For those who know the season

Listen to what?

Its the never ending proselytizing, the holier-than-thou thumping and preaching that atheists object to.

I already listened to enough of that to last several lifetimes. I have chosen my way. I don't except (editorial) you to agree and would never preach at you that you should.

I haven't noticed people coming here to proselytize, thump, or preach. It is a discussion forum where ideas, thoughts, information, and beliefs are being exchanged. In my brief sojourn here I have not received the impression that people expect me to agree with them--and are okay with me not agreeing with them. As I am not nearly holy enough, it naturally follows that everyone here is holier than me. Hard to take offense with a fact.

Grin. Now you know how it feels to be holier than someone, rather than everyone else being holier than you! When we find a third, we'll have to form a club.
For those who know the season

me me me me

I know the season.

Its SPRING!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and I asked in the Flame Zone and somebody said easter is this weekend. Or maybe next.

Didja know, BTW, the modern-day customs came from ancient Mesopotamia? Yep. Long before the bible was written.
I didn't know the Mesopotamians gathered on hilltops and sang Amazing Grace as the son came up, but it's great to learn.

Yes, Mesopotamians gathered on hilltops but you're right that they didn't sing Amazing Grace.

Considering that was written in 1779, neither did early christians.

You are like Sheldon Cooper, you wouldn't know sarcasm, if it bit you on the rear.
Being raised completely atheist and religious people being those delusional types I have a hard time believing even the most obvious of God's acts. Take earlier today for example. I am sitting outside with my Bible and not knowing where to start I thumb through a couple pages and just kind of stop somewhere in the book of Nehemiah. I start to read some verses but the wind turns the page back one. I say, "OK, I'll start here." The wind turns the page again, and again, and again. I try to catch a verse or two as the wind very methodically turns the pages back one by one about a second each turn, maybe a little less. It gets to the book of Ezra, which in my Bible starts at the top left and is the entire two pages, books start wherever the text of the last one one ends. Anyway it gets to the start of the book of Ezra and just stops. I wait and, nope, that's it. Now growing up where everything is explainable by some rational explanation, which is of course not God, I would just say, "Hey, what a coincidence." Being older and wiser, and more rational, I say it probably was God. Most likely God. I just don't know what to make of it though. ;)
Fighting around Maripol intensifying, Saudi preparing ground troops with Pakistan, and Iran just sent Hamas millions of dollars. Everything was just sitting on the starting line waiting for the flag to drop. Engine just revved up to peak.

My guess is that all this whole negotiations and nuclear agreement, as long as it lasts, is for Iran is air cover from Israel. If I were Iran I would go flat out to build a bomb until I got caught. Iran is intent on building a bomb and the only logical strategy at this point is to cover as much ground as fast a possible.
Pardon the pun but I'm resurrecting this very valid question ...

Can anyone say why should atheists NOT post in this forum and about religion?

Why shouldn't they post their opinions and beliefs about various gods/religions?

Perhaps it is not about the posting. Perhaps it is more about those few who post but refuse to listen? (Just a random thought. I enjoy posting with (most) atheists.

Doesn't that apply to theists too? A great many of them have close minds on the subject of their religion. They refuse to even acknowledge legitimate criticism. Granted that mostly applies to the fundamentalist theists. There are plenty of open minded theists in this forum.
Passover, celebrated on the same day that Christians recognize the greatest sacrifice ever, quite a coincidence.

Jesus Christ is our Passover. He fulfilled the Scriptures because He is God. He isn't a god - one of many gods - no - He is God! The Lord God Almighty. To God be the Glory! If one does not know Christ as God they do not know God. (and remain in darkness)
They can't help it. They are simply obeying their true lord and master. Satan.

What makes Satan their Lord and master? That they don't believe, or that they don't believe and choose to criticize and mock those that do?

I think it's a combination of doubt and fear that makes people act like this.

I think an atheist who was sure of what he believed would not even bother to post in a Religion forum.

Generally speaking, I don't. Sometimes I reply to a post without realizing it's in this forum, other times I just feel compelled...
In spiritual matters, there is no middle ground. If you don't worship God, you worship the Devil.

That is an interesting statement - I would also add that if you are not a child of God ( Through the Blood of Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life and the only way to Salvation) then you are child of the devil. That is something that should be considered with most seriousness - because if you are a child of the devil then when you die you shall be where he is going to be cast in at the end - hell - it will be a most tormenting - horrific eternity.

For those who say - ah! You are trying to scare me into heaven. You are trying to scare me into obedience - that will never work!

The secular world knows better - to convince others to put on their seat belts their most effective campaign was putting a dummy into a car without his seat belt and smashing the car he was in - into a wall - there in destroying the dummy. I've yet to see a single atheist complain over that commercial / safetly campaign - which was a smashing success - no pun intended.

In this world - Jesus Christ is your seat belt. Put on the Garment of Christ and keep it on and you'll arrive alive - if not? You'll be destroyed.

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