For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?
I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?

OUTSTANDING POST! Bless you for helping me. You have a very fine brain Abi. It's about time those Zionists accept the truth about Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are just over 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE! Take that you Zionists & live & learn.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?

wasn't that the same "source" that said Andrew Jackson pardoned confederate soldiers?

thanks for the anti-semite lies. :thup:
Let reality speak for itself, you know, for the sake of clarity:

Percentage of Arabs in Israel = ~22

Percentage of Jews in Gaza = 0

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 0

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0
As I was looking into to both sides

Well You never do, let me help You:

So, you think it would be necessary to first transfer and remove every Jew—

"Absolutely. No, I’m not saying to transfer every Jew, I’m saying transfer Jews who, after an agreement with Israel, fall under the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state."

Any Jew who is inside the borders of Palestine will have to leave?

"Absolutely. I think this is a very necessary step, before we can allow the two states to somehow develop their separate national identities, and then maybe open up the doors for all kinds of cultural, social, political, economic exchanges, that freedom of movement of both citizens of Israelis and Palestinians from one area to another. You know you have to think of the day after."

The Palestinian ambassador to Washington


So do You not support it on both sides, or is it just OK for the Arabs?
Let reality speak for itself, you know, for the sake of clarity:

Percentage of Arabs in Israel = ~22

Percentage of Jews in Gaza = 0

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 0

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0

Zionists lie, period.

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 32

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0, how many Jewish people ever lived in Jordan before 1948?

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%. Not the issue, this forum is about Palestine and the Zionist colonial project.

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0, not a Palestinian problem


I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?

wasn't that the same "source" that said Andrew Jackson pardoned confederate soldiers?

thanks for the anti-semite lies. :thup:

Interesting, so the Independant confused Jackson with Johnson? Got a link to back up your allegation?
Let reality speak for itself, you know, for the sake of clarity:

Percentage of Arabs in Israel = ~22

Percentage of Jews in Gaza = 0

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 0

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0

Zionists lie, period.

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 32

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0, how many Jewish people ever lived in Jordan before 1948?

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%. Not the issue, this forum is about Palestine and the Zionist colonial project.

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0, not a Palestinian problem



So is it the Rabbinate that organizes riots against Jews on the Temple Mount, stabs, shoots them?
Nope it's the Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem, and the Arab leadership:


So is it the Rabbinate that organizes riots against Jews on the Temple Mount, stabs, shoots them?

The Rabbinate says the temple mount is off limits to Jewish people, not the PA. Zionists provoke riots, they always have, then blame the Palestinians for rioting BBC ON THIS DAY | 28 | 2000: 'Provocative' mosque visit sparks riots

Let us clarify:

You, a non Jew, is telling Jews what their rights are.

You, a non Jew, is telling Jews that they do not have the right to go to the Temple Mount

You, a non Jew, thinks that invaders like the Greeks - who finally were beaten by the Maccabees exactly because they were abusing, defiling, and denying Jews their rights to their Temple - had more rights than the Jews.

Because what you are saying is that the invading Muslims who defile the Temple Mount on a daily basis, have more rights to it than the Jews who's ancestors built it.

Because what you are saying is that the invading Arabs/Muslims/Christians have more rights to riot on the Temple Mount, than the Jews who respect it and use it for the purpose it was built.

Because what you are saying is that Arab/Muslims/Christians have the right to attack and even kill Jews on their very holiest part of their own ancient homeland.

I am clear now.
RE: For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing
※→ abi, et al,

I'm not sure that this one small set of questions is actually representative to the real ubiquitous Jewish Psychology on the topic of "ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian."

From sometime in my Middle Teens until my returned from Yemen [and retired-retired (Social Security Age)], I would (on occasion) say "I would kill him/her/he/or it." When words or spontaneous responses have no real meaning and even less consequences, emotions are often exaggerated. To many Jews (American or Israeli) there are certain hot-button triggers. And the greater spectrum of the emotional topic of "ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian" is one such agenda item.

I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this?

To be honest, I had to go lookup what what Pew Research meant by the four major Jewish subgroups: Hiloni (“secular”), Masorti (“traditional”), Dati (“religious”) and Haredi (“ultra-Orthodox”).


I don't think it makes any difference (really), since most Americans have a difficult time discerning just what it means to say someone is "Jewish" ⇒ let alone what variety they come in. But what you should take away from the two graphs is:

• The more secular (Hiloni), the less likely to endorse the deliberate removal of an ethnic group.
• The more non-secular (Dati) the more likely to endorse the deliberate removal of an ethnic group.​

Over the last three adult generations (soon to begin a fourth), the Israeli has learned to pass-on the lessons learned on the potential dangers presented by the close proximity of Arab Palestinians that (at anytime) might become the key actor in a tragedy that could have been avoided given the general removal of the particular ethnic group.

Many Israelis see the deliberate removal of an ethnic group as a punishment for a clear past history of criminal behaviors by a minority of the population that constitutes the community of Hostile Arab Palestinians. Other points of view consider that the given territorial source and beginnings that provide public and material support for the population that constitutes the community of Hostile Arab Palestinians should be equally punished. And then there are those that believe that history has demonstrated the inherent violence nurtured from birth of the Hostile Arab Palestinian; and this alone requires a separation against cross-contamination.


How the Arab Palestinian and the Israeli see the US are almost inverses:

• ≈ 80% of the Israelis see the US in a favorable light, and ≈ 20% see the US in a less than favorable light.
• ≈ 20% of the Arab Palestinians see the US in a favorable light, and ≈ 80% see the US in a less than favorable light.​

Although the Arab Palestinian trend towards condemning the US at every opportunity, about 40% of the Arab Palestinian want the US to turn and force Israel into a compromise that favors the Arab Palestinian. Whereas about 40% of the Israelis want the US to maintain the status quo for now. The key factor here is that Israel does not particularly want the US to penalize the Arab Palestinians; whereas, the Arab Palestinians want blood.

Most Respectfully,
As long as the pallys believe in murdering Jews and raise their children marinated in hate, they should be wiped out to the last. Not one should survive to spread the sick ideology.
As long as the pallys believe in murdering Jews and raise their children marinated in hate, they should be wiped out to the last. Not one should survive to spread the sick ideology.
It is not about the Palestinians, but about the teachings in Islam.
How to change those ideologies?
As long as the pallys believe in murdering Jews and raise their children marinated in hate, they should be wiped out to the last. Not one should survive to spread the sick ideology.

No one can rationally deny that Israel has the capability to wipe out the Palestinians. However as history has proven, Israel lacks that desire. As for the Palestinians, history has proven they have the desire to wipe out the Israeli's, but lack the capability. Let us all join together & pray it remains that way. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
"I would like to thank Zoabi for finally removing the mask from the Palestinians' ultimate goals," Forer said. "By claiming that the Jewish People have no right to self-determination, she has exposed the lie and fallacy that the conflict is over land or borders."

"Zoabi has finally admitted that her ultimate dream is to destroy Israel in its current form and dismantle it as a Jewish and democratic state."

(full article online)

MK thanks Zoabi for denying Jews right to self-determination
I wonder how many Falastinians would want there to be another Holocaust on Jews in their own holy land? 80%, 90%?
Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 32

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0, how many Jewish people ever lived in Jordan before 1948?

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%. Not the issue, this forum is about Palestine and the Zionist colonial project.

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0, not a Palestinian problem

Oh, seriously? Could you be any more disingenuous?

1. I used the term West Bank for ease of discussion. You only achieve the 32% figure by including areas under Israeli control. There are no Jews in the areas under Palestinian control. (Because its illegal to sell property to "enemies of the state".)

2. No Jewish people lived in Jordan before 1948. They were ethnically cleansed in antiquity.

3. Of course its relevant. The question posed in the OP was, "how do you live with people who want to ethnically cleanse you?". The entire ME has been ethnically cleansed of Jews. Its a widespread characteristic of Arabs. And that affects the Arab/Israel conflict.

4. The Chief Rabbinate has absolutely no authority, in Israeli law, to restrict the right to religious freedom of worship. It can put up as many signs as it wishes, and it doesn't make it so. Israeli law is clear -- ALL people have the right to access and the right to freedom of worship. That right is mitigated solely in the interest of public safety. And THAT is directly due to Muslim temper tantrums over sharing the holy site they stole.

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