For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing

Thanks for your permission to address, but how is this relevant to the OP?

Just wondering if you had any comments about the wide Arab Muslim world which has successfully actually ethnically cleansed itself of the Jewish people.
So you don't want to discuss this topic and wish to remain in denial about the racist attitude of ethnic cleansing that pervades the culture you are on here supporting each day?

If you wish to discuss other topics, like in your derailing attempt above, start a thread.
Thanks for your permission to address, but how is this relevant to the OP?

Just wondering if you had any comments about the wide Arab Muslim world which has successfully actually ethnically cleansed itself of the Jewish people.
So you don't want to discuss this topic and wish to remain in denial about the racist attitude of ethnic cleansing that pervades the culture you are on here supporting each day?

If you wish to discuss other topics, like in your derailing attempt above, start a thread.

Well, the board is about the Arab\Israel conflict. This thread has the topic of ethnic cleansing within that context. Seems to me that if you only want to discuss Israel's "evils" and are not willing to compare and contrast that to Arab behavior you are only demonizing Israel rather than fully addressing the topic.
I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?

I have noticed on several threads the outright denial that Jews and particularly Israeli Jews would support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) people (who were already ethnically cleansed in 1947-'48 which is denied as well).

As I was looking into to both sides, I was shocked to learn that in reality, nearly half of Israeli Jews do in fact, absolutely support ethnically cleansing the region.

From Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing: The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes the act as “attempting to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic group”, while a United Nations report in 1993 additionally specified the use of “force or intimidation”.


I have heard from Israel's supporters that Israel and Jews only want peace, but is it possible to have peace with people who believe like this? And as a Jew, what really got to me, was how this is pretty much the same as what many Germans believed in their quest for a racially homogeneous country. But, more to the point, now that we can no longer deny the highly bigoted, dear I say racist mindset that fuels this insanity, can we address it? Can we correct it? Is that even possible or are these beliefs to deeply ingrained?
Allahcaust Would Finally Get It Right

Some genos need to be cided. Arabs are descended from a Neanderthal-like predatory species that has always been the enemy of mankind. They are not too big to fail. Nor are we, especially with self-hating Jews confusing the issue. Have some pride at making the desert bloom and quit reading the New York Times.
I forget who wrote it, but it seems true. You are dumb on purpose when you think it suits you. Them, as in Israeli Jews. Further proof that "the Jewish people" who you pretend to think and speak for are NOT one thing.

You thought Islam teaches there are 72 virgins in heaven Who’s stupid, after all? LOL
History For Dummies: The “native” inhabitants of “Palestine” are, of course, Jews—“palestine” originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land Israel, about 2000 years ago. Jews have a really long history!


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History For Dummies: The “native” inhabitants of “Palestine” are, of course, Jews—“palestine” originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land Israel, about 2000 years ago. Jews have a really long history!

A very famous Jewish native of Israel: Jesus King of Israel (palestine never existed)


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As long as the pallys believe in murdering Jews and raise their children marinated in hate, they should be wiped out to the last. Not one should survive to spread the sick ideology.
It is not about the Palestinians, but about the teachings in Islam.
How to change those ideologies?
It's Not About Words, It's About Swords

The writers whom bookworms worship have a self-interest in persuading you to seek truth in texts. The Koran was designed for an unevolved race of bloodthirsty predatory nomads. Look at the subhuman rage rather than at the page.
So is it the Rabbinate that organizes riots against Jews on the Temple Mount, stabs, shoots them?

The Rabbinate says the temple mount is off limits to Jewish people, not the PA. Zionists provoke riots, they always have, then blame the Palestinians for rioting BBC ON THIS DAY | 28 | 2000: 'Provocative' mosque visit sparks riots

Oh please. Why is the mere presence of a Jew a provocation?!

I SEE a JEW! Oh no! The HORROR!
Now that we are clear that nearly half of all Israeli Jews ADMIT TO supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, can anything be done? I mean, do we all not agree that the very notion of ethnic cleansing is abhorrent? And that nowhere in any part of any civilized world would this be tolerated? And that this is exactly what the Germans believed as a solution for their Jewish problem? Do any of us really want to be in that company?
Godwin's Goblins

Doozies, Who Do Not See, Do See Nazi
Originally posted by The Sage of Main Street
Some genos need to be cided.


So let's start the carnage by genociding your race.

The race of the super patriotic american clowns.

Could it be that we have reached this “impossible moment” because things were built from the very beginning – a hundred years ago – on an unjust premise?

What unjust premise would that be? The premise that an ethnically cleansed cultural group should have the right to self-determination, self-government and sovereignty on their ancestral, historical and religiously significant lands, including the right to return to those lands?

Or perhaps it is the premise that a conquered peoples gains all claims to the lands they've conquered?
israel Is Our Shield

That wasn't the effective premise for the establishment of a Jewish homeland. England and France, unlike our present history-challenged ruling classes, knew that there would be another jihad to replace the recently conquered Turkish one. So they set up Israel as a decoy to that next one.

The reason we aren't speaking Arabic now is that some re-born race wanted to make Hebrew a national language. With ignorant Chickenhawk scum leading us since the 60s, we need all the help we can get. It is essential to keep the brave and intelligent Israelis as strong as possible.
Originally posted by The Sage of Main Street
Some genos need to be cided.


So let's start the carnage by genociding your race.

The race of the super patriotic american clowns.
Evolution's Sore Losers

With the excluded and despised classes of Europe, including our Jews, we built the most widely prosperous nation on earth. When you Indians occupied this continent, you created a rathole like Bangladesh. Quit annoying us or we'll drive you back to Siberia where you belong. Vladimir Putin will know how to pacify you dumb Stone Age savages.
Thanks for your permission to address, but how is this relevant to the OP?

Just wondering if you had any comments about the wide Arab Muslim world which has successfully actually ethnically cleansed itself of the Jewish people.
So you don't want to discuss this topic and wish to remain in denial about the racist attitude of ethnic cleansing that pervades the culture you are on here supporting each day?

If you wish to discuss other topics, like in your derailing attempt above, start a thread.

Well, the board is about the Arab\Israel conflict. This thread has the topic of ethnic cleansing within that context. Seems to me that if you only want to discuss Israel's "evils" and are not willing to compare and contrast that to Arab behavior you are only demonizing Israel rather than fully addressing the topic.
A Thread Is Not a Tightrope

Aren't you sick of these bossy creeps dishonestly limiting the topic to their own pet obsessions?
Apparently the Israeli government is listening to the slight minority.

Measures aim to annex settlements to city and turn Palestinian areas into a no man’s land, warn rights groups


The remains of a house after it was destroyed by Israeli troops in Beit Surik near Jerusalem, 15 November (AFP)

JERUSALEM - Israel is putting in place the final pieces of a Greater Jewish Jerusalem that will require “ethnically cleansing” tens of thousands of Palestinians from a city their families have lived and worked in for generations, human rights groups have warned....

How Israel is 'cleansing' Palestinians from Greater Jerusalem
Apparently the Israeli government is listening to the slight minority.

Measures aim to annex settlements to city and turn Palestinian areas into a no man’s land, warn rights groups


The remains of a house after it was destroyed by Israeli troops in Beit Surik near Jerusalem, 15 November (AFP)

JERUSALEM - Israel is putting in place the final pieces of a Greater Jewish Jerusalem that will require “ethnically cleansing” tens of thousands of Palestinians from a city their families have lived and worked in for generations, human rights groups have warned....

How Israel is 'cleansing' Palestinians from Greater Jerusalem

Yup, move them Muzzies out.
Apparently the Israeli government is listening to the slight minority.

Measures aim to annex settlements to city and turn Palestinian areas into a no man’s land, warn rights groups


The remains of a house after it was destroyed by Israeli troops in Beit Surik near Jerusalem, 15 November (AFP)

JERUSALEM - Israel is putting in place the final pieces of a Greater Jewish Jerusalem that will require “ethnically cleansing” tens of thousands of Palestinians from a city their families have lived and worked in for generations, human rights groups have warned....

How Israel is 'cleansing' Palestinians from Greater Jerusalem

This should not come as a shock. Newsflash: Israel intends to keep Jerusalem. All of it. The Arab Palestinians chose and continue to choose no recognition, no negotiation and no peace. So Israel is choosing. We are probably past the point of being able to change that with respect to Jerusalem. Its going to be annexed.

On another point, though, a wall is what the Palestinians want, don't they? Don't they WANT a Jew-free, Arab Palestinian only territory under Arab Palestinian control? An international boundary which separates the Jewish people from the Arab Palestinians? They should be grateful that Israel is taking on the expense for that. They got Israel to pay for the wall. Trump should take lessons.

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