For the second year in a row,the refs did everything they could to to try and screw the superbowl winner and give it to the losing team.

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Okay I just got done having dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant i go to on mondays and was lucky enough that they were showing a replay of last nights superbowl and broadcasting the entire game so i had a chance to watch it today.When the Rams arent in it,never have an interest in it.

same as last year,the refs did EVERYTHING on the planet to try and screw over the superbowl winner with the kind of officiating you would expect out of a junior high school kid officiating the game that does not know the rules of the game.. :cuckoo:

this poster here NAILED it on last year,the refs did EVERYTHING on the planet to try and give the game to the Bungles,that they were trying to help them win. :thup:

When that Chiefs lineman hit that Eagles receiver,the whole entire world,at least football knowledgeable people,ALL knew it WAS A fumble. Man that was about the worst NON call in a playoff game i can remember sense the bullshit tuck rule that benefittted the patriots to go on and win their first superbowl and for sure as horrible of the most horrible NON call in superbowl history last year. this one equals that.

kjw47 nailed it in that thread from last year. :thankusmile: :yes_text12::thup: nailed it.he could not have said it better. These refs did not call those correctly last year or this year because they knew had they done so,the games would not have gone down to the wire as they did and would not have been a close come from behind down to the wire come from behind victory from both teams,that is CLEARLY WHY they made those non calls last year and this year as well is because of that.

If you recall,the chiefs players were not at all happy about the selection of the lead referree jeffers is his name i think,to be selected for this game.they voiced their displeasure way before the game.They felt he allowed the Buccanner players to get away with many holding calls against them in that superbowl that were keys in them scoring touchdowns against them.

the NFL needs to fine these refs when they screw up so badly same as they do players like half their salary on blown calls like that,they never will though because then that stops them from rigging games. I was really surprised they did not come up with some kind of explanation of Hurts fumbling the ball that got ran in for a touchdown that they did not say something like-false start on so and so eagles player therefore the play never happend.guess they figured if they did that,the chiefs could not come from behind and win in the last second.

The Rams were lucky last year that they were not facing the patriots and the chiefs were lucky they were not facing the Bucs this year in these superbowls. Last year had the rams been facing the patriots,the refs would NEVER have thrown those yellow flags on the bengal players that mugged the rams receievers in the end zone last year when they fell apart and lost their composure in the final tow minutes nor would they have thrown that flag against the eagles defender had it been a buccaneers defender that was pulling on the chiefs wide receiver in the last minute which killed their chance to get the ball back with lots of time on the clock..

I have a nephew in high school that I go see games of his he is in,those kind of blown NON CALLS by the refs would NEVER have happened in a high school game,I never saw such horrible officiating in high school when I played football or in the last few years at my nephews games. the people at this site that say the NFL is not fixed and not corrupt and has not been going on regularly sense at least the early 2000;s,are the biggest stupid fuck deniars here in the world.

This is the NFL,these refs are SUPPOSE to be PROS same as the players,excellent at their jobs,yet you have refs that referee PEE WEE LEAGUE games that are 100 TIMES far better more competent than these stupid clown incompetent fools that the NFL hires to referee games and yet despite their horrible job performances,gets called back EVERY year and NEVER gets reprimanded for their incompetence,

every job i ever had in the past,if i was incompetent on my job as these clowns are,i would have been FIRED,i would NEVER have been allowed to stay on and come back and work the next year.:uhoh3: yet we got clowns here saying these playoffs and superbowls games are not fixed.whatever.:cuckoo:

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Okay I just got done having dinner at my favorite mexican restaurant i go to on mondays and was lucky enough that they were showing a replay of last nights superbowl and broadcasting the entire game so i had a chance to watch it today.When the Rams arent in it,never have an interest in it.

same as last year,the refs did EVERYTHING on the planet to try and screw over the superbowl winner with the kind of officiating you would expect out of a junior high school kid officiating the game that does not know the rules of the game.. :cuckoo:

this poster here NAILED it on last year,the refs did EVERYTHING on the planet to try and give the game to the Bungles,that they were trying to help them win. :thup:

When that Chiefs lineman hit that Eagles receiver,the whole entire world,at least football knowledgeable people,ALL knew it WAS A fumble. Man that was about the worst NON call in a playoff game i can remember sense the bullshit tuck rule that benefittted the patriots to go on and win their first superbowl and for sure as horrible of the most horrible NON call in superbowl history last year. this one equals that.

kjw47 nailed it in that thread from last year. :thankusmile: :yes_text12::thup: nailed it.he could not have said it better. These refs did not call those correctly last year or this year because they knew had they done so,the games would not have gone down to the wire as they did and would not have been a close come from behind down to the wire come from behind victory from both teams,that is CLEARLY WHY they made those non calls last year and this year as well is because of that.

If you recall,the chiefs players were not at all happy about the selection of the lead referree jeffers is his name i think,to be selected for this game.they voiced their displeasure way before the game.They felt he allowed the Buccanner players to get away with many holding calls against them in that superbowl that were keys in them scoring touchdowns against them.

the NFL needs to fine these refs when they screw up so badly same as they do players like half their salary on blown calls like that,they never will though because then that stops them from rigging games. I was really surprised they did not come up with some kind of explanation of Hurts fumbling the ball that got ran in for a touchdown that they did not say something like-false start on so and so eagles player therefore the play never happend.guess they figured if they did that,the chiefs could not come from behind and win in the last second.

The Rams were lucky last year that they were not facing the patriots and the chiefs were lucky they were not facing the Bucs this year in these superbowls. Last year had the rams been facing the patriots,the refs would NEVER have thrown those yellow flags on the bengal players that mugged the rams receievers in the end zone last year when they fell apart and lost their composure in the final tow minutes nor would they have thrown that flag against the eagles defender had it been a buccaneers defender that was pulling on the chiefs wide receiver in the last minute which killed their chance to get the ball back with lots of time on the clock..

I have a nephew in high school that I go see games of his he is in,those kind of blown NON CALLS by the refs would NEVER have happened in a high school game,I never saw such horrible officiating in high school when I played football or in the last few years at my nephews games. the people at this site that say the NFL is not fixed and not corrupt and has not been going on regularly sense at least the early 2000;s,are the biggest stupid fuck deniars here in the world.

This is the NFL,these refs are SUPPOSE to be PROS same as the players,excellent at their jobs,yet you have refs that referee PEE WEE LEAGUE games that are 100 TIMES far better more competent than these stupid clown incompetent fools that the NFL hires to referee games and yet despite their horrible job performances,gets called back EVERY year and NEVER gets reprimanded for their incompetence,

every job i ever had in the past,if i was incompetent on my job as these clowns are,i would have been FIRED,i would NEVER have been allowed to stay on and come back and work the next year.:uhoh3: yet we got clowns here saying these playoffs and superbowls games are not fixed.whatever.:cuckoo:

I will say, you have to be thr most impassioned football fan on this forum. God Bless you sir, you genuinely care. I just hope, and I say this from experience seeing what gambling does to another person first hand; that you aren't a big sports bettor. That just turns sports into a miserable.spectacle.
I will say, you have to be thr most impassioned football fan on this forum. God Bless you sir, you genuinely care. I just hope, and I say this from experience seeing what gambling does to another person first hand; that you aren't a big sports bettor. That just turns sports into a miserable.spectacle.
:thankusmile: No the people that bet on NFL games are complete as well is rigged,IF I was going to be a gambling man,I would bet on high school games where refs don’t fix the games.

The NFL fans that go and pay money to buy season tickets to watch their favorite team week after week are complete fools,the biggest suckers on the planet,you go back in the era in the seventys and 80,s when refs did not decide games as they do now,it was only once in a great blue moon refs screwed a team in the playoffs,back then the game was not corrupt as it is now,you did not see it happening on a regular routine basis year after year as you do now and have sense the early 2000,s.

The way everybody can find out that I’m telling the truth on this is if you go back and watch the playoff games and superbowls from the 70’s and 80’s as I have done,you will NOT see the refs making horrible crucial bad calls that are costly to the other team all the time on a regular basis year after year,they let them play,thst the few times they did,was just once in a great blue moon,fir sure not on a regular routine basis as has been the case sense the early 2000,s which aided one certain team to win MULTIPlE superbowls,we all know who that team is i am talking about as well.they benefitted from it HUGELY like no other team in NFL history ever has.
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The eagles owner is a fucking hypocrite and makes me really hate the Eagles now.He is whining how the ref should not have called that holding penalty on that eagles defender even though he ADMITTED he pulled on his Jersey yet sense he is a fucking hypocrite,he does NOT want to talk about how the refs did everything in their power to give the game to the eagles by taking thst touchdown away from the chiefs saying the receiver did not fumble the ball after the hit when every football fan in the world who understands football KNOWS he clearly had possession and was CLEARLY a fumble.

As I said in the op,worst non call in Super Bowl history tied with last years worst non call worst ever officiating in Super Bowl history when that bungles receiver clearly grabbed cornerback jalen Ramseys facemask and twirled him around yet it was not called a personal foul on him and allowed to stay as a touchdown.

We now know WHY the chiefs rightly so we’re pissed that this ref was chosen as the main ref to officiate the game,he is so fucking incompetent yet the corrupt NFL is obviously never going to fire him.

That head referee did everything on the planet to screw them in the Super Bowl against the buccaneers and give the game to the bucs and did everything on the planet to try and screw them once again from winning to try and help the eagles win..that ref Jeffers ref is a criminal.
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There is this one sportswriter who is obviously a biased eagles fan,he posted that the refs should let the players play,that that flag should not have been called on that eagles defender for pulling on thst chiefs wide receivers shirt in the final minute,that early in the game yes call it then but not when it’s going to cost the eagles a chance to come back and try to at least tie the game. Not in a Super Bowl.

Normally I would agree with that but in this case it was the RIGHT thing to do by the refs because as I have proved on this thread,the refs had screwed the chiefs earlier from running away with the game with their incompetence earlier,thst it never would have been a close game in the first place had it been officiated FAIRLY by the refs.a wrong was committed by the refs earlier so they righted that wrong in this case.

That sportswriter I proved he is biased towards the eagles because yeah had the game been officiated fairly the entire game with no bias towards the eagles which it obviously was not,then yeah I agree,don’t throw that flag but they wronged the chiefs earlier so in this case,justice was served by throwing the flag.yes don’t throw that flag at that point of the game but at the same time,don’t be insulting us knowledgeable foootball fans by telling us that Eagles defender did not commit a fumble earlier.that writer doesn’t want to talk about that of course. :uhoh3: :cuckoo: So in THIS case,that writer is wrong sense the chiefs got screwed earlier and the game should not have been as close as it was had it been officiated this case,a wrong was righted.

You Realize you’re the only one posting in this thread right?

Quick question. I didn’t read all this rambling nonsense but I’m sure it’s more of your “the NFL is rigged“ BS. If yo think its rigged why are you spending this much time typing up pages that no one is reading about a sport you think is fake?
KC did not "win" a superbowl..............the super bowl was purchased by STATE FARM INSURANCE. Simply look at the KC/CINCY game, they give them a 5th do-over void of any penalty existing. Just.........DO IT OVER, MY BAD.

When the refs begin giving multiple "mulligans" and the favored team can't get a 1st down in 5 plays......the refs finally said, to hell with it and made up a pass interference call (when there was never a pass made on the play) giving KC a critical 1st down after 5 attempts failed to produce any gain....KC was given a 5 yard gift along with an automatic 1st down. Not to mention the countless times KC put Burrow on the ground after the play was over........KC never called for a late hit........when KC could not move the ball with seconds left in regulation......the KC QB was simply pushed from behind and it was like the 4th of July.....flags flying everywhere.......moving the ball into field goal range by proxy of the Refs.

Think about it :heehee: Who pays the KC QB millions of dollars in endorsements? State Farm..........where was the Super Bowl played in STATE FARM arena. Nothing to see here was inked into the Superbowl before the first play was run this season.

I went to a WWF event once..........and an NFL GAME BROKE OUT........... :abgg2q.jpg:
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You Realize you’re the only one posting in this thread right?

Quick question. I didn’t read all this rambling nonsense but I’m sure it’s more of your “the NFL is rigged“ BS. If yo think its rigged why are you spending this much time typing up pages that no one is reading about a sport you think is fake?
Dumbass there was one other poster thst posted on here,thsts two people.just because you are afraid of the truth thst these games are fixed,and afraid to look at evidence does not mean they are,there are so many dumbasses in this forum like you and unkotore I probably won’t be in the sports section anymore,after dealing with dumbasses like you and unkotore for so many years here,it’s gotten kind of old and tiresome. My posts were directed at shockedcanadian oh but that’s right,nobody else came on here and posted on this thread, :cuckoo:

When I played high school football I NEVER saw horrible amateur officiating non calls in football games I have seen in the NFL and these refs are SUPPOSE to be the best of the best,if they are,I’m the king of England. :cuckoo:

Grow up already with your tiresome these games are not rigged crap.gayboy unkotore are the only ones who are as stupid as you.
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Clyde 154 try explaining those facts to dumbasses like unkotore and couchpotato,it goes through one ear and out the other,any kind of facts you post they don’t like,they pretend they don’t see them and dismiss them as rambling. :cuckoo:
Clyde 154 try explaining those facts to dumbasses like unkotore and couchpotato,it goes through one ear and out the other,any kind of facts you post they don’t like,they pretend they don’t see them and dismiss them as rambling. :cuckoo:
The NFL and the WWF depend upon the gullibility of the masses. True........these are trained athletes but in reality the NFL is simply putting on a show and reserves the right to control the outcome of any game they wish. How simple is it for the refs to control the outcome of any game? At times they let the players play.....but when they wish to direct the SHOW, believe it......they have the power and the legal right to control the outcome of any game they want. Simply read the fine print on any NFL ticket. The print clearly states that the NFL reserves the sole right to regulate the league and the players as the ticket is nothing but a seat purchased for pure entertainment value. The NFL is not LEGALLY considered a Sport........its an "entertainment" industry.

The reason for legally listing the NFL as an "entertainment" industry, just like a Hollywood one can sue the NFL under the anti-trust laws for "fixing" the games. The NFL always must consider the "bottom dollar" and want to get the most bang for their bucks because all the teams in the league share in total revenue. Where would you rather have a a stadium controlled by State Farms billion dollar industry in the warm and comfort .......... or Buffalo in the winter? Its a no brainer....the NFL attempts to direct the teams that produce the most revenue and make sure they get to play in the post season.

Ever since gambling was made legal to bet on football games...........the League is becoming bolder and bolder in controlling the outcomes for certain teams. Really..........when ever have you witnessed the refs give a team a Mulligan Down after the team failed to convert.......without ever declaring some infraction of the rules, they just said, WE WERE NOT READY for the play to begin and Cincy must give KC another Down. Next down with the mulligan KC QB was sacked yards behind the lines, no pass attempted before he hit the ground........a late flag came out....5 yards for Pass interference, without a ball even tossed in any direction. KC ended up losing yards on 4th down.........but an automatic 1st down came with the flag. Go figure. The same thing happened during KC last drive in regulation. They could not move the against Cincy defense......yet the refs directed them down the field into field goal range with no time for Cincy to answer.

This is not a one off..........really.....the refs carried Brady's water bucket for 2 decades. Every SHOW needs a hero and a villain. I told my eldest son that New Orleans would soon win a super bowl after the disaster from Katrina.....he said, NO WAY they suck........guess what? N.O. superbowl champs. Consider how New England suddenly became a dynasty? Right after 9/11.........really? The much to consider all the BS just a QUINKY DINK. How about allowing Pittsburgh to win a superbowl in the last professional game for THE BUS.........Detroit his home about directing an was laughable it was so obvious. Its a SHOW.......enjoy it for whats it worth.......absolutely nothing.
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The NFL and the WWF depend upon the gullibility of the masses. True........these are trained athletes but in reality the NFL is simply putting on a show and reserves the right to control the outcome of any game they wish. How simple is it for the refs to control the outcome of any game? At times they let the players play.....but when they wish to direct the SHOW, believe it......they have the power and the legal right to control the outcome of any game they want. Simply read the fine print on any NFL ticket. The print clearly states that the NFL reserves the sole right to regulate the league and the players as the ticket is nothing but a seat purchased for pure entertainment value. The NFL is not LEGALLY considered a Sport........its an "entertainment" industry.

The reason for legally listing the NFL as an "entertainment" industry, just like a Hollywood one can sue the NFL under the anti-trust laws for "fixing" the games. The NFL always must consider the "bottom dollar" and want to get the most bang for their bucks because all the teams in the league share in total revenue. Where would you rather have a a stadium controlled by State Farms billion dollar industry in the warm and comfort .......... or Buffalo in the winter? Its a no brainer....the NFL attempts to direct the teams that produce the most revenue and make sure they get to play in the post season.

Ever since gambling was made legal to bet on football games...........the League is becoming bolder and bolder in controlling the outcomes for certain teams. Really..........when ever have you witnessed the refs give a team a Mulligan Down after the team failed to convert.......without ever declaring some infraction of the rules, they just said, WE WERE NOT READY for the play to begin and Cincy must give KC another Down. Next down with the mulligan KC QB was sacked yards behind the lines, no pass attempted before he hit the ground........a late flag came out....5 yards for Pass interference, without a ball even tossed in any direction. KC ended up losing yards on 4th down.........but an automatic 1st down came with the flag. Go figure. The same thing happened during KC last drive in regulation. They could not move the against Cincy defense......yet the refs directed them down the field into field goal range with no time for Cincy to answer.

This is not a one off..........really.....the refs carried Brady's water bucket for 2 decades. Every SHOW needs a hero and a villain. I told my eldest son that New Orleans would soon win a super bowl after the disaster from Katrina.....he said, NO WAY they suck........guess what? N.O. superbowl champs. Consider how New England suddenly became a dynasty? Right after 9/11.........really? The much to consider all the BS just a QUINKY DINK. How about allowing Pittsburgh to win a superbowl in the last professional game for THE BUS.........Detroit his home about directing an was laughable it was so obvious. Its a SHOW.......enjoy it for whats it worth.......absolutely nothing.

you are making way far too much sense for our resident trolls like unkotore to comprehend,the fact you triggered him,proves you hit the nail on the head.:up:

yeah these sheep like unkotore dont have a clue what you said is ssoooooo correct how the NFL sense they are listed as an entertainment industry,they cant be sued for fixing games. you will never hear this from the MSM media but when the cheatriots illegally filmed the jets practice some people tried to sue the NFL for doing nothing about it but could not do so sense them listing that they are an ENTERTAINMENT industry,they cannot legally be sued. the majority of NFL fans are braindead to that fact.
This is not a one off..........really.....the refs carried Brady's water bucket for 2 decades. Every SHOW needs a hero and a villain. I told my eldest son that New Orleans would soon win a super bowl after the disaster from Katrina.....he said, NO WAY they suck........guess what? N.O. superbowl champs. Consider how New England suddenly became a dynasty? Right after 9/11.........really? The much to consider all the BS just a QUINKY DINK. How about allowing Pittsburgh to win a superbowl in the last professional game for THE BUS.........Detroit his home about directing an was laughable it was so obvious. Its a SHOW.......enjoy it for whats it worth.......absolutely nothing.


everything you are saying is making way far too much sense for trolls like unkotore to comprehend. yeah I also figured that out soon after the PATRIOTS started winning superbowl after superbowl right out of nowhere right after 9/11 and all of a sudden out of the blue became a dynasty.right after the PATRIOT act was signed.

the NFL did everything on the planet to make sure they not only went to the superbowl that year but to win it all as well. first the playoff game against the raiders with the BS tuck rule that gave the game to them,then in the superbowl against the Rams. They shut down the greatest show on turf with the aide of the refs the way they allowed the players to mug them as they did.Rams reciever Issac Bruce said he had NEVER played in a game where the refs allowed the players to mug him as they did in that game,you are soooooo correct,they carried them all those years by allowing them to do this on key drives to win the game in close games in playoffs and superbowls.

the refs so much had their head up bradys ass all those years.

and this is HOW they got to win so many playoffs and superbowls.


and yeah that was all way too convient how the saints after sucking for so long all of a sudden got great after katrina and won the superbowl.gotta have the city look good after going through a travesty.
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you are suck a great debater,always using that comeback when you cannot refute pesky facts.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You do realize the number of people who would have to be in on something like this makes it almost certain that it would have been leaked by now if true. You have zero proof that the games are fixed or rigged. The amount of money wagered on these games would mean that anyone involved in fixing them would mean a lifetime in jail if they got caught.

Over 150 million was wagered on the super bowl alone.

So I say again. You’re a moron
You do realize the number of people who would have to be in on something like this makes it almost certain that it would have been leaked by now if true. You have zero proof that the games are fixed or rigged. The amount of money wagered on these games would mean that anyone involved in fixing them would mean a lifetime in jail if they got caught.

Over 150 million was wagered on the super bowl alone.

So I say again. You’re a moron
dumbass other former NFL players have even come out before in the past and confessed is dumbfuck frady cat. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: another stupid fuck trollboy to add to ignore

sense clyde and the first guy that has replied are the only two posters on here not dumbfucks who are farting in my thread shitting all over it,im requesting it closed.
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