For Reps Sake!

Done a bunch today! I guess I waited long enough between.....

Anyway, here's today's picture, Ghandi (in bronze) squatting in Russell Square, London. Ghandi who walked barefoot through india until his feet were tough as leather. In his pain he often had visions of a bright future for India. But he didn't eat well, his teeth were never were properly cleaned so his breath, well, it stank. The poor nutrition made his body weak.

All that combined to make him a super-calloused, fragile mystic, plagued by halitosis!


  • $Ghandi close L2_Fotor.jpg
    $Ghandi close L2_Fotor.jpg
    424.7 KB · Views: 17
Howdy all!! Thanks for getting me over that elusive hurdle -- 10K. I tried to pay everyone back this A.M. but I still get the "too-many-in-a 24-hour-period" message. Soon though ... very soon. Be patient. :)
Done a bunch today! I guess I waited long enough between.....

Anyway, here's today's picture, Ghandi (in bronze) squatting in Russell Square, London. Ghandi who walked barefoot through india until his feet were tough as leather. In his pain he often had visions of a bright future for India. But he didn't eat well, his teeth were never were properly cleaned so his breath, well, it stank. The poor nutrition made his body weak.

All that combined to make him a super-calloused, fragile mystic, plagued by halitosis!

A goal we should all strive to reach!

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