For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing

This should not come as a shock. Newsflash: Israel intends to keep Jerusalem. All of it.
Exactly, the zionists do not want peace and never have.

Ah. Interesting. Aside from the fact that the Arabs have been offered Jerusalem several times and they keep turning it down, let's talk about how to achieve 'peace'. You seem to be saying that no peace can be achieved unless Arabs control the Old City of Jerusalem. Why is that?
Let us clarify:

You, a non Jew, is telling Jews what their rights are.

No, your own Rabbinate is, do keep up.
Exactly, the zionists do not speak for the Jewish people and never have.

This should not come as a shock. Newsflash: Israel intends to keep Jerusalem. All of it.
Exactly, the zionists do not want peace and never have.

Exactly, the zionists do not want peace and never have.

No fair!!! They're acting like Muslims!!!!
I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?
1. The survey was conducted October 2014 - May 2015, soon after the Gaza 2014 war, when it would be too optimistic to expect words of love towards Arabs.
2. If you are a Jew then I am a Roman emperor.

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