For those who think only "Jesus Freaks" are targeted for bigotry and violence:

oh..... so If I understand this right.......

You guys are blaming all christians for the wrongs been made. As I see it that is not how it is at all. Just because of some crazy people. Its like a few white people kill somone all white people are bad or vs. How can you judge ALL CHRISTIANS by a few. Everyone has a mind set of there own.... We all think differntly... Why can't we all just leave it at that. Instead of a battle of who is right and who is wrong. instead of trying to prove GOD ANIT REAL or that he is real we can all agree to disagree. To christians ALL CHRISTIANS are to blame because of a few that are not truly chritians as showen in there behavior. I already know what most of you are going to say. Im a cray christian that shouldn't believe in jesus. And I'm in a cult. well the way I see it is this I dont lose anything but I gain alot. If he the lord almighty is real and he is I'm no fool. Im entering those peral gates to heaven. If he is not what I have lost but living a good moral value life. What are you going to do when that day comes because you made your choice. I have noticed all from this board that its like a GOD BASHING PARTY no one on this board bashes the none beileavers I wonder why. Maybe its bacause you all think alike what is that again you call us christians cult... or is it something a group of people stand for.. What is right or wrong in that aspect. LIfe is ment to be lived not to be lived and bash for and set all the blame on one group of people. It is easy to blame others isn't it well... killing and all the above people do it Not GOD...
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Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.
Religion teaches bigotry and violence.

Wars: Muslims vs Jews
Sikhs vs Hindus
Muslims vs Christians
Christians vs Jews
Cahtolics vs Protestants
Muslims vs Muslims (that's the funniest, they can always find someone, anyone to attack, lol)
Taism vs Daoism

Religion or extremism?
Religion teaches bigotry and violence.

Wars: Muslims vs Jews
Sikhs vs Hindus
Muslims vs Christians
Christians vs Jews
Cahtolics vs Protestants
Muslims vs Muslims (that's the funniest, they can always find someone, anyone to attack, lol)
Taism vs Daoism

Religion or extremism?
religion. 'Extremists' are the only true believers, who those who practice false faiths seek to demonize
ALL Religious dolts are brainwashed idiots that lack the ability to think for themselves.
They have enslaved themselves with their own feeble minds and superstitious fears.
Religion is the second worse thing that ever happened to mankind. Govt. holds as if there is much difference.

AMERICA was found on religion. For one. For two fear..... is of the devil that is what we christian think. So how can we join a religion in fear when we think fear is not of GOD. Brainwashed then what the hell are you not because you don't have a religion or the faith in GOD. SO the people that are Doctors or lawyers that are christians don't think for themself. Or how about people that teach or dog walkers couches, football, players. They all seem to think for themselfs and very smart at that. So religion is the second wrose thing EVER to happen to man kind. So what about people dying or killing others. Or child abuse animal abuse rape. The list can go and on. But do you really need it to. Religion is wrose then those things I think not but then again I think with comen sencs christian or not. I know that the bad things in this world can't compare to religion. And the govt and religion are differnt the govt is trying to take out religion so there is a differnts.
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Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.

GOD DOES NOT SAY IN ANY WAY KILL PEOPLE HARM PEOPLE FOR ME..... YOUR BLAMING CHRISTIANS FOR THE HARM DONE TO OTHERS. GOD DIDNT TELL THEM TO. And my point is valid. Just because someone says GOD told me to don't mean he really did. maybe they are insane people. YOu can't blame GOD for so call christians that harm others because they so call love GOD
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ALL Religious dolts are brainwashed idiots that lack the ability to think for themselves.
They have enslaved themselves with their own feeble minds and superstitious fears.
Religion is the second worse thing that ever happened to mankind. Govt. holds as if there is much difference.

AMERICA was found on religion. For one.

Okay, you're too stupid to be involved in intelligent discussion

The Treaty of Tripoli said:

For two fear..... is of stain that is what we christian think. So how can we join a religion in fear when we think fear is not of GOD

Your religion is built upon fear of punishment for disobeying an evil deity

Brainwashed then what the hell are you not because you don't have a religion or the faith in GOD.

You really need to take remedial English classes.

SO the people that are Doctors or lawyers that are christians don't think for themself.



. So religion is the second wrose thing EVER to happen to man kind.

Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.

GOD DOES NOT SAY IN ANY WAY KILL PEOPLE HARM PEOPLE FOR ME..... YOUR BLAMING CHRISTIANS FOR THE HARM DONE TO OTHERS. GOD DIDNT TELL THEM TO. And my point is valid. Just because someone says GOD told me to don't mean he really did. maybe they are insane people. YOu can't blame GOD for so call christians that harm others because they so call love GOD
Hon, JB is to ignorant to understand that God is Spirit so your wasting time responding to him. He will just confuse what is actually Commandments of God with his personal view for hatred and Christian bashing.
Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.


You will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you. For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you. You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.
Leviticus, Chapter 26, verses 7-9

There are dozens of other examples across this board

It is in your books. You say your god tole Men what is in those books. Ergo, it is god's word to do these things.
Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.

GOD DOES NOT SAY IN ANY WAY KILL PEOPLE HARM PEOPLE FOR ME..... YOUR BLAMING CHRISTIANS FOR THE HARM DONE TO OTHERS. GOD DIDNT TELL THEM TO. And my point is valid. Just because someone says GOD told me to don't mean he really did. maybe they are insane people. YOu can't blame GOD for so call christians that harm others because they so call love GOD

This reminds me of a Ghandi quote: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ :D
Your comparison is invalid. White people do not adhere to a common ideology that causes them to do anything. Christians (allegedly) subscribe to the same texts, which say outright that god commands these things be done.

GOD DOES NOT SAY IN ANY WAY KILL PEOPLE HARM PEOPLE FOR ME..... YOUR BLAMING CHRISTIANS FOR THE HARM DONE TO OTHERS. GOD DIDNT TELL THEM TO. And my point is valid. Just because someone says GOD told me to don't mean he really did. maybe they are insane people. YOu can't blame GOD for so call christians that harm others because they so call love GOD

This reminds me of a Ghandi quote: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ :D

Ghandi was awesome
GOD DOES NOT SAY IN ANY WAY KILL PEOPLE HARM PEOPLE FOR ME..... YOUR BLAMING CHRISTIANS FOR THE HARM DONE TO OTHERS. GOD DIDNT TELL THEM TO. And my point is valid. Just because someone says GOD told me to don't mean he really did. maybe they are insane people. YOu can't blame GOD for so call christians that harm others because they so call love GOD

This reminds me of a Ghandi quote: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ :D

Ghandi was awesome

Yes...but so too was Christ when he negated all those commandments and expressions of biblical intolerance with two commandments:

“ shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”


“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Too bad many forget that.
This reminds me of a Ghandi quote: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ :D

Ghandi was awesome

Yes...but so too was Christ when he negated all those commandments and expressions of biblical intolerance with two commandments:

“ shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”


“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Too bad many forget that.
He never said one has to love a nasty spirit that dwells within that neighbor though. Fact He discouraged hanging with it.
Jesus was Lucifer. He was a false prophet, he sought to usurp god's law, and he sought to ascend into the heavens and replace god.

I have demonstrated all of this before. Christianity = Luciferianism
[I'm afraid of all christians not just the freaks, most of them have guns, belong to the NRA, and thought that GW Bush was a great prez.

You forgot to mention patriotic!
Jesus was Lucifer. He was a false prophet, he sought to usurp god's law, and he sought to ascend into the heavens and replace god.

I have demonstrated all of this before. Christianity = Luciferianism

If jesus was lucifer then why did lucifer try to tempt jesus away from GOD if was lucifer then he wouldnt have to tempt himself...
[I'm afraid of all christians not just the freaks, most of them have guns, belong to the NRA, and thought that GW Bush was a great prez.

You forgot to mention patriotic!

YES HAD A GUN to shoot cans lol and gw was a okay prez a hole lot better then the one we have now that shouldnt be prez because he wasnt even born here in the usa
Jesus was Lucifer. He was a false prophet, he sought to usurp god's law, and he sought to ascend into the heavens and replace god.

I have demonstrated all of this before. Christianity = Luciferianism

Lucifer is just another trickster Loki, Prometheus, Raven, Coyote...they bring fire to mankind and all of a sudden he sees the world and has free will.

You have to admit....despite all the trouble it brought us, it beats the hell of the beatific servitude of being a domestic animal.

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