For You Gun Hating Nutters

you know where the shootings ARENT?
at gun shows and shooting ranges

Or at NFL games or Disney world or MLB games...

Because they have lots and lots of armed security.....and they stop and frisk....they are mini police states.....exactly what the left Rights, and lots of unarmed civilians.....

And a lot fewer accidental shootings. I've never had a need to be armed.

As more Americans carry guns, the gun accident rate went down, not up.
good point on the duality of their thinking.....they cclaim to hate gun crime , yet support light sentences for people who use guns in crime.

Crime went down with the Bill Clinton crime bill. Dems need to go back to that.

No...sorry. The entire premise of the anti gun movement.....more guns = more crime....and that is a lie.....

This is the truth....normal, law abiding gun owners do not increase the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate or the violent crime fact, more studies on the subject show they help reduce all 3 categories.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

What does that have to do with what I said? points out that my idea, locking up actual criminals reduces the crime also points out that the basic premise of the anti gun movement is a lie.....and that normal, law abiding people carrying guns, 15.7-16 million people....does not increase the crime rate....

Locking up criminals lowers the crime rate...and yet democrats fight that solution...

That's what the bill Clinton crime bill did...

He apologized for it, and said it was a mistake....democrats do not take violent crime seriously.....they don't care about actual criminals.....

And again, as reality shows.....more guns in the hands of normal, law abiding gun owners ,does not increase the gun crime rate....
you know where the shootings ARENT?
at gun shows and shooting ranges

Or at NFL games or Disney world or MLB games...

Because they have lots and lots of armed security.....and they stop and frisk....they are mini police states.....exactly what the left Rights, and lots of unarmed civilians.....

And a lot fewer accidental shootings. I've never had a need to be armed.

As more Americans carry guns, the gun accident rate went down, not up.

It is quite low at NFL games.
Crime went down with the Bill Clinton crime bill. Dems need to go back to that.

No...sorry. The entire premise of the anti gun movement.....more guns = more crime....and that is a lie.....

This is the truth....normal, law abiding gun owners do not increase the gun crime rate, the gun murder rate or the violent crime fact, more studies on the subject show they help reduce all 3 categories.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

What does that have to do with what I said? points out that my idea, locking up actual criminals reduces the crime also points out that the basic premise of the anti gun movement is a lie.....and that normal, law abiding people carrying guns, 15.7-16 million people....does not increase the crime rate....

Locking up criminals lowers the crime rate...and yet democrats fight that solution...

That's what the bill Clinton crime bill did...

He apologized for it, and said it was a mistake....democrats do not take violent crime seriously.....they don't care about actual criminals.....

And again, as reality shows.....more guns in the hands of normal, law abiding gun owners ,does not increase the gun crime rate....

That doesn't change what the bill did. Dems are wrong now. I was applauding what they had done.
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms

They are only rights because your constitution has them in there. And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.
If different countries have different definitions of crime than any comparison in invalid. You know like the UK not counting a homicide as murder unless there is an actual conviction.

Since many of our states are larger than many of the countries you refer to then any one US state to foreign country is a better comparison.

Most US states have murder rates comparable to any other nation

You can't cherrypick aspects of your country. The stats are the stats. And it is done per capita so population is irrelevant

Obama was right when he said 'this type of mass violence does not happen in other developed countries'

Interesting that your graphs show the most guns are not the safest states.



Yeah....this map shows it....all of the murders in the United States.....the highest concentration? Where they have the most restrictive gun laws...

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center

View attachment 138610

What are you talking about ? Plenty of red stops all over gun nut south . Plus it's "# of murders " . No indication if there were guns or not .

It's also illectually dishonest to compare raw numbers without adjusting for population .

It's like comparing prices from different eras with adjusting for inflation .
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ANyone have a site/ link to some good gun crime or murder stats?

The stats I found include suicide .
Liberty is walking down the streets without getting your head blown off .

It's ridiculous to say they can just get guns on their own. That's not true .

But hey, illegal aliens are just going to get into the country. Why bother having any border patrol !

If you want to use that mantra with other issues.

By the way . I'll give you the 2nd . But righties wipe there ass with all the other constitutional rights . How dare u lecture anyone on freedom .

Such as? The only ones who are violating the Bill of Rights are the left........

Hell, throw up any right !

Search and seizure : cons are pro stop n frisk, pro patriot act , pro expanded spying .

so you claim that the cops are fascists at heart

and the libtarded answers is to grow government

and curb the citizenry from having the ability to protect themselves
Liberty is walking down the streets without getting your head blown off .

It's ridiculous to say they can just get guns on their own. That's not true .

But hey, illegal aliens are just going to get into the country. Why bother having any border patrol !

If you want to use that mantra with other issues.

By the way . I'll give you the 2nd . But righties wipe there ass with all the other constitutional rights . How dare u lecture anyone on freedom .

Such as? The only ones who are violating the Bill of Rights are the left........

Hell, throw up any right !

Search and seizure : cons are pro stop n frisk, pro patriot act , pro expanded spying .

so you claim that the cops are fascists at heart

and the libtarded answers is to grow government

and curb the citizenry from having the ability to protect themselves

Where the hell did you get that from!? No please , explain to me how what I said translates into the nonsense you said !
If different countries have different definitions of crime than any comparison in invalid. You know like the UK not counting a homicide as murder unless there is an actual conviction.

Since many of our states are larger than many of the countries you refer to then any one US state to foreign country is a better comparison.

Most US states have murder rates comparable to any other nation

You can't cherrypick aspects of your country. The stats are the stats. And it is done per capita so population is irrelevant

Obama was right when he said 'this type of mass violence does not happen in other developed countries'

Was that before or after Nice, and Charlie he do, and the Paris attacks.....? And the only thing that has stopped mass public shootings in Australia, and Britain.....dumb luck, and bad shooting.......
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms

They are only rights because your constitution has them in there. And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

No...the Constitution does not grant Rights....our Constitution lists what they are....because the founders realized a lot of stupid people get power...and they wanted to make sure there was a list that even they could read...
If different countries have different definitions of crime than any comparison in invalid. You know like the UK not counting a homicide as murder unless there is an actual conviction.

Since many of our states are larger than many of the countries you refer to then any one US state to foreign country is a better comparison.

Most US states have murder rates comparable to any other nation

You can't cherrypick aspects of your country. The stats are the stats. And it is done per capita so population is irrelevant

Obama was right when he said 'this type of mass violence does not happen in other developed countries'

London gun crime is up 42%....and it is up all over
Britain......Australia...rising gun crime.....after both countries banned guns 21 years ago...our gun crime rates...gun murder down 49%....gun crime down 75%.....violent crime....down 72%....with about 26 million law Abiding Americans carrying guns for self defense....

Gun laws don't stop abiding gun owners don't create gun crime...

That is the truth, those are the facts and the reality....

Violent crime is rampant all through Britain...some areas have seen a 90% rate of increase......and it is way up all over the cherry picking needed.
If different countries have different definitions of crime than any comparison in invalid. You know like the UK not counting a homicide as murder unless there is an actual conviction.

Since many of our states are larger than many of the countries you refer to then any one US state to foreign country is a better comparison.

Most US states have murder rates comparable to any other nation

You can't cherrypick aspects of your country. The stats are the stats. And it is done per capita so population is irrelevant

Obama was right when he said 'this type of mass violence does not happen in other developed countries'

The stats show that our gun crime is as a majority, confined to tiny areas in democrat, gun controlled areas.....that is a fact .....population is not irrelevant.......some groups are driving our gun crime rate.....and they are the ones who own the least number of guns.
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms

They are only rights because your constitution has them in there. And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

I see you are unaware of how the Constitution gets amended. The amendment process utilizes all of Congress and the president to either sign into law or veto the bill. If he vetoes it, a 2/3 majority of Congress can override the veto.

Constitutional Amendment Process
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms

They are only rights because your constitution has them in there. And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

I see you are unaware of how the Constitution gets amended. The amendment process utilizes all of Congress and the president to either sign into law or veto the bill. If he vetoes it, a 2/3 majority of Congress can override the veto.

Constitutional Amendment Process

Um, which negates what I said how?
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms

They are only rights because your constitution has them in there. And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

I see you are unaware of how the Constitution gets amended. The amendment process utilizes all of Congress and the president to either sign into law or veto the bill. If he vetoes it, a 2/3 majority of Congress can override the veto.

Constitutional Amendment Process

Um, which negates what I said how?

And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

2nd amendment rights are not to be "hashed over" unless to make sure they're not being infringed on.

You have a better chance of being Taylor Swift's boyfriend than "taking out" the 2nd amendment.
And they can be amended or taken out. Hashed over by who? The USSC? 9 people trying to decide what 200+ year old dead people thought. None of them had consensus either.

2nd amendment rights are not to be "hashed over" unless to make sure they're not being infringed on.

You have a better chance of being Taylor Swift's boyfriend than "taking out" the 2nd amendment.

Again, doesn't have much to do with what I said. I know how the amendment process works. You mentioned the word hashed over not me. I thought you were alluding to cases that have been brought to the USSC, which has occurred. Miller being one.
Liberty is walking down the streets without getting your head blown off .

It's ridiculous to say they can just get guns on their own. That's not true .

But hey, illegal aliens are just going to get into the country. Why bother having any border patrol !

If you want to use that mantra with other issues.

By the way . I'll give you the 2nd . But righties wipe there ass with all the other constitutional rights . How dare u lecture anyone on freedom .

Such as? The only ones who are violating the Bill of Rights are the left........

Hell, throw up any right !

Search and seizure : cons are pro stop n frisk, pro patriot act , pro expanded spying .

so you claim that the cops are fascists at heart

and the libtarded answers is to grow government

and curb the citizenry from having the ability to protect themselves

Where the hell did you get that from!? No please , explain to me how what I said translates into the nonsense you said !

from folks like you timmy

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