For the idiots who think that we have huge fatherless families


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
because the poor have "no access" to birth control (and apparently have never heard of it, either), I am sharing the text of an e-mail sent to state workers today:


Unfortunately DHS is not purchasing condoms for distribution in the branches at this point. Anyone may walk into ANY Planned Parenthood office and help themselves to 12 condoms per day.

Locations are listed on the dental & medical page of the community resource guide (also attached). Please refer clients to Planned Parenthood for condoms or to their medical provider (the Community Health Centers of xxxxxx County provide condoms to their family planning clients)."

As you can see, condoms have been available, as I stated, at welfare offices (though now they aren't going to be) and there are lots of posters, literature, maps and helpful staff who are ready, willing and able to direct people to county health departments and planned parenthood outposts for FREE birth control.

The walls of every dhs office and public restroom in the country are papered with Planned Parenthood posters, with leaflets, telephone numbers, web addies, hotlines, street addresses, and yes maps. They target primarily the very young, but also every other demographic you can imagine.

The idea that the birth rate of welfare recipients is out of control because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL or are too stupid to know it exists is just another lie propagated by those who want them to kill their children.
The Planned Parenthood de-funding and poor access to birth control scare is what the left uses to try and instill fear and/or shame in those of us who don't support the massive social programs we have been funding for generations now.
Where are the loons who insisted that the mother of 15 children had them because she didn't have access to birth control?

Lying sacks.
condoms are pricey....esp if you dont have the money....

you can get them here at the country health prevent the spread of stds
You can get them at most dhs county has just stopped funding them, but I imagine there are still hundreds if not thousands sitting around. They hand them out like candy and party favors. I used to have a huge stack on my desk (and they were good ones) and out in the hallway. Nobody ever took any. But I have worked the front desk when clients took handfuls, and came back for more.
The idea that the birth rate of welfare recipients is out of control because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL or are too stupid to know it exists is just another lie propagated by those who want them to kill their children.
That's only part of the rationale. The bigger part, I believe, is that they want welfare recipients to have lots of babies who will grow up to be good Democrat voters.
Where are the loons who insisted that the mother of 15 children had them because she didn't have access to birth control?

Lying sacks.
she had 15 kids, 10 with one man, her partner or common law husband so to say.....and I think she must have had a pretty healthy sexual relationship with this one man....most men would die to have that kind of active and sexual relationship with their own wives for over a decade!

It's silly for people to say it was a lack of birth control that kept this woman perpetually pregnant....looks to me like she and her partner, the father of 10, just had a solid relationship.

My Italian grandmother had 11 brothers and sisters, my great grandparents had 12 kids! I'd say their relationship in the bedroom was pretty good as well!

the only reason we even know about this woman is because her partner and father of their 10 kids, was put in jail for dealing Pot, I believe? so he no longer was there to support his family.....before his incarceration, I believe I read a while back when this case was first brought to our attention, her partner, the father, was supporting his family.....
Where are the loons who insisted that the mother of 15 children had them because she didn't have access to birth control?

Lying sacks.
she had 15 kids, 10 with one man, her partner or common law husband so to say.....and I think she must have had a pretty healthy sexual relationship with this one man....most men would die to have that kind of active and sexual relationship with their own wives for over a decade!

It's silly for people to say it was a lack of birth control that kept this woman perpetually pregnant....looks to me like she and her partner, the father of 10, just had a solid relationship.

My Italian grandmother had 11 brothers and sisters, my great grandparents had 12 kids! I'd say their relationship in the bedroom was pretty good as well!

the only reason we even know about this woman is because her partner and father of their 10 kids, was put in jail for dealing Pot, I believe? so he no longer was there to support his family.....before his incarceration, I believe I read a while back when this case was first brought to our attention, her partner, the father, was supporting his family.....

Exactly. 15 kids and being poor is no reason to remove kids. I mean, we know she's an ass because that's the way she was portrayed in the video, but really, who knows and I'm sure most of us are guilty of being asses at some point, and perhaps eternally. But that in and of itself, even if she really DOES have a sense of entitlement...that is not the reason we remove children and should never be a reason to remove children.

Children do best with their parents, even shitty ones. Unless they are actually being hurt, physically, or put in danger, we cannot authorize the state to remove them at will.
I've got a condom in my wallet that I've had since I was 16 so they last a long time...
because the poor have "no access" to birth control (and apparently have never heard of it, either), I am sharing the text of an e-mail sent to state workers today:


Unfortunately DHS is not purchasing condoms for distribution in the branches at this point. Anyone may walk into ANY Planned Parenthood office and help themselves to 12 condoms per day.

Locations are listed on the dental & medical page of the community resource guide (also attached). Please refer clients to Planned Parenthood for condoms or to their medical provider (the Community Health Centers of xxxxxx County provide condoms to their family planning clients)."

As you can see, condoms have been available, as I stated, at welfare offices (though now they aren't going to be) and there are lots of posters, literature, maps and helpful staff who are ready, willing and able to direct people to county health departments and planned parenthood outposts for FREE birth control.

The walls of every dhs office and public restroom in the country are papered with Planned Parenthood posters, with leaflets, telephone numbers, web addies, hotlines, street addresses, and yes maps. They target primarily the very young, but also every other demographic you can imagine.

The idea that the birth rate of welfare recipients is out of control because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL or are too stupid to know it exists is just another lie propagated by those who want them to kill their children.

For Gorsh sake, what are they hoping they will do, give them away? That seems to be a complete waste of condoms. How many times do they think they have sex? I suppose since they don't have any other distractions, they are at it like rabbits? :dunno: I could understand several, but not twelve a day... :dunno:
I've worked pretty extensively with child welfare workers and supervisors, and foster care workers (not to mention foster parents..but the people who place children and monitor them while they're in care). Even when it comes to terrible drug addicts...KIDS DO BETTER WITH THEIR PARENTS. That's where they want to be..and it very rarely changes once they've been removed and "exposed" to the wonderful, glorious foster system (I'm being facetious). They want to be at home.

So what to do? We do what our grandparents and their grandparents did...we take a part in the raising. You make your home available to kids from such families, you invite them to your house, to play with your kids, you provide support to their parents to the extent that you can, you treat them like humans, you make them a part of your society, and you check in on them a lot. Since the state has taken over that job, people have forgotten that they have any responsibility for these families. YOU DO. You have them in your neighborhood, in your apartment complex, and down the gravel road. They're the ones that you sneer at, that you tell your children to avoid, that you act snotty to.

The state's solution is to just throw money at them. Pay to send them to treatment, pay for parenting classes, give them cash to pay their rent, build them special houses away from the rest of us...but that doesn't work. It has to be people helping them, and not by just giving them money but by mentoring them and helping them, personally and physically. Get them into jobs programs where they meet up during the week, brain storm about job hunting, make a plan, act on it, work on skills while they're looking, create a resume...whatever. it's about getting them used to the idea of going out there and working, planning, taking some action towards an easily definable goal...getting a job.

The jobs program I was familiar with was WONDERFUL. The state paid for childcare, and pretty much every morning, all the parents on the TANF program met up at teh employment office. There was a "teacher", an employee of the local community college, and she would go over available jobs via the unemployment office's lists, and identify students that might qualify. She reviewed job contact lists, answered questions, helped students identify ways to prepare for job search/interviews, whatever, she had resource lists where students could get clothing, she had information and ideas for transportation (a lot of times the students would carpool, because not all had licenses or cars).

In addition, employers would come in and test/hand out applications when they had openings. The local group home company was always looking for workers, so they came in fairly regularly, would explain what the job was, hand out applications, pick them up, and interview everyone, all right there at the unemployment office. You had to TRY to not get hired. The local goodwill store (salvation army) recruited there, and they had a pretty high turnover because they are willing to give the most risky employees a chance, that's their mission, essentially. The get the idea. People got hired. If they didn't get hired, they made a resume and then had to actually volunteer (and oh how they hated it) at the humane society thrift store, or at salvation army, or wherever would take on volunteers. And they really didn't like it...but that stuff looks good on a resume, if you haven't been working. Because it shows you want to be doing something, but also because you pick up skills.

We should not be spending all this money on tanf checks. I mean, there are times when it's appropriate, and it doesn't need to be eliminated altogether. But the time frames need to be strictly observed (and that is coming) and when de-funding programs, THAT should be the one that takes the hit. Not the employment-related daycare and the JOBS programs. THOSE programs actually have an impact and help get/keep people employed.
because the poor have "no access" to birth control (and apparently have never heard of it, either), I am sharing the text of an e-mail sent to state workers today:


Unfortunately DHS is not purchasing condoms for distribution in the branches at this point. Anyone may walk into ANY Planned Parenthood office and help themselves to 12 condoms per day.

Locations are listed on the dental & medical page of the community resource guide (also attached). Please refer clients to Planned Parenthood for condoms or to their medical provider (the Community Health Centers of xxxxxx County provide condoms to their family planning clients)."

As you can see, condoms have been available, as I stated, at welfare offices (though now they aren't going to be) and there are lots of posters, literature, maps and helpful staff who are ready, willing and able to direct people to county health departments and planned parenthood outposts for FREE birth control.

The walls of every dhs office and public restroom in the country are papered with Planned Parenthood posters, with leaflets, telephone numbers, web addies, hotlines, street addresses, and yes maps. They target primarily the very young, but also every other demographic you can imagine.

The idea that the birth rate of welfare recipients is out of control because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL or are too stupid to know it exists is just another lie propagated by those who want them to kill their children.

For Gorsh sake, what are they hoping they will do, give them away? That seems to be a complete waste of condoms. How many times do they think they have sex? I suppose since they don't have any other distractions, they are at it like rabbits? :dunno: I could understand several, but not twelve a day... :dunno:

Yes, well, that's because you don't work with this population. These are often drug addicts and prostitutes. The limit isn't strictly enforced...except in areas where there's a lot of that, and the hookers and the pimps essentially come in with suitcases and load up.
Some women are very fertile.

Some women who are very furtile believe GOD will give them as many children as he wants them to have.
Yeah, whatever you whacko. That's certainly pertinent and appropriate in this conversation.

We'd never talk about God at all except assholes like you love to keep bringing him.
its what teh dugger family says.

Why is it ok for them but not for black women?
because the poor have "no access" to birth control (and apparently have never heard of it, either), I am sharing the text of an e-mail sent to state workers today:


Unfortunately DHS is not purchasing condoms for distribution in the branches at this point. Anyone may walk into ANY Planned Parenthood office and help themselves to 12 condoms per day.

Locations are listed on the dental & medical page of the community resource guide (also attached). Please refer clients to Planned Parenthood for condoms or to their medical provider (the Community Health Centers of xxxxxx County provide condoms to their family planning clients)."

As you can see, condoms have been available, as I stated, at welfare offices (though now they aren't going to be) and there are lots of posters, literature, maps and helpful staff who are ready, willing and able to direct people to county health departments and planned parenthood outposts for FREE birth control.

The walls of every dhs office and public restroom in the country are papered with Planned Parenthood posters, with leaflets, telephone numbers, web addies, hotlines, street addresses, and yes maps. They target primarily the very young, but also every other demographic you can imagine.

The idea that the birth rate of welfare recipients is out of control because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL or are too stupid to know it exists is just another lie propagated by those who want them to kill their children.

For Gorsh sake, what are they hoping they will do, give them away? That seems to be a complete waste of condoms. How many times do they think they have sex? I suppose since they don't have any other distractions, they are at it like rabbits? :dunno: I could understand several, but not twelve a day... :dunno:

Yes, well, that's because you don't work with this population. These are often drug addicts and prostitutes. The limit isn't strictly enforced...except in areas where there's a lot of that, and the hookers and the pimps essentially come in with suitcases and load up.
No, I don't work with that population. The number of condoms seems to be a fraction of preventive measures necessary. Support for that type of lifestyle and community must be very draining, both emotionally and financially.

I will likely not ever forget years ago when someone very close and dear to me had children outside of wedlock. The mental condition of both parents were controversially accepted. During the years they had their children there was such an uproar as to WHY there isn't some kind of law or stipulation against mentally ill, the mentally impaired
(to the point of being unable to work in mainstream society) having children, reproducing. It is not a comfortable subject, and even in other areas of controversial issues that are similar in nature... I can feel that same pinch. :(
its what teh dugger family says.

Why is it ok for them but not for black women?

Who said it was, you bigot?

At any rate, the duggers support their own and always have. I have yet to see them on national tv whining that somebody (else) needs to support their kids.

And I'm pretty sure all the kids ahve the same father, who is a very prominent force in their lives.

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