For You Gun Hating Nutters

yes it you support background checks for people to be able to go to church?

Do church's fire projectiles that can kill people? Who knew....
going to church is a RIGHT, same as firearms ownership

They are not comparable. What do you do for an encore, compare eating an apple with dropping an nuclear bomb? Okay, don't do checks, but let me ask you this - if some whacko who has a history of being unstable and threatening people goes postal and kills a couple of dozen people because there was no background check, are you prepared to take the moral AND criminal hit for their actions? IOW, you sign a waiver whereby you'll vouch for the guy that he WON'T do it? And if he does you can wear the criminal culpability?

Dipstick.....almost every single mass public shooter passed current federal background checks, which means they would also pass a background check for a private sale. Those who didn't pass a background check, got their guns illegally....background checks do not stop mass public shooters.

So some research before you post.....
they are both constitutionally protected rights, I'm not responsible for him or her if they abuse them

The fourth has the word 'reasonable' in it. I don't think it unreasonable that you have to have a background check.

It is when the background check leads to the requirement to register guns.....that is the reason the anti gun leadership wants universal background checks.....and then, with registration, they can confiscate and ban Britain, Germany and Australia did.....
Rural areas have next to no violent crime, and firearm ownership is highest in these area of the country by a long ways. People kill people not firearms. shit for brains

Go back to your mothers basement

That is same in countries that don't have a proliferation of guns. I'm sure there is a point in there somewhere. However, it is unrelated to what we are talking about.

No....gun crime is increasing in Britain, Australia......
You do know that law abiding citizens far outnumber criminals don't you?

The more law abiding citizens that are armed the less safe criminals feel committing crimes

And yet you have one of the biggest crime rates in the civilised world. Higher than most European countries that have strict gun laws. You might want to try that one again....

Britain's violent crime rate is higher than ours......and the violent nature of a nations criminals, not gun laws, determine gun crime rates.

And the European countries have criminals who get guns easily...even terrorists on government, terrorist watch lists....the only ones who can't get guns are the law abiding Europeans.
Rebuttal from post #7 2aguy.

You do know that your link is only an opinion. Did you really read it or just look at it just to spread your propaganda?
You may want to read the real AB109. I did not copy and paste the rest but this is some of what are mentioned in AB109.

As always------- Your only solution is you want to flood this country with more guns like Chicago.

4. What crimes are NOT covered by realignment?
Certain categories of crimes, and certain types of offenders, are not covered by realignment. Realignment is designed to deal with low-level and low-risk offenders, not people who are considered too dangerous to be rehabilitated within the community.

The following offenses and offenders are excluded from realignment:

Chicago has the strictest gun control in the state.....and they have 0 gun stores and shooting ranges....and they have the same gun laws as L.A. and New York, but have more murder than those Cities isn't guns, it is the nature of the criminals that causes gun violence....

And as more Americans own and carry guns...our crime rate has gone down, showing that the anti gunner belief that more guns create more crime is wrong.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
then why is it the right of the people?

Oh yeah the people, all people, were considered to be the militia

That's right. They were to belong to a militia. Do they all belong now? You're talking 1776 back when there were still slaves and only land owning men could vote. Things change.
No. They were to be ready to be called into service which was just one reason the people have the right to keep and bear arms it is not the only reason

What other reasons are mentioned in the second?

They don't list reasons, they list the Right to keep and Bear arms as a Right that cannot be infringed......
Be specific you mean murder rate because our rates of other crimes are not that high

And we have pockets of high crime that skew the numbers for the entire country. Most murders are criminals shooting other criminals and occur in just a handful of urban areas.

Chicago has strict gun laws and look at that shit hole?

New Hampshire has relaxed gun laws and is consistently one of the top 5 safest states in the country.

We know that most gun murders are committed by people with criminal records not by law abiding citizens.

So tell me how restricting people who don't commit crimes with guns or otherwise stop criminals from using guns.

Here's a hint for you. It doesn't

Different countries measure different rates different ways.

And yet where I live and NZ and Canada and Scandinavia and the Netherlands and Belgium and France and Ireland and and and ....have strict guns laws and have relatively low crime rates. And all countries have areas where crime rates are higher. The US is not exceptional in that regard. If all the other western countries got rid of their 'skewed' we'd all look grand and dandy. Where I come from, it's called cherry picking.

Their gun laws had 0 to do with their gun crime rates....since criminals in all of those countries get guns easily. Canada is experiencing increasing gun crime....and Belgium has access to guns, but low crime rates.....

Gun control doesn't determine the gun crime or murder rate, the attitude of criminals toward the need for guns and the need to murder each other controls those rates....

Yes...they do....they start with bans of various categories of weapons...the 4th Circuit court of appeals, clinton and obama appointees control that court, just decided that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment......which goes completely against all Legal Precedent and Supreme Court rulings on the subject......which essentially sets the ground work for banning all guns...

Which is ridiculous seeing that the Miller case specifically said that the Second Amendment protects military style weapons. The reason they ruled against Mr. Miller was because they said (erroneously) that the military did not use short barreled shotguns. In fact the military did use short barrelled shotguns in WWI but the Court didn't do their homework..

These stupid Moon Bats thinks banning massive number of common use firearms like AR-15s somehow still protects our right to keep and bear arms. That pretty well makes them idiots, doesn't it?

No...the ACLU stated that you can't just take rights away from people without actual due process, and the ACLU pointed out that only a tiny number of mentally ill people are too dangerous to own guns.......

your beef is with the ACLU...

The Democrats did not support a Republican bill to increase the record keeping of the mentally ill in the NICS database so they are not really serious about keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill.
then why is it the right of the people?

Oh yeah the people, all people, were considered to be the militia

That's right. They were to belong to a militia. Do they all belong now? You're talking 1776 back when there were still slaves and only land owning men could vote. Things change.
No. They were to be ready to be called into service which was just one reason the people have the right to keep and bear arms it is not the only reason

What other reasons are mentioned in the second?
None. Rights don't need reasons

And it has already been hashed over that the militia was and still is secondary to the individual right to keep and bear arms
Be specific you mean murder rate because our rates of other crimes are not that high

And we have pockets of high crime that skew the numbers for the entire country. Most murders are criminals shooting other criminals and occur in just a handful of urban areas.

Chicago has strict gun laws and look at that shit hole?

New Hampshire has relaxed gun laws and is consistently one of the top 5 safest states in the country.

We know that most gun murders are committed by people with criminal records not by law abiding citizens.

So tell me how restricting people who don't commit crimes with guns or otherwise stop criminals from using guns.

Here's a hint for you. It doesn't

Different countries measure different rates different ways.

And yet where I live and NZ and Canada and Scandinavia and the Netherlands and Belgium and France and Ireland and and and ....have strict guns laws and have relatively low crime rates. And all countries have areas where crime rates are higher. The US is not exceptional in that regard. If all the other western countries got rid of their 'skewed' we'd all look grand and dandy. Where I come from, it's called cherry picking.
If different countries have different definitions of crime than any comparison in invalid. You know like the UK not counting a homicide as murder unless there is an actual conviction.

Since many of our states are larger than many of the countries you refer to then any one US state to foreign country is a better comparison.

Most US states have murder rates comparable to any other nation

Yes...they do....they start with bans of various categories of weapons...the 4th Circuit court of appeals, clinton and obama appointees control that court, just decided that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment......which goes completely against all Legal Precedent and Supreme Court rulings on the subject......which essentially sets the ground work for banning all guns...

Which is ridiculous seeing that the Miller case specifically said that the Second Amendment protects military style weapons. The reason they ruled against Mr. Miller was because they said (erroneously) that the military did not use short barreled shotguns. In fact the military did use short barrelled shotguns in WWI but the Court didn't do their homework..

These stupid Moon Bats thinks banning massive number of common use firearms like AR-15s somehow still protects our right to keep and bear arms. That pretty well makes them idiots, doesn't it?

They ignored Miller, Caetano, as well as Heller....this is why left wingers shouldn't be judges or justices, the law and legal Precedent don't mean anything to them.....

They ignored Miller, Caetano, as well as Heller....this is why left wingers shouldn't be judges or justices, the law and legal Precedent don't mean anything to them.....

We absolutely cannot ever trust Liberals with our Liberties.

Interesting that your graphs show the most guns are not the safest states.



Yes...they do....they start with bans of various categories of weapons...the 4th Circuit court of appeals, clinton and obama appointees control that court, just decided that military weapons are not protected by the 2nd Amendment......which goes completely against all Legal Precedent and Supreme Court rulings on the subject......which essentially sets the ground work for banning all guns...

Which is ridiculous seeing that the Miller case specifically said that the Second Amendment protects military style weapons. The reason they ruled against Mr. Miller was because they said (erroneously) that the military did not use short barreled shotguns. In fact the military did use short barrelled shotguns in WWI but the Court didn't do their homework..

These stupid Moon Bats thinks banning massive number of common use firearms like AR-15s somehow still protects our right to keep and bear arms. That pretty well makes them idiots, doesn't it?

They ignored Miller, Caetano, as well as Heller....this is why left wingers shouldn't be judges or justices, the law and legal Precedent don't mean anything to them.....

that is why we have to get the senate back to work

there are several conservative justices awaiting

to be placed on the benches

They ignored Miller, Caetano, as well as Heller....this is why left wingers shouldn't be judges or justices, the law and legal Precedent don't mean anything to them.....

We absolutely cannot ever trust Liberals with our Liberties.

But its RWNJs who want to take liberties away from Americans.

The average RW nutter thinks there is only one amendment to the US Constitution. Most of you don't know that the right to abortion is guaranteed by the constitution. Same with marriage equality.

And, if you had your way, Americans would not have those rights.

Another right you dummies hate is the right to protest.

Apparently, RWs believe that only liberals will lose rights (and money!) under the trump dictatorship. They could not be more wrong.
they are both constitutionally protected rights, I'm not responsible for him or her if they abuse them

The fourth has the word 'reasonable' in it. I don't think it unreasonable that you have to have a background check.
its unreasonable for someone to have to be searched to exercise a constitutional right

Do you feel that way about ALL constitutional rights?

I'm sure you don't.

See my earlier post ^^^.

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