For those who know the season

They can't help it. They are simply obeying their true lord and master. Satan.

What makes Satan their Lord and master? That they don't believe, or that they don't believe and choose to criticize and mock those that do?

I think it's a combination of doubt and fear that makes people act like this.

I think an atheist who was sure of what he believed would not even bother to post in a Religion forum.

Generally speaking, I don't. Sometimes I reply to a post without realizing it's in this forum, other times I just feel compelled...
In spiritual matters, there is no middle ground. If you don't worship God, you worship the Devil.

Well, that's a lie. I worship neither. But I get it. That's what you're taught. You a free to believe what you choose.
And you are free to ignore the obvious truth. Maybe you will one day surrender to God. For your sake, I hope you do.
And you are free to ignore the obvious truth. Maybe you will one day surrender to God. For your sake, I hope you do.

If your primitive beliefs were the obvious truth there wouldn't be over 4,000 different religions in the world today with all of you thinking you're believing the obvious truth. That, my friend, is the obvious truth.
And you are free to ignore the obvious truth. Maybe you will one day surrender to God. For your sake, I hope you do.

If your primitive beliefs were the obvious truth there wouldn't be over 4,000 different religions in the world today with all of you thinking you're believing the obvious truth. That, my friend, is the obvious truth.
It means that man is sinful. Just like the Bible says. It means that sin leads many astray. Narrow is the path that leads to life, and few find it. That is the truth.
Passover, celebrated on the same day that Christians recognize the greatest sacrifice ever, quite a coincidence.
One is to celebrate God NOT killing people's first born child, the other is to celebrate God killing HIS first born son and then resurrecting him. That's metal as hell :rock:

This thread has many examples of why I don't like atheists, at least the kind that post on internet forums.

As an atheist I have noticed that very few theists have a sense of humor when it comes to their religions.
"... greatest sacrifice ever ..."

Murdering his own child?

A lot of crazies kill their children and they all have their own crazy reason.

But a "god" who kills the child that only the delusional would believe he fathered?

At best, its a freaking weird notion.

But yes, what Derideo_Te said ... IMO, drowning every child on the planet pretty much takes the cake for the most vicious, vile, nasty, cruel, senseless temper tantrum in history.

No way could I ever WORSHIP a monster like that.

Technically speaking Jesus had two Dads.

One of them was a real piece of work.

No wonder Jesus had father figure issues and chose instead to hang around with his friends and hookers.

One was a real piece of work and the other actually worked.

But hey, all in all, its a fairly harmless myth and the kids get to eat marshmallow bunnies.

Mmmm, marshmallow bunnies!

Just out of curiosity, from one non-believer to another, or others, why do you people feel the, what sometimes seems like an uncontrollable, urge... need... compulsion to piss in the Cheerios of those who choose to worship and believe?

Because theists need to lighten up a little. Life is way too short to take everything seriously.

Why should those who are "saved" be unhappy about the event that actually "saved" them? Shouldn't they be happy instead?

Sure, hanging from a cross is a lousy way to spend an Easter weekend but the end result was a "good thing" for all those who choose to believe, right?

Oh, and if you don't think that God has a sense of humor just take a look around you and see how he messes with the minds of his followers. Now that is funny on a cosmic scale.
They can't help it. They are simply obeying their true lord and master. Satan.

What makes Satan their Lord and master? That they don't believe, or that they don't believe and choose to criticize and mock those that do?

I think it's a combination of doubt and fear that makes people act like this.

I think an atheist who was sure of what he believed would not even bother to post in a Religion forum.

Generally speaking, I don't. Sometimes I reply to a post without realizing it's in this forum, other times I just feel compelled...
In spiritual matters, there is no middle ground. If you don't worship God, you worship the Devil.

They can't help it. They are simply obeying their true lord and master. Satan.

What makes Satan their Lord and master? That they don't believe, or that they don't believe and choose to criticize and mock those that do?

I think it's a combination of doubt and fear that makes people act like this.

I think an atheist who was sure of what he believed would not even bother to post in a Religion forum.

Generally speaking, I don't. Sometimes I reply to a post without realizing it's in this forum, other times I just feel compelled...

You're right about the belief in satan. If one does not believe in that particular god, why would they believe in his evil counterpart?

I don't often even look at the Religion forum but sometimes I just do.
They can't help it. They are simply obeying their true lord and master. Satan.

What makes Satan their Lord and master? That they don't believe, or that they don't believe and choose to criticize and mock those that do?

I think it's a combination of doubt and fear that makes people act like this.

I think an atheist who was sure of what he believed would not even bother to post in a Religion forum.

Generally speaking, I don't. Sometimes I reply to a post without realizing it's in this forum, other times I just feel compelled...
In spiritual matters, there is no middle ground. If you don't worship God, you worship the Devil.

Don't be ridiculous.

You seem to be saying that you are a "christian" although your posts certainly don't reflect any such thing. If you believe in a god, its not such a huge step to also believe in a devil.

I believe in neither. I don't believe in angels flying around in the sky or a place in the clouds where people sit around on clouds, playing harps.
Is there some reason why atheists should not post in the Religion forum?

Or reason why they should not post their opinions here?

The god believers don't hesitate to post against non-believers.
Is there some reason why atheists should not post in the Religion forum?

Or reason why they should not post their opinions here?

The god believers don't hesitate to post against non-believers.

This forum is titled Religion & Ethics.

Is it ethical of Christians to denigrate those who don't share their beliefs?
For those who know the season

me me me me

I know the season.

Its SPRING!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and I asked in the Flame Zone and somebody said easter is this weekend. Or maybe next.

Didja know, BTW, the modern-day customs came from ancient Mesopotamia? Yep. Long before the bible was written.
I didn't know the Mesopotamians gathered on hilltops and sang Amazing Grace as the son came up, but it's great to learn.

Yes, Mesopotamians gathered on hilltops but you're right that they didn't sing Amazing Grace.

Considering that was written in 1779, neither did early christians.

Is there some reason why atheists should not post in the Religion forum?

Or reason why they should not post their opinions here?

The god believers don't hesitate to post against non-believers.

This forum is titled Religion & Ethics.

Is it ethical of Christians to denigrate those who don't share their beliefs?

Pardon the pun but I'm resurrecting this very valid question ...

Can anyone say why should atheists NOT post in this forum and about religion?

Why shouldn't they post their opinions and beliefs about various gods/religions?
Pardon the pun but I'm resurrecting this very valid question ...

Can anyone say why should atheists NOT post in this forum and about religion?

Why shouldn't they post their opinions and beliefs about various gods/religions?

Perhaps it is not about the posting. Perhaps it is more about those few who post but refuse to listen? (Just a random thought. I enjoy posting with (most) atheists.
We celebrated Easter by roasting a nice Turkey, drinking too much beer while it cooked, taking a great nap afterwards, then waking up at sunset completely confused about whether it was dawn/dusk and why we were laying on the couches in the living room.

Was a good time.
Pardon the pun but I'm resurrecting this very valid question ...

Can anyone say why should atheists NOT post in this forum and about religion?

Why shouldn't they post their opinions and beliefs about various gods/religions?

Perhaps it is not about the posting. Perhaps it is more about those few who post but refuse to listen? (Just a random thought. I enjoy posting with (most) atheists.

Listen to what?

Its the never ending proselytizing, the holier-than-thou thumping and preaching that atheists object to.

I already listened to enough of that to last several lifetimes. I have chosen my way. I don't except (editorial) you to agree and would never preach at you that you should.

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