For Reps Sake!

what about mass many of you do that....mass negging is when a bunch gang up on one posters....done by many in this thread.....just keeping it civil and real....

I can't speak for others but I can share my own approach towards repping and negging.

For starters I want to thank everyone who was generous enough to pos rep me. Without all of your reps I simply would not have the rep that I have today. Your generosity is my inspiration to pass my rep along to others. Like AA I rep across the political spectrum. I spread my rep amongst new posters and regulars.

When it comes to negging it wasn't that long ago that I was a noob and was negged just for expressing my opinion. I was never "gang negged" but I gather that has happened to others. What I quickly learned about negging was that it always reflected poorly on the poster doing the negging. They could not refute my position and instead were striking out in anger and frustration.

So I opted to formulate my own approach to negging. If I am negged I will always return the favor. In the rare event that I ever do neg anyone I expect them to do the same and harbor no ill will if they do. But I will never neg anyone merely for expressing their opinion. They have a right to their opinion and whether I agree or not I respect their right to it so I so I will never neg anyone for doing so. However there is a caveat here. Certain "opinions" are not genuine in my opinion. They are deliberate and malicious attempts to flame. When that becomes nothing more than an attempt to denigrate either myself or another poster I will provide a clear warning that if that disrespectful behavior persists I won't tolerate it and will neg the poster concerned. Fortunately the behavior rarely persists.

To me the USMB is about having respect for each other and our diverse outlooks. We can disagree without being disagreeable. I believe that this thread, and it's predecessor, serve a useful purpose in giving posters who could use a little help getting started and finding their feet a way to build up a little confidence buffer for themselves so they can suffer the slings and arrows of the political forums without the fear that there was nothing they could do to help themselves.

So this thread is about sharing, generosity, respect, hope and encouragement irrespective of who you are and where you stand. What happens outside the Lounge stays outside the Lounge. What happens in this thread is the opportunity to give something back in my opinion.
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Hey, I'm in no mood to fight with anyone: we just got paid : )) Well, the husbank did, at any, I just look after the money after it comes in.

I repped someone here.......and if y'all are not careful, I could do it again, too!
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I never got negged when I was on the other thread, and people were just being nice and friendly, until someone decided they didn't like me and were going to accuse me of cheating! I don't know how anyone cheats on a thread.....oh well, he never could explain it...:D

I'm out of rep today....but I play fair....:)

:lol:.. you have my sympathy...
Well, here we are, it's the start of the weekend. I don't know about you folks but it seems I'm,,,,,

[ame=]Loverboy Working for the Weekend - YouTube[/ame]
While working for the weekend, I repped as many of the "working for the weekend warriors" I could. :D
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Well, here we are, it's the start of the weekend. I don't know about folks but it seems I'm,,,,,

Loverboy Working for the Weekend - YouTube
While working for the weekend, I repped as many of the "working for the weekend warriors" I could. :D

Meh, the weekend, when my workweek really starts...
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