would be having ticket tape parades for him down Pennsylvania Avenue, and he would be pinned a champion of world peace with a Nobel Prize. I mean, they gave one to Barry Obumma just for getting elected a black man, waving his ass around and talking good jive. Instead, the Left is calling Trump a loose wheel, dangerous, out of control and practically a criminal.

If that doesn't prove how absolutely fucked up two-faced double standard hypocritical most of this world is, I don't know what else could.
You really need to get back on your meds, you delusional bootlicker.

So, a major terrorist leader SHOULDN'T have been taken out when we had the opportunity? That's what you're saying?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Try reading the post again, and then you can once again respond for freak.

Feel free to clarify for the class - what exactly is wrong with what Trump did?
Did I say something was wrong with what he did? No. Is that what you really got out of my reply to the idiot, toofreak?
Watch it, VOR, your IQ is obviously at least 20 points too low to know that I'm an idiot! Besides, you can't even spell my fucking name. If you want to attack someone on THEIR lack of intelligence, try to do it without making yourself look like an even bigger jackass.
However, with that said, I do think a ticker tape parade would probably be a little bit overboard at this point, don't you?
Why? You don't think that if Iran had managed to kill Trump or our top general they wouldn't be partying in the streets like it was 1999?
I have come to the conclusion that you are just playing stupid
There has never been any doubts that you are not playing at all. You have TDS oozing out of your nose and ears.
So, a major terrorist leader SHOULDN'T have been taken out when we had the opportunity? That's what you're saying?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Try reading the post again, and then you can once again respond for freak.
^^^^ ^^^^ Asstards like VOR with major TDS are really just going through withdrawal pangs from not having their black honey anymore to beat their hard dicks against a picture of telling themselves that Progressivism really WAS winning, popular, working for everyone and getting ahead! :21:
You are one fucked up asshhole. LOL. Get a life you fucking loser.
Poor baby fantasizes about groping Ivanka in his sleep with tortured dreams of Hillary.
You are an absolute moron.
Takes one to know one, French Fry.

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