For Those Of Us Who Have Been Predicting Paul Ryan, We Are So Close.

Mar 16, 2012

Over the last 6 or so months we have had a list of 12 or so possible VP picks, but most conservatives presumed it was probably going to be down to the five or six we are looking at now. It was impossible to narrow it down to a definite top two over the last 4 or 5 weeks. But some of us have been rooting for Paul Ryan being he would make an excellent choice. He would carry Wisconsin and most of the rust belt and Romney can't win without takng the rust belt.
I have predicting Paul Ryan if Rubio turns down the offer,or were not offered the position by Romney.
If us Ryan fans are right, there will be an earthquake in Wisconsin next Tuesday or Wednesday.
I know this Obama Mama is praying for Paul Ryan as the VP pick. Romney would OWN his "budget".
and we have all been seeing the stories of how the GOP is pushing for Ryan this week. He comes across so intelligent, unlike O'Bambi who still needs a teleprompter when he goes out to dinner.
All Biden has to do is hang Ayn Rand around Ryan's neck. The man expoused that idiotic ideology for years.


Paul Ryan, a wienermobile driver who worships Ayn Rand and wants to give more tax breaks to the rich while fucking the poor and middle class with higher taxes. Oh, and his great plans to privitize Social Security and Medicare. Yeah, he'll really help Romney's ticket.
It doesn't matter who the pick is, the leftist will try to smear them.. Funny that they're smearing these guys.. When their VP is Biden! Haha, what a joke. Can't wait to see the debate.
I will be surprised if its not Ryan/Rubio or Thune. I dont think Portman or Pawlenty will push Romneys poll numbers.


Paul Ryan, a wienermobile driver who worships Ayn Rand and wants to give more tax breaks to the rich while fucking the poor and middle class with higher taxes. Oh, and his great plans to privitize Social Security and Medicare. Yeah, he'll really help Romney's ticket.

Keep smearing.. At least Ryan and Romney HAVE a plan to fix the economy.. All Obama can do is talk about Romney's taxes.

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