'For the White Race to Live, the Republican Party Must Die'

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Quote of a political writer a few years back.

His point was, whites are in such a stupor, they don't get the bigger issues pressing down. The GOP is where they all flock to, but the GOP will never become an openly white nationalist party. Too much white guilt, Jewish money, etc. Demographics will inevitably drive the GOP into a grave, first at the national level, then locally. See: Romney.

Whites will have nowhere else to go. So they'll start getting a little more racially aware, a little more combative along racial lines.
Quote of a political writer a few years back.

His point was, whites are in such a stupor, they don't get the bigger issues pressing down. The GOP is where they all flock to, but the GOP will never become an openly white nationalist party. Too much white guilt, Jewish money, etc. Demographics will inevitably drive the GOP into a grave, first at the national level, then locally. See: Romney.

Whites will have nowhere else to go. So they'll start getting a little more racially aware, a little more combative along racial lines.

How about YOU, coward? Are YOU going to become "more combative"? Have you 'gone postal' on anyone yet? You're a joke, coward, and if you are looking for a white nationalist party you'd better get the hell out of my country and go look elsewhere.
The survival of the white race is not threatened in the United States or anywhere else in the world. What has ended is white male supremacy. It is not coming back.

I would like for the Republican Party to become a genuinely conservative party in the tradition of Edmund Burke. Since 1980 the Republican Party has combined reactionaries who long for laissez faire capitalism, and right wing radicals who propose untested economic experiments.

For many rank and file Republicans "conservatism" mean little besides hatred of taxes and gun control laws.
We need a party that openly panders to whites the way dems pander to blacks and hispos.
Fight racism with racism.
The survival of the white race is not threatened in the United States or anywhere else in the world. What has ended is white male supremacy. It is not coming back.

HAHAHA. What an absurd thing to say. So why are nearly all leaders in govt, military, business, and science still white males???
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!
The survival of the white race is not threatened in the United States or anywhere else in the world. What has ended is white male supremacy. It is not coming back.

HAHAHA. What an absurd thing to say. So why are nearly all leaders in govt, military, business, and science still white males???
GOD!! you're stupid!! you need to move out of your mothers basement and get a clue
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

I always find it funny that in "post-racial" "non-racist" America, the minorities love to beat their breasts and bellow "in yo face, whitey!" And get gleeful over whites disappearing.

I mean, is that "tolerance" and "diversity"?
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

Your childishly partisan political bullshit is not required to oppose the braindead racist animals that fling their feces on this forum every day. Try to focus on the matter at hand.
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

I always find it funny that in "post-racial" "non-racist" America, the minorities love to beat their breasts and bellow "in yo face, whitey!" And get gleeful over whites disappearing.

I mean, is that "tolerance" and "diversity"?

Glee is the only reasonable reaction to an idiotic coward like YOU disappearing.
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

The only thing your bigoted ass should be worried about is who will be left to feed you and change your diapers. Profiling is only okay when you do it??? Got it, Moron.

Some day when you grow up, you may realize that there is Only One Human Race, and that if you trace back long enough, you may just find not only that We actually are All Related, but that as far as cause and effect go, we are all in the same boat. The same rules do apply to all of us. I wait with baited breath for you to grow up and learn some personal responsibility. It is so much more preferable, to you throwing stones at anything or anyone beyond your understanding. Get back to me when you find some purpose and relevance, and some connection with reality.
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

The only thing your bigoted ass should be worried about is who will be left to feed you and change your diapers. Profiling is only okay when you do it??? Got it, Moron.

Some day when you grow up, you may realize that there is Only One Human Race, and that if you trace back long enough, you may just find not only that We actually are All Related, but that as far as cause and effect go, we are all in the same boat. The same rules do apply to all of us. I wait with baited breath for you to grow up and learn some personal responsibility. It is so much more preferable, to you throwing stones at anything or anyone beyond your understanding. Get back to me when you find some purpose and relevance, and some connection with reality.

But he IS connected with reality: a reality called "minority-white America." Obama's America. The Obama people.

Do you, as a pretty obviously white person, think the race wars descending upon us will be about "responsibility"? No, friend, it's going to be ugly. It's going to be about BLOOD, not ideas and ideals. About KIN, not speeches. Raw. Tribal. Real, like National Geographic. Mine or yours, no room in town for both. They aren't going to play nice. They're waiting to kill us all. You can't imagine the level of hate non-whites have for whites.

Whites are big on "fairness" and "colorblindness", but they need to learn to ease off that shit. As minorities, they are going to need to learn how to SURVIVE in a world that HATES THEM. That means getting ugly. Your choice: stay polite and inoffensive, and die. Get chemo for the PC, and live.
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It is always a subject of laughter when blacks or hispanics have delusions of being a majority in power. It is almost like they don't realize they are both aborting and murdering themselves into oblivion. Especially blacks who willingly participate into herding themselves into the cities where they can safely be forgotten.

If whites are a miinority it's because asians are the majority. How much do blacks think they'll out of them. The racist dog whistle doesn't work.
Quote of a political writer a few years back.

His point was, whites are in such a stupor, they don't get the bigger issues pressing down. The GOP is where they all flock to, but the GOP will never become an openly white nationalist party. Too much white guilt, Jewish money, etc. Demographics will inevitably drive the GOP into a grave, first at the national level, then locally. See: Romney.

Whites will have nowhere else to go. So they'll start getting a little more racially aware, a little more combative along racial lines.

You do realize Jewish money goes to the Democrats, ya stupid fuck!

There will never a white nationalist party that gets more than 1% of the popular vote!
Quote of a political writer a few years back.

His point was, whites are in such a stupor, they don't get the bigger issues pressing down. The GOP is where they all flock to, but the GOP will never become an openly white nationalist party. Too much white guilt, Jewish money, etc. Demographics will inevitably drive the GOP into a grave, first at the national level, then locally. See: Romney.

Whites will have nowhere else to go. So they'll start getting a little more racially aware, a little more combative along racial lines.

You do realize Jewish money goes to the Democrats, ya stupid fuck!

There will never a white nationalist party that gets more than 1% of the popular vote!

1. Yes. However they do it, Jews usually get what they want.

2. We don't have a plurality system, but if we did, WN's would do better than that. Look at pro-white parties in Europe: they have actual successes in every nation.

3. But hey, the founding fathers didn't VOTE to get their freedom from the king. They picked up arms and made it happen. Quiet reminder, white man: when in the course of human events they set up a government designed to screw you and your kind, you can blow that shit up.
The racist republican party, the homophobic, anti woman anti science anti muslim, black, hispanic is killing them!! caucasians in the next 10 yrs won't even be the majority in this country!! Sorry WHITE person your party is dying!! the average age of FUX news viewers are over 65 and rush limbaugh diddo heads are 75 PLUS!! LMAO use some common MATH!! minorities are on the upswing and WHITES are on the decline!! This isn't 1950 anymore Sorry republican WHITE guy!! hell you guys can't even count on your females dating in their race!! YES interracial dating is very well accepted!!

The only thing your bigoted ass should be worried about is who will be left to feed you and change your diapers. Profiling is only okay when you do it??? Got it, Moron.

Some day when you grow up, you may realize that there is Only One Human Race, and that if you trace back long enough, you may just find not only that We actually are All Related, but that as far as cause and effect go, we are all in the same boat. The same rules do apply to all of us. I wait with baited breath for you to grow up and learn some personal responsibility. It is so much more preferable, to you throwing stones at anything or anyone beyond your understanding. Get back to me when you find some purpose and relevance, and some connection with reality.

But he IS connected with reality: a reality called "minority-white America." Obama's America. The Obama people.

Do you, as a pretty obviously white person, think the race wars descending upon us will be about "responsibility"? No, friend, it's going to be ugly. It's going to be about BLOOD, not ideas and ideals. About KIN, not speeches. Raw. Tribal. Real, like National Geographic. Mine or yours, no room in town for both. They aren't going to play nice. They're waiting to kill us all. You can't imagine the level of hate non-whites have for whites.

Whites are big on "fairness" and "colorblindness", but they need to learn to ease off that shit. As minorities, they are going to need to learn how to SURVIVE in a world that HATES THEM. That means getting ugly. Your choice: stay polite and inoffensive, and die. Get chemo for the PC, and live.

No "race war" is coming, you pathetic fucking coward. Stop pissing yourself and calm down.

Just how are YOU personally planning on "getting ugly" by the way? Is that like 'going postal'? You are a complete fucking joke.
3. But hey, the founding fathers didn't VOTE to get their freedom from the king. They picked up arms and made it happen. Quiet reminder, white man: when in the course of human events they set up a government designed to screw you and your kind, you can blow that shit up.

How about YOU, coward? Are YOU going to pick up arms or blow any shit up? Ever? NO? I didn't think so, PUSSY.

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