For USMB GOP who say "Fast and Furious" but don't know what it means: Explained



Fast and Furious is an extremely convoluted conspiracy made up by Republicans. In fact, it's so convoluted, even most of the base has stopped trying to "use" it. Because when it's explained, they also start to laugh.

So this is what it's about.

Right Wingnut Republicans say the president wants to ship weapons off to Mexican Drug Lords hoping they use the "marked" weapons to kill American citizens.

The president is hoping they leave the weapon at the scene of the murder so ballistics can definitely say the bullets that killed "whoever" came from that gun Obama used for gun running.

Then, Obama can change the laws and take away every American's gun or rifle. It's possible he is using this on his first step to becoming a King/dictator.

And there you go. That's the scandal. Pretty stupid huh. Especially considering his record on gun law legislation:

One of those pro-gun laws took effect in February 2010 and allows people to carry loaded firearms into the Grand Canyon and other national parks, according to the AP.

Paul Helmke, who was at the time president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said national parks were the safest spots in American but guns could change that.

The other major pro-gun law Obama signed allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, reversing a ban that was put in place after 9/11, according to USA Today.

In addition to signing pro-gun laws, the Chicago Tribune has pointed out, Obama also failed to make good on a campaign promise to close a loophole that let some people buy guns without background checks.

It's not so shocking then that the Brady Campaign gave Obama an F in January 2010.

Gun Laws Obama Has Signed - Business Insider
I guess I got it right. No Right wingers have said I didn't.
I'm gonna go watch one of the 20 movies they made about fast cars instead of reading whatever you put up here...

Sorry... having a deannie overload..just don't have time for another thread right now...
Taking a break.
Deanie, you are just a idiot. Nothing you ever say has a shred if truth. People just get tired of your stupid nonsense.
Fast & Furious is an attempt by Obama to cause gun violence along the Mexican border. They were hoping they could generate enough murder and mayhem to swing public opinion over to the left and get rid of guns. Some on the left figure the ends justifies the means. They tried to do the same with Sandyhook but the backlash proved that we Americans aren't about to give up our 2nd Amendment rights over a ridiculous liberal argument.

The problem with the Obama Administration is they have caused many of the problems they claim they are the solution to. I could point out proof of this with many claims including income inequality.
Deanie, you are just a idiot. Nothing you ever say has a shred if truth. People just get tired of your stupid nonsense.

And yet, the post following yours repeats what I said. Odd, wouldn't you say?
Deanie, you are just a idiot. Nothing you ever say has a shred if truth. People just get tired of your stupid nonsense.

And yet, the post following yours repeats what I said. Odd, wouldn't you say?

I didn't say that the Republican response to Fast & Furious was convoluted. Their claims are more realistic than the claims by the Obama Administration that Fast & Furious is a Bush program. That's the same excuse they use for just about every scandal.

It's the Republican's fault. Nothing to see here. Not one iota of corruption.

Fast & Furious makes one wonder what else has Obama been up to. If we were to find out for sure I think we'd discover that he's broken enough U.S. and International laws to get locked up for life.
Deanie, you are just a idiot. Nothing you ever say has a shred if truth. People just get tired of your stupid nonsense.

And yet, the post following yours repeats what I said. Odd, wouldn't you say?

Evidently, mudwhistle is bored.

I know. This is what he said:

Fast & Furious is an attempt by Obama to cause gun violence along the Mexican border. They were hoping they could generate enough murder and mayhem to swing public opinion over to the left and get rid of guns.

That's what I said but with fewer words. Because fewer words are used to describe it, that doesn't make it any less convoluted or ridiculous.
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.
Just one more example of the Obama Administration's belief that the "end justifies the means".
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?

It was secret. Apparently, that means only right wingers "knew".

I still can't believe that Republicans are trying to make this convoluted and ridiculous manufactured scandal stick. It's just so dumb.
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?

If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?

It was secret. Apparently, that means only right wingers "knew".

I still can't believe that Republicans are trying to make this convoluted and ridiculous manufactured scandal stick. It's just so dumb.

Kindly explain why the President who promised us the "most transparent Administration in history" did a Tricky Dick and chose to invoke a claim of Executive Privilege to keep from releasing documents relating to the Fast & Furious program, Deanie...

And when you're done with can take a crack at explaining why Barry, the members of his Cabinet and most of his Administration didn't know about Fast & Furious, about Benghazi...or about the IRS targeting conservatives...

It's obvious at this point that what we now have is the "most clueless Administration in history"...not the "most transparent".
Who in the Obama administration knew?

It was secret. Apparently, that means only right wingers "knew".

I still can't believe that Republicans are trying to make this convoluted and ridiculous manufactured scandal stick. It's just so dumb.

Kindly explain why the President who promised us the "most transparent Administration in history" did a Tricky Dick and chose to invoke a claim of Executive Privilege to keep from releasing documents relating to the Fast & Furious program, Deanie...

And when you're done with can take a crack at explaining why Barry, the members of his Cabinet and most of his Administration didn't know about Fast & Furious, about Benghazi...or about the IRS targeting conservatives...

It's obvious at this point that what we now have is the "most clueless Administration in history"...not the "most transparent".

This administration is less "clueless" than you would ever admit. It's these determined lies and misrepresentation from a party that has to resort to voter suppression to even come close to winning elections.

We know that Republicans leaked a "partial list" of those the IRS was checking out. That has been linked to many times on this site. Once the full list was disclosed, we saw there was no favoritism. Does that stop the right wing? Noooo. You might as well be screaming "birth certificate".

After the Bush administration outed a CIA agent, I think Republicans like to put Americans into danger. They seem to want to see Americans killed so they can use those deaths for political reasons. What else could it be.

Twice the ambassador turned down military aid in Benghazi and the Republicans quietly raised embassy security budgets by two billion after saying it wasn't needed.

The real scandal there is the right wing video that was put out with the aim of causing riots and the Islamic world to hate us. There were deadly riots going on all over the world over that video with over 50 people dying. The right wing got exactly what they wanted. Death and unrest. It's what they do best.
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?

If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.

It was secret. Apparently, that means only right wingers "knew".

I still can't believe that Republicans are trying to make this convoluted and ridiculous manufactured scandal stick. It's just so dumb.

Kindly explain why the President who promised us the "most transparent Administration in history" did a Tricky Dick and chose to invoke a claim of Executive Privilege to keep from releasing documents relating to the Fast & Furious program, Deanie...

And when you're done with can take a crack at explaining why Barry, the members of his Cabinet and most of his Administration didn't know about Fast & Furious, about Benghazi...or about the IRS targeting conservatives...

It's obvious at this point that what we now have is the "most clueless Administration in history"...not the "most transparent".

This administration is less "clueless" than you would ever admit. It's these determined lies and misrepresentation from a party that has to resort to voter suppression to even come close to winning elections.

We know that Republicans leaked a "partial list" of those the IRS was checking out. That has been linked to many times on this site. Once the full list was disclosed, we saw there was no favoritism. Does that stop the right wing? Noooo. You might as well be screaming "birth certificate".

After the Bush administration outed a CIA agent, I think Republicans like to put Americans into danger. They seem to want to see Americans killed so they can use those deaths for political reasons. What else could it be.

Twice the ambassador turned down military aid in Benghazi and the Republicans quietly raised embassy security budgets by two billion after saying it wasn't needed.

The real scandal there is the right wing video that was put out with the aim of causing riots and the Islamic world to hate us. There were deadly riots going on all over the world over that video with over 50 people dying. The right wing got exactly what they wanted. Death and unrest. It's what they do best.

Are you seriously trying to resurrect that bullshit that the IRS was targeting liberals just as much as they were conservatives, Deanie? That attempt by the Obama Administration to diffuse the IRS scandal fell just as flat as it's attempt to portray what happened as a few "rogue agents" in one IRS office. The truth is...progressives used the IRS to hinder fund raising efforts by conservative groups leading up to the 2012 elections. Your claim that there was no favoritism is an outright distortion of what took place...conservative groups had their applications put on hold while liberal groups applications went through without a problem.

You perpetually whine about what you view as GOP voter suppression...yet you turn a blind eye to Democrats using the IRS to handicap their political opponents...and then you have the nerve to liken outrage over such practices to the "Birthers"? Lois Lerner took the 5th because she KNOWS she broke the law. That isn't some nonsense over birth certificates...that's someone perverting the IRS's power for political purposes.

Then you try and excuse the failure of this Administration to protect Ambassador Stevens and the other three Americans because the GOP didn't give the State Department all of the money they requested? It was made very clear in testimony from State Department managers testifying before Congress that the security problem in Benghazi did NOT stem from budget cuts. That was yet another attempt by Hilary Clinton to point the finger elsewhere rather than accept blame for her own mistake.

And to blame Benghazi on the You Tube video at this point simply underscores how laughably partisan you are, Deanie. That attack had nothing to do with some stupid video. It was a well coordinated terror attack carried out by a group aligned with Al Queda. That it was because of the video is the LIE that the Obama people came up with to cover their asses in the run up to the election.
Who in the Obama administration knew?

If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.


If you honestly didn't know that Holder was held in contempt or that Obama invoked executive privilege to keep from releasing Fast & Furious documents then you REALLY need to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention to a news source that reports on what's going on out there in the big bad world!

The fact is...the Obama Administration has been stonewalling the investigation into Fast & Furious for most of it's four plus years in office. I don't use the reference to Nixon lightly and the fact that THIS government has resorted to Nixonian tactics speaks volumes about them and how they conduct themselves. This is NOT the most transparent Administration in point of fact it is actually one of the LEAST transparent.

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