For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing

Now that we are clear that nearly half of all Israeli Jews ADMIT TO supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, can anything be done? I mean, do we all not agree that the very notion of ethnic cleansing is abhorrent? And that nowhere in any part of any civilized world would this be tolerated? And that this is exactly what the Germans believed as a solution for their Jewish problem? Do any of us really want to be in that company?
Now that we are clear that nearly half of all Israeli Jews ADMIT TO supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, can anything be done? I mean, do we all not agree that the very notion of ethnic cleansing is abhorrent? And that nowhere in any part of any civilized world would this be tolerated? And that this is exactly what the Germans believed as a solution for their Jewish problem? Do any of us really want to be in that company?
You do not want to be in that company.
You wish to be in the company of those who will always do to the Jewish people what he Jewish People will never do to others.

If the idea of ethnic cleansing was so abhorrent to you, then you would have decried the ethnic cleansing of Jews from 1920 to 1948 from Gaza, Hebron, Sfad, TransJordan, Judea and Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

But you do not. You never will.

Anymore than you will decry the ethnic cleansing of Arab Christians from Bethlehem or any other part of Judea and Samaria
under the PA. Or the Christian Arab cleansing from any other Muslim country.

But you do not. You never will.
For the sake of additional clarity, I find ALL ethnic cleansing abhorrent whether it be carried out by Nazis, Jews, Christians, Muslims, or any group. Hell, there are white supremacists who want to carry out this same policy today. They are a massive minority.

Anymore than you will decry the ethnic cleansing of Arab Christians from Bethlehem or any other part of Judea and Samaria
under the PA. Or the Christian Arab cleansing from any other Muslim country.
The Christians are in crisis right now, not from Muslims in Palestine, but from Jews in Israel.

“Beyond urgent… on verge of a catastrophe… last chance to save Christian presence in Holy Land”

The National Coalition of Christian Organisations in Palestine (NCCOP) has just issued a final plea for help in the form of an open letter to the World Council of Churches and the ecumenical movement. It is signed by over 30 organisations in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, and can be read in full here.

The problem is well known to everyone who’s paying attention. The letter recaps for us:
Palestine: another desperate cry for help

You obviously must decry that, so in essence, we are pretty close here.
Regardless of ethnicity ... EVERYONE should be clean.


But Muzzies more than most. P...U......
Now that we are clear that nearly half of all Israeli Jews ADMIT TO supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, can anything be done? I mean, do we all not agree that the very notion of ethnic cleansing is abhorrent? And that nowhere in any part of any civilized world would this be tolerated? And that this is exactly what the Germans believed as a solution for their Jewish problem? Do any of us really want to be in that company?

Oh look who just did a drive by and declared victory.

I would love to have a serious discussion about these issues and the questions posed. They are GREAT questions. Complex questions. But the questions can't be asked or answered in the context of demonizing one side in a world full of ethnic cleansing, past and present.

Ethnic cleansing was "tolerated" in most of the world for most of history right up until the last 50 years or so. It is still "tolerated" in some places. There are tens of millions of people who have been affected by population exchanges and ethnic cleansing.

So, by all means, let's ask the question, "What can be done about it?" What should be done about it? How do you go about unbreaking all those millions of eggs?

More importantly, do we throw out the entire concept of ethnic homogeneity? Does the concept of ethnic homogeneity have no more place in the world? Our entire system of nation states is based, primarily, on the right to self-determination for cultural and ethnic groups and that homogeneity. Are we throwing out the whole system?

How do you create a peaceful society between two very different cultures with competing values and belief systems? Should people have the right to choose homogeneity? Why or why not?

Could it be that we have reached this “impossible moment” because things were built from the very beginning – a hundred years ago – on an unjust premise?

What unjust premise would that be? The premise that an ethnically cleansed cultural group should have the right to self-determination, self-government and sovereignty on their ancestral, historical and religiously significant lands, including the right to return to those lands?

Or perhaps it is the premise that a conquered peoples gains all claims to the lands they've conquered?
I cannot even begin to understand the mindset of such racially extremist views. This stuff has been taught to them since birth and there will be no way to end this without a drastic change in education. Same for the white supremacists.
I cannot even begin to understand the mindset of such racially extremist views. This stuff has been taught to them since birth and there will be no way to end this without a drastic change in education. Same for the white supremacists.

So self determination for the Jewish people is racially extremist. But self determination for the Arab Palestinians is fine?


And oops. You forgot you were pretending to be Jewish and said 'them' instead of 'us'.
So self determination for the Jewish people is racially extremist. But self determination for the Arab Palestinians is fine?

Never said that, but how typical of you.

And oops. You forgot you were pretending to be Jewish and said 'them' instead of 'us'.
WTF are you talking about?
And these are the same beliefs that the Germans were raised on that eventually led to the Holocaust. You are on here justifying ethnic cleansing just because you found out that 1/2 of Israel's Jews support that very notion. It's sickening. You are in great company: Austria's neo-Nazis find friends in Israel
So self determination for the Jewish people is racially extremist. But self determination for the Arab Palestinians is fine?

Never said that, but how typical of you.

And oops. You forgot you were pretending to be Jewish and said 'them' instead of 'us'.
WTF are you talking about?

Well, why don't you tell me who you were responding to when you wrote this, and what "racially extremist" views those would be:

I cannot even begin to understand the mindset of such racially extremist views. This stuff has been taught to them since birth and there will be no way to end this without a drastic change in education.
I forget who wrote it, but it seems true. You are dumb on purpose when you think it suits you. Them, as in Israeli Jews. Further proof that "the Jewish people" who you pretend to think and speak for are NOT one thing.
I forget who wrote it, but it seems true. You are dumb on purpose when you think it suits you. Them, as in Israeli Jews. Further proof that "the Jewish people" who you pretend to think and speak for are NOT one thing.

My apologies then, I had made the assumption you were replying to me, since my post was immediately above yours. With respect to the OP, I will reiterate my post #7. Feel free to address it.

Let reality speak for itself, you know, for the sake of clarity:

Percentage of Arabs in Israel = ~22

Percentage of Jews in Gaza = 0

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 0

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0
My apologies then, I had made the assumption you were replying to me, since my post was immediately above yours. With respect to the OP, I will reiterate my post #7. Feel free to address it.

Let reality speak for itself, you know, for the sake of clarity:

Percentage of Arabs in Israel = ~22

Percentage of Jews in Gaza = 0

Percentage of Jews in West Bank = 0

Percentage of Jews in Jordan = 0

Percentage of Jews in the entire ME = <1%

Percentage of Jews permitted to pray on the Temple Mount = 0
Thanks for your permission to address, but how is this relevant to the OP?
Thanks for your permission to address, but how is this relevant to the OP?

Just wondering if you had any comments about the wide Arab Muslim world which has successfully actually ethnically cleansed itself of the Jewish people.

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