For USMB GOP who say "Fast and Furious" but don't know what it means: Explained

I doubt if even president Hussein would defend Op-F/F that way. It was a monumental fuk up engineered by the same renegade federal law enforcement agency that gave us the classic entrapment of Ruby Ridge and the massacre at Waco. What did the attorney general know about it and when did he know it? We will probably never know because the liberal media isn't curious enough to ask the tough questions and the president is obstructing investigation into the matter.
If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.


If you honestly didn't know that Holder was held in contempt or that Obama invoked executive privilege to keep from releasing Fast & Furious documents then you REALLY need to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention to a news source that reports on what's going on out there in the big bad world!

The fact is...the Obama Administration has been stonewalling the investigation into Fast & Furious for most of it's four plus years in office. I don't use the reference to Nixon lightly and the fact that THIS government has resorted to Nixonian tactics speaks volumes about them and how they conduct themselves. This is NOT the most transparent Administration in point of fact it is actually one of the LEAST transparent.

Sorry, I guess I should have put more words on the 'Link?' sentences. I meant is do you have a link to the fact that someone in the Obama administration was aware of the Fast & Furious operation.
Who in the Obama administration knew?

If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.


If there were a real scandal here, the GOP wouldn't need to send out cherry picked info and partial transcripts.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

The biggest problem with this scandal is that it's too ridiculous to be believed except by birthers and those of that ilk.
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If you honestly didn't know that Holder was held in contempt or that Obama invoked executive privilege to keep from releasing Fast & Furious documents then you REALLY need to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention to a news source that reports on what's going on out there in the big bad world!

The fact is...the Obama Administration has been stonewalling the investigation into Fast & Furious for most of it's four plus years in office. I don't use the reference to Nixon lightly and the fact that THIS government has resorted to Nixonian tactics speaks volumes about them and how they conduct themselves. This is NOT the most transparent Administration in point of fact it is actually one of the LEAST transparent.

Sorry, I guess I should have put more words on the 'Link?' sentences. I meant is do you have a link to the fact that someone in the Obama administration was aware of the Fast & Furious operation.

The "chain" of who knew went as far as Assistant Attorney General Lanny that point Holder and Obama refused to release documents citing Executive Privilege and "ongoing criminal investigations". Breuer claimed that he didn't tell Holder about Fast & Furious and resigned, becoming the fall guy for the operation. Holder was caught telling lies to Congress about when he found out about Fast & Furious. In essence the investigation was stonewalled at the point directly below both Holder and Obama, with the most transparent administration in history refusing to release approximately 1,500 documents to Congressional investigators. It's classic Nixonian tactics to protect the President.
If you believe what the Obama Administration says...NO ONE! As usual, both Barry and Eric Holder knew nothing about a program that the Justice Department had started up and run for quite some time. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress on June 28, 2012. Earlier that month, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency over the same documents. In other words...Obama pulled a Nixon. Draw your own conclusions as to what that means.


If there were a real scandal here, the GOP wouldn't need to send out cherry picked info and partial transcripts.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

The biggest problem with this scandal is that it's too ridiculous to be believed except by birthers and those of that ilk.

Ah yes...the Fortune Magazine article! Time magazine, which is the print equivalent of MSNBC writes an article about Fast & Furious that points the blame at the very whistle-blowers who went public with the scandal, an article that is so one sided that one of the whistle blowers ended up sueing Time for libel! The author of that article didn't even interview John Dodson, despite Dodson REQUESTING to give his side of the story to her. You don't arrive at the "truth" about anything as a journalist when you don't talk to the people who were involved. The Fortune magazine article was nothing more than propaganda designed to shore up the Obama Administration claim that THEY knew nothing about the program and halt any further investigation into what really happened and who really knew about it.

If there were a real scandal here, the GOP wouldn't need to send out cherry picked info and partial transcripts.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

The biggest problem with this scandal is that it's too ridiculous to be believed except by birthers and those of that ilk.

Ah yes...the Fortune Magazine article! Time magazine, which is the print equivalent of MSNBC writes an article about Fast & Furious that points the blame at the very whistle-blowers who went public with the scandal, an article that is so one sided that one of the whistle blowers ended up sueing Time for libel! The author of that article didn't even interview John Dodson, despite Dodson REQUESTING to give his side of the story to her. You don't arrive at the "truth" about anything as a journalist when you don't talk to the people who were involved. The Fortune magazine article was nothing more than propaganda designed to shore up the Obama Administration claim that THEY knew nothing about the program and halt any further investigation into what really happened and who really knew about it.

Real investigative reporting lasting months. The enemy of the GOP.
If you honestly didn't know that Holder was held in contempt or that Obama invoked executive privilege to keep from releasing Fast & Furious documents then you REALLY need to get your head out of your ass and start paying attention to a news source that reports on what's going on out there in the big bad world!

The fact is...the Obama Administration has been stonewalling the investigation into Fast & Furious for most of it's four plus years in office. I don't use the reference to Nixon lightly and the fact that THIS government has resorted to Nixonian tactics speaks volumes about them and how they conduct themselves. This is NOT the most transparent Administration in point of fact it is actually one of the LEAST transparent.

Sorry, I guess I should have put more words on the 'Link?' sentences. I meant is do you have a link to the fact that someone in the Obama administration was aware of the Fast & Furious operation.

The "chain" of who knew went as far as Assistant Attorney General Lanny that point Holder and Obama refused to release documents citing Executive Privilege and "ongoing criminal investigations". Breuer claimed that he didn't tell Holder about Fast & Furious and resigned, becoming the fall guy for the operation. Holder was caught telling lies to Congress about when he found out about Fast & Furious. In essence the investigation was stonewalled at the point directly below both Holder and Obama, with the most transparent administration in history refusing to release approximately 1,500 documents to Congressional investigators. It's classic Nixonian tactics to protect the President.

So like I said previously, "Link?"
If there were a real scandal here, the GOP wouldn't need to send out cherry picked info and partial transcripts.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

The biggest problem with this scandal is that it's too ridiculous to be believed except by birthers and those of that ilk.

Ah yes...the Fortune Magazine article! Time magazine, which is the print equivalent of MSNBC writes an article about Fast & Furious that points the blame at the very whistle-blowers who went public with the scandal, an article that is so one sided that one of the whistle blowers ended up sueing Time for libel! The author of that article didn't even interview John Dodson, despite Dodson REQUESTING to give his side of the story to her. You don't arrive at the "truth" about anything as a journalist when you don't talk to the people who were involved. The Fortune magazine article was nothing more than propaganda designed to shore up the Obama Administration claim that THEY knew nothing about the program and halt any further investigation into what really happened and who really knew about it.

Real investigative reporting lasting months. The enemy of the GOP.

LOL...would a "real" investigative reporter decline to interview the people who were actually THERE when this was going on? How do you DO that, Deanie? WHY would you do that if you were actually interested in getting to the bottom of what happened?

You're such a partisan hack that you don't realize that Time has been in the tank for Obama for years now. It's why their reputation as "journalists" is practically nonexistent at this point.
Sorry, I guess I should have put more words on the 'Link?' sentences. I meant is do you have a link to the fact that someone in the Obama administration was aware of the Fast & Furious operation.

The "chain" of who knew went as far as Assistant Attorney General Lanny that point Holder and Obama refused to release documents citing Executive Privilege and "ongoing criminal investigations". Breuer claimed that he didn't tell Holder about Fast & Furious and resigned, becoming the fall guy for the operation. Holder was caught telling lies to Congress about when he found out about Fast & Furious. In essence the investigation was stonewalled at the point directly below both Holder and Obama, with the most transparent administration in history refusing to release approximately 1,500 documents to Congressional investigators. It's classic Nixonian tactics to protect the President.

So like I said previously, "Link?"

Do you not know who Lanny Breuer is? What "link" is it that you're looking for? I'm constantly amazed by the people on this site who seem to have no clue as to what is happening around them.

Breuer resigned, which worked out great for Obama and Holder on two fronts. He became the fall guy for Fast & Furious because we're supposed to believe that he never mentioned that program to his boss, Holder. He's also the fall guy for the Holder Justice Department's failure to bring a single Wall Street executive up on charges for their actions leading up to the economic collapse. Since Breuer was already on the way out after a scathing piece done by Frontline on the Obama Administration's unwillingness to go after executives who broke the law leading up to the collapse, it only makes sense to have HIM be the guy who takes blame for Fast & Furious and swears nobody above him knew a thing about it.

So you tell me, Random...when something smells as bad as you buy the bullshit you're being fed or do you demand that a REAL investigation take place and that ALL of the evidence of wrongdoing be looked at? People like Deanie buy the story hook line and sinker...but then again...Deanie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed here at US Message Board. So what are YOU going to be known for?
The "chain" of who knew went as far as Assistant Attorney General Lanny that point Holder and Obama refused to release documents citing Executive Privilege and "ongoing criminal investigations". Breuer claimed that he didn't tell Holder about Fast & Furious and resigned, becoming the fall guy for the operation. Holder was caught telling lies to Congress about when he found out about Fast & Furious. In essence the investigation was stonewalled at the point directly below both Holder and Obama, with the most transparent administration in history refusing to release approximately 1,500 documents to Congressional investigators. It's classic Nixonian tactics to protect the President.

So like I said previously, "Link?"

Do you not know who Lanny Breuer is? What "link" is it that you're looking for? I'm constantly amazed by the people on this site who seem to have no clue as to what is happening around them.

Breuer resigned, which worked out great for Obama and Holder on two fronts. He became the fall guy for Fast & Furious because we're supposed to believe that he never mentioned that program to his boss, Holder. He's also the fall guy for the Holder Justice Department's failure to bring a single Wall Street executive up on charges for their actions leading up to the economic collapse. Since Breuer was already on the way out after a scathing piece done by Frontline on the Obama Administration's unwillingness to go after executives who broke the law leading up to the collapse, it only makes sense to have HIM be the guy who takes blame for Fast & Furious and swears nobody above him knew a thing about it.

So you tell me, Random...when something smells as bad as you buy the bullshit you're being fed or do you demand that a REAL investigation take place and that ALL of the evidence of wrongdoing be looked at? People like Deanie buy the story hook line and sinker...but then again...Deanie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed here at US Message Board. So what are YOU going to be known for?

Not that I question your intimate knowledge of every fact of Fast & Furious but I would like to know what facts gave you such knowledge. You cite Nixon for example, John Wesley Dean gave testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee and providing a link to similar such testimony would allow me to become as knowledgeable as you. My apologies for living under a rock while the Fast & Furious scandal broke but I was. So one more time, Link?
It's not hard to figure out Op-F/F. What's hard to figure out is how the hell the low information left can blame republicans. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
Don't worry righties. You've still got Benghazi. Even though you can't articulate a consistent and coherent story about that either.

Basically, the right now screams "Benghazi!" in the same manner that an Islamicist screams "Allahu Akbar!". It's a way of building group identity, and of displaying to the rest of the cult how you're a loyal member of the cult.
So like I said previously, "Link?"

Do you not know who Lanny Breuer is? What "link" is it that you're looking for? I'm constantly amazed by the people on this site who seem to have no clue as to what is happening around them.

Breuer resigned, which worked out great for Obama and Holder on two fronts. He became the fall guy for Fast & Furious because we're supposed to believe that he never mentioned that program to his boss, Holder. He's also the fall guy for the Holder Justice Department's failure to bring a single Wall Street executive up on charges for their actions leading up to the economic collapse. Since Breuer was already on the way out after a scathing piece done by Frontline on the Obama Administration's unwillingness to go after executives who broke the law leading up to the collapse, it only makes sense to have HIM be the guy who takes blame for Fast & Furious and swears nobody above him knew a thing about it.

So you tell me, Random...when something smells as bad as you buy the bullshit you're being fed or do you demand that a REAL investigation take place and that ALL of the evidence of wrongdoing be looked at? People like Deanie buy the story hook line and sinker...but then again...Deanie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed here at US Message Board. So what are YOU going to be known for?

Not that I question your intimate knowledge of every fact of Fast & Furious but I would like to know what facts gave you such knowledge. You cite Nixon for example, John Wesley Dean gave testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee and providing a link to similar such testimony would allow me to become as knowledgeable as you. My apologies for living under a rock while the Fast & Furious scandal broke but I was. So one more time, Link?

Did you want a link to the testimony that Breuer gave where he denied knowing about gun-walking taking place in Fast & Furious or do you want a link to his later reluctant admission that was a lie?

Justice Department Reveals Origins of False Gun Letter To Grassley : Roll Call News
Don't worry righties. You've still got Benghazi. Even though you can't articulate a consistent and coherent story about that either.

Basically, the right now screams "Benghazi!" in the same manner that an Islamicist screams "Allahu Akbar!". It's a way of building group identity, and of displaying to the rest of the cult how you're a loyal member of the cult.

The country still has the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal and the Fast & Furious scandal because the Obama White House has stonewalled investigations into each. Your rather pathetic attempt to characterize anyone who demands answers regarding these events as an "Islamicist" (sic) is typical.

This was supposed to be the most transparent administration about if they start living up to that bit of self promotion?
the right dropped f and F the second the world got to see how much they were lying about it.
Do you not know who Lanny Breuer is? What "link" is it that you're looking for? I'm constantly amazed by the people on this site who seem to have no clue as to what is happening around them.

Breuer resigned, which worked out great for Obama and Holder on two fronts. He became the fall guy for Fast & Furious because we're supposed to believe that he never mentioned that program to his boss, Holder. He's also the fall guy for the Holder Justice Department's failure to bring a single Wall Street executive up on charges for their actions leading up to the economic collapse. Since Breuer was already on the way out after a scathing piece done by Frontline on the Obama Administration's unwillingness to go after executives who broke the law leading up to the collapse, it only makes sense to have HIM be the guy who takes blame for Fast & Furious and swears nobody above him knew a thing about it.

So you tell me, Random...when something smells as bad as you buy the bullshit you're being fed or do you demand that a REAL investigation take place and that ALL of the evidence of wrongdoing be looked at? People like Deanie buy the story hook line and sinker...but then again...Deanie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed here at US Message Board. So what are YOU going to be known for?

Not that I question your intimate knowledge of every fact of Fast & Furious but I would like to know what facts gave you such knowledge. You cite Nixon for example, John Wesley Dean gave testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee and providing a link to similar such testimony would allow me to become as knowledgeable as you. My apologies for living under a rock while the Fast & Furious scandal broke but I was. So one more time, Link?

Did you want a link to the testimony that Breuer gave where he denied knowing about gun-walking taking place in Fast & Furious or do you want a link to his later reluctant admission that was a lie?

Justice Department Reveals Origins of False Gun Letter To Grassley : Roll Call News

I'm pleading the fifth and walking away from this one.
Not that I question your intimate knowledge of every fact of Fast & Furious but I would like to know what facts gave you such knowledge. You cite Nixon for example, John Wesley Dean gave testimony to the Senate Watergate Committee and providing a link to similar such testimony would allow me to become as knowledgeable as you. My apologies for living under a rock while the Fast & Furious scandal broke but I was. So one more time, Link?

Did you want a link to the testimony that Breuer gave where he denied knowing about gun-walking taking place in Fast & Furious or do you want a link to his later reluctant admission that was a lie?

Justice Department Reveals Origins of False Gun Letter To Grassley : Roll Call News

I'm pleading the fifth and walking away from this one.

Was this part of NAFTA? One should read the whole article.
Obama-backed Mexican Troops Disarm & Massacre More Civilians
Obama administration-backed Mexican troops opened fire this week on a group of civilians seeking to keep their weapons and rein in ruthless government-linked drug cartels, which have terrorized their communities in the state of Michoacán. The attack sparked an international outcry on behalf of the citizens, who have suffered non-stop brutality at the hands of both government officials and criminal syndicates. News reports, some of which conflict with each other, suggest that around a dozen people were shot and at least four were killed in the massacre, including an 11-year-old girl. A Mexican paper reported that a dozen civilians died in the clash.
What's disgusting about the Fast & Furious program is that the Obama Administration continued with it LONG after they knew that they were unable to track the weapons and that some of the weapons were ending up in the hands of violent drug cartels in another country where innocent people were being slaughtered by them.

It wasn't until a US Border Patrol agent was murdered by one of the Fast & Furious guns and a public outcry started that the Justice Department finally pulled the plug on the gun sales. This Administration apparently felt that it's terrible when school kids in Conn. get killed by an assault weapon that was legally obtained but could care less if Mexican kids get killed by an assault weapon that they allowed to "walk" across the border.

Who in the Obama administration knew?

Holder did for certain. There is loads of evidence including statements he made to other politicians.
Just something I came across while going through the headlines.

Announcement of AG Eric Holder's Departure may be Premature
In the February 17 issue of the New Yorker magazine, Jeffrey Toobin wrote, based on an interview he had with Attorney General Eric Holder (shown) back in December, that Holder would be leaving office sometime this year, perhaps sooner rather than later. Almost immediately the Justice Department said Toobin was misinterpreting what Holder meant, and issued a partial transcript of Toobin’s interview to prove it:
The "chain" of who knew went as far as Assistant Attorney General Lanny that point Holder and Obama refused to release documents citing Executive Privilege and "ongoing criminal investigations". Breuer claimed that he didn't tell Holder about Fast & Furious and resigned, becoming the fall guy for the operation. Holder was caught telling lies to Congress about when he found out about Fast & Furious. In essence the investigation was stonewalled at the point directly below both Holder and Obama, with the most transparent administration in history refusing to release approximately 1,500 documents to Congressional investigators. It's classic Nixonian tactics to protect the President.

So like I said previously, "Link?"

Do you not know who Lanny Breuer is? What "link" is it that you're looking for? I'm constantly amazed by the people on this site who seem to have no clue as to what is happening around them.

Breuer resigned, which worked out great for Obama and Holder on two fronts. He became the fall guy for Fast & Furious because we're supposed to believe that he never mentioned that program to his boss, Holder. He's also the fall guy for the Holder Justice Department's failure to bring a single Wall Street executive up on charges for their actions leading up to the economic collapse. Since Breuer was already on the way out after a scathing piece done by Frontline on the Obama Administration's unwillingness to go after executives who broke the law leading up to the collapse, it only makes sense to have HIM be the guy who takes blame for Fast & Furious and swears nobody above him knew a thing about it.

So you tell me, Random...when something smells as bad as you buy the bullshit you're being fed or do you demand that a REAL investigation take place and that ALL of the evidence of wrongdoing be looked at? People like Deanie buy the story hook line and sinker...but then again...Deanie isn't the sharpest tool in the shed here at US Message Board. So what are YOU going to be known for?

Crispie apparently didn't know what was going on 5 feet from his desk, but Holder is supposed to know what's going on 15 states away?

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