Zone1 For the political left, do you care about the Twitter revelations about the FBI and other gov. Orgs?

Really? Just 6 years ago many republicans supported the Russia investigations, including elected republicans. So why wouldn't democrats, including elected democrats support investigations into collusion involving the FBI or the Hunter laptop?

Republicans will investigate anything "Russia" until the last year.
You do not outnumber us.

NO ONE trusts any of the institutions anymore. Not even your people. Trust in ALL the institutions is dead.

How long you think a nation lasts when that sets in, festers, and the so called "leaders" just continue to gaslight?

Not long. There's the spoiler for you. Not long at all.
There's little trust in institutions because people like you constantly bang the drum of conspiracy theory laden drivel..all without ANY evidence or proof to back it up. Enough people buy the lie, so it must be so. It must be the truth. Even if it's been proven to be a lie. I have to ask myself, why is that? What is at the core of this distrust? Is it just the treatment of one man? A man who, in a normal world had no business even having a political future beyond the first step he took off the golden escalator? Or is it something deeper? Something more inherently uglier finally rising to the surface when the right individual finally comes along to strike that match.

The revolution will not be televised.
You know, there used to be a bar in this country that you didn't put something down on paper and publish it until you could back it up. Now? Hey any conspiracy theory can be put out speech? :)

So to answer your question, yes, I'm fine with what went on. Sorry, nothing in these Twitter releases smells of election tampering.
Just agencies doing the job they were tasked with.

Like how MSM promoted a letter signed by 50+ former FBI/CIA saying the Hunter laptop was Russian misinformation despite not being able to back it up...
There's little trust in institutions because people like you constantly bang the drum of conspiracy theory laden drivel..all without ANY evidence or proof to back it up. Enough people buy the lie, so it must be so. It must be the truth. Even if it's been proven to be a lie. I have to ask myself, why is that? What is at the core of this distrust? Is it just the treatment of one man? A man who, in a normal world had no business even having a political future beyond the first step he took off the golden escalator? Or is it something deeper? Something more inherently uglier finally rising to the surface when the right individual finally comes along to strike that match.

The revolution will not be televised.

The evidence is all over Twitter, in the Twitter Files.

YOU are the one who can't look at it. Right?
The evidence is all over Twitter, in the Twitter Files.

YOU are the one who can't look at it. Right?
What evidence? Evidence collected in a sewer? Which is what Twitter has been and always will be. Again, these agencies were just doing the jobs they were intended to do.

It's not our fault that weak minded sheep can't tell the difference between lies and truth, and then latch on to a life-long liberal (one who they excoriated just a few short years ago) who they see as their champion of "free speech".

It really is mind boggling.
The Democrat party is not really political left. It might seem that way compared to what is far right now but that's hardly a fair standard in which to judge things.

So IMO you need to reframe your question. The two parties are never going to have a problem with something that negatively affects the other party.
There is no or very little 'far right'. What is termed 'far right' today was fairly moderate 25 years ago.

The problem today is that the 'far left' has for the past 30 years or more, controlled higher education and to some degree, public education, and now many of those propagandized are gatekeepers to government, corporate, and academic institutions, including places like the FBI.
What evidence? Evidence collected in a sewer? Which is what Twitter has been and always will be. Again, these agencies were just doing the jobs they were intended to do.

It's not our fault that weak minded sheep can't tell the difference between lies and truth, and then latch on to a life-long liberal (one who they excoriated just a few short years ago) who they see as their champion of "free speech".

It really is mind boggling.
This places you squarely in the 'weak-minded' camp.
There is no or very little 'far right'. What is termed 'far right' today was fairly moderate 25 years ago.

Spazzing out over losing elections was never considered moderate.

The problem today is that the 'far left' has for the past 30 years or more, controlled higher education and to some degree, public education, and now many of those propagandized are gatekeepers to government, corporate, and academic institutions, including places like the FBI.

Demeaning education was never considered moderate either.
Spazzing out over losing elections was never considered moderate.

Demeaning education was never considered moderate either.
If you had an open mind, you'd know they are not spazzing out on losing an election. They are spazzing out -- rightly -- on the naked power grab. That is considered American.
It is American educated that brought us reasons to make signs like these.

It's a lack of education that makes those like yourself believe that's real.
I have an education, complete with sheepskin and everything.

A lack of critical thinking makes those like yourself believe it does not happen.
I have an education, complete with sheepskin and everything.

A lack of critical thinking makes those like yourself believe it does not happen.

What you posted does not happen. You were easily fooled. We have seen that happen quite often.
What you posted does not happen. You were easily fooled. We have seen that happen quite often.
This is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "lalalalalalala" so that you don't have actually to hear what you don't want to hear.

The evidence is all around you, from the information on tenure for conservative professors to studies on bias in faculty of universities to the lack of quality of students graduating from these institutes of higher learning. You can see it in the brainwashing of what the government's role is, to the 'WOKE" mentality that nearly permeates all aspects of life.

One needs only the ability to think critically about these things.

Just look at the patterns of intolerance that are leaving our universities today.

Yeah, it's not happening. You go with that.

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