Zone1 For the political left, do you care about the Twitter revelations about the FBI and other gov. Orgs?

There is no or very little 'far right'. What is termed 'far right' today was fairly moderate 25 years ago.

The problem today is that the 'far left' has for the past 30 years or more, controlled higher education and to some degree, public education, and now many of those propagandized are gatekeepers to government, corporate, and academic institutions, including places like the FBI.
I love the conspiratorial delusions of the Right. How many school boards have banned LGBTQ and CRT books and tried to insert Intelligent Design into science classes? Hint, it not the 'far left'.
I love the conspiratorial delusions of the Right. How many school boards have banned LGBTQ and CRT books and tried to insert Intelligent Design into science classes? Hint, it not the 'far left'.
Not nearly enough. The books are NOT being banned but restricted to age-appropriate audiences.

Talk about conspiracy; you nuts are the absolute winners.
There is no or very little 'far right'. What is termed 'far right' today was fairly moderate 25 years ago.

The problem today is that the 'far left' has for the past 30 years or more, controlled higher education and to some degree, public education, and now many of those propagandized are gatekeepers to government, corporate, and academic institutions, including places like the FBI.

Not nearly enough. The books are NOT being banned but restricted to age-appropriate audiences.

Talk about conspiracy; you nuts are the absolute winners.
The problem today is that the 'far right' has for the past 30 years or more gave up on higher education and to some degree, public education. Between 2020 and 2021, state funding for higher education declined in 37 states, by an average of 6 percent. A major goal of the 'far right' now is school choice or, more accurately, defunding K-12 by encouraging those with them means to go private.
I love the conspiratorial delusions of the Right. How many school boards have banned LGBTQ and CRT books and tried to insert Intelligent Design into science classes? Hint, it not the 'far left'.
I am just curious……as a member of the democrat party, do you understand or care about what is now proven the FBI and other government agencies were actually doing? Does the fact it was targeted against republicans/Trump supporters/conservatives mean you are fine with it?

The Twitter files release shows active election tampering by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies…… you care?
The American Left stepped into the area between Socialism and Communism, so anything detrimental to their cause is ignored through hypocrisy and double standards
Lovely picture but absolutely meaningless. Nice work.
Americans like me who fully support the First Amendment and the entire Bill of Rights, find what our government did to effect an election appalling. I hope there are still Americans like me. Though I’m not a Republican.

All the federal agencies involved with in Twittergate should be terminated. If only we were a sane nation and not a failed state.

Most of the MSM is essentially state run media with strong ties to the D Party. Should we be surprised Big Tech is much like the MSM?
Americans like me who fully support the First Amendment and the entire Bill of Rights, find what our government did to effect an election appalling. I hope there are still Americans like me. Though I’m not a Republican.
So you are championing the rights of Americans to spread lies? You sure you're not a Republican?

All the federal agencies involved with in Twittergate should be terminated. If only we were a sane nation and not a failed state.
So far as I know the Feds advised that Hunter's laptop might be Russian disinformation and social media might be libel if they allowed it to circulate.

Most of the MSM is essentially state run media with strong ties to the D Party. Should we be surprised Big Tech is much like the MSM?
Maybe you are so far out of the mainstream of American you can't even see it anymore.
So you are championing the rights of Americans to spread lies? You sure you're not a Republican?

So far as I know the Feds advised that Hunter's laptop might be Russian disinformation and social media might be libel if they allowed it to circulate.

Maybe you are so far out of the mainstream of American you can't even see it anymore.
You clearly don’t know the meaning of the 1A. You’ll do well in our dystopian future.
Every right comes with responsibilities.

Lol. Again you fail to understand the 1A, and readily unknowingly admit it.

You might read some history on the topic before posting. Lol.

Why do you support authoritarianism?

Those "responsibilities?" alang? Those responsibilities are those of the CEO's of big tech, and of those who are supposedly elected. The social contract, with each passing decade, is breaking down, and you are, apparently too dull to understand that.

The people of this nation are born free, they are not slaves of the oligarchs, and as such, have no responsibilities to them.

I highly doubt you even have any concept of a creator.

The American Left stepped into the area between Socialism and Communism, so anything detrimental to their cause is ignored through hypocrisy and double standards

So you are championing the rights of Americans to spread lies? You sure you're not a Republican?

So far as I know the Feds advised that Hunter's laptop might be Russian disinformation and social media might be libel if they allowed it to circulate.

Maybe you are so far out of the mainstream of American you can't even see it anymore.

Who decides what is a lie? The Russia howx was a lie....masks for the chinese flu were a lie....yet those were rhings leftists in the FBI censored on twitter aling with the hinter laptop...
As I understand it, the gov alerted social media that the Hunter Biden laptop was not yet authenticated so they were taking a risk in publishing what was on it. This was just a few weeks before the election so the whichever way the gov went they were influencing the election. The case was similar to Comey announcing just before the 2016 election that the investigation into Hillary was being reopened. That investigation went nowhere but may have cost Clinton the election.

Elon Musk’s Big ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal Turns Into Snoozefest

I haven't seen anywhere where the government mentioned the laptop to social media; only stating that it appeared to be disinformation since it wound up in the hands of the Trump campaign, the origin story was completely unbelievable, and it targeted a candidate for President and his family.
Lol. Again you fail to understand the 1A, and readily unknowingly admit it.

You might read some history on the topic before posting. Lol.
I've read enough to feel confident in my knowledge. Please feel free to point out were I went wrong.

Why do you support authoritarianism?
I don't support either Trump or Putin so I'm not sure why you ask.
Those "responsibilities?" alang? Those responsibilities are those of the CEO's of big tech, and of those who are supposedly elected. The social contract, with each passing decade, is breaking down, and you are, apparently too dull to understand that.
I think you are trapped in your ideological bubble and see the world in a very distorted way.

The people of this nation are born free, they are not slaves of the oligarchs, and as such, have no responsibilities to them.
More ideological delusions. No one is born free, we come into this world totally dependent on others.

I highly doubt you even have any concept of a creator.
On the contrary, I think my concept is fine, but don't expect me to accept what others tell me I should believe.
Who decides what is a lie? The Russia howx was a lie....masks for the chinese flu were a lie....yet those were rhings leftists in the FBI censored on twitter aling with the hinter laptop...
You are welcome to your opinions and values, you are not welcome to your own facts.
I haven't seen anywhere where the government mentioned the laptop to social media; only stating that it appeared to be disinformation since it wound up in the hands of the Trump campaign, the origin story was completely unbelievable, and it targeted a candidate for President and his family.
As I recall the timeline, the laptop dropped just before the election so, if it was publicized there would not have been time to fact check it. Comey did something similar to Hillary, announcing a new investigation just before the election and then announcing, after the election, they didn't find anything. Of course by then the damage to Hillary was already done.
I've read enough to feel confident in my knowledge. Please feel free to point out were I went wrong.

I don't support either Trump or Putin so I'm not sure why you ask.
You’re uninformed and don’t know it.

Who do you want to have the authority to police political speech? The FBI and Twitter executives?

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