For You Gun Hating Nutters

Obama, Crooked Hillary and about every shithead Democrat holding office in the US.

The only thing that has kept the filthy Democrats from banning firearms was the fact that the shitheads have not control Congress since 2010.

None of them want outright bans. So that is a lie.

Obama left guns alone until Sandy Hook. Gee, god forbid he act after a bunch of 5 yr olds were turned to hamburger !

And tell me how does any gun law passed after Sandy Hook prevent that type of thing from happening again

FYI I live in CT so I can tell you the only people affected by any post Sandy Hook law are the law abiding gun owners who will never kill anyone
I belong to two different militia groups, which are none of your business, but that has zero to do with my right to bear says the right of the people,, not the right of the militia

Nope, it specifically states militia. If belonging to a militia is irrelevant why even have it in the second at all? hint: It does matter. BS, I bet you don't belong to any legal entity or militia.

then why is it the right of the people?

Oh yeah the people, all people, were considered to be the militia
that's not a bad idea at all

No, that would be terrible .

Only to you anti gun nuts.

You use to be able to go into Sears and walk out with a firearm and no paper work required. That was real Liberty that you filthy Libtards destroyed.

Real liberty ? Nothing says liberty like every psycho and criminal being able to buy a gun on demand !

You are a great example of a delusional gun nut .
what part of shall not be infringed do you not understand

What part of "well regulated " do you not understand?

See, I can also cherry pick language !
do you know what well regulated meant in the vernacular of the 18th century?

HINT: it didn't mean governemnt controlled
they are both constitutionally protected rights, I'm not responsible for him or her if they abuse them

The fourth has the word 'reasonable' in it. I don't think it unreasonable that you have to have a background check.
its unreasonable for someone to have to be searched to exercise a constitutional right
Public information does not require a search warrant so looking for a felony conviction is not an unconstitutional search

accessing medical records is however a different matter

And tell me how does any gun law passed after Sandy Hook prevent that type of thing from happening again

FYI I live in CT so I can tell you the only people affected by any post Sandy Hook law are the law abiding gun owners who will never kill anyone

That is the thing that these Moon Bats are most confused about when it comes to gun control.

They are simply too stupid to understand that gun laws only restrict those who never were going to commit the crimes in the first place. The crooks and crazies don't abide by laws. That is why the country's most restrictive gun control laws don't work in crime ridden Chicago.

The deranged asshole that killed the children at Sandy Hook stole the guns that were acquired legally by a law abiding citizen. He killed the law abiding citizen and took her firearms and then used them for an illegal purpose. As you said, no law passed after Sandy Hook was going to prevent that kind of crime.

do you know what well regulated meant in the vernacular of the 18th century?

HINT: it didn't mean governemnt controlled

These Moon Bats don't understand that "well regulated" meant "well provisioned" even though the Miller case made it clear.
Are you an American citizen? If so, your knowledge of American history sucks ass!

Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord fought? Hint: It had EVERYTHING to do with guns!

It wasn't known as the "popcorn fart heard 'round the world"!

Simpy pathetic!

Of course I'm not American. And my knowledge is just fine. As I said, taxation without representation was the original premise....
You are confused about this.

Commie states like California and New York have significantly restricted the right to keep and bear arms for everybody including that do not have a history of mental illness or being a felon. In some Democrat control states almost every firearm that I own now would be illegal to own so don't give us that lying bullshit about "you can have your firearms"..

In New Jersey a few weeks ago a guy from out of state with no criminal history or intent to commit a crime was arrested for the mere possession of a firearm. In New York last year a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he had gone to the doctor for a mild case of insomnia. That is a great example of why we can't trust you stupid Liberals to restrict our Liberties.

If you continue to be confused about the filthy ass Libtards wanting to take the right to keep and bear arms away from law abiding citizens I can give you many more examples. Obama would have passed a very restrictive anti gun bill if he would have had the support in Congress. He said so. Crooked Hillary ran on an anti right to keep and bear arms platform and that is one of the reasons she lost.

Almost is not all. Give examples of what sort of firearms of yours they want to ban?

Also, credible links to your NJ and NY examples
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

No, you are an independent nation because British citizens of the US colonies didn't want to be taxed without representation. Had little or nothing to do with guns.

Pam was great....for an old broad...
Yeah we could have won the Revolutionary war with slingshots

All wars involve guns. Your point? So all wars have been about gun confiscation? I don't think so.
You do know that law abiding citizens far outnumber criminals don't you?

The more law abiding citizens that are armed the less safe criminals feel committing crimes

And yet you have one of the biggest crime rates in the civilised world. Higher than most European countries that have strict gun laws. You might want to try that one again....
You are confused about this.

Commie states like California and New York have significantly restricted the right to keep and bear arms for everybody including that do not have a history of mental illness or being a felon. In some Democrat control states almost every firearm that I own now would be illegal to own so don't give us that lying bullshit about "you can have your firearms"..

In New Jersey a few weeks ago a guy from out of state with no criminal history or intent to commit a crime was arrested for the mere possession of a firearm. In New York last year a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he had gone to the doctor for a mild case of insomnia. That is a great example of why we can't trust you stupid Liberals to restrict our Liberties.

If you continue to be confused about the filthy ass Libtards wanting to take the right to keep and bear arms away from law abiding citizens I can give you many more examples. Obama would have passed a very restrictive anti gun bill if he would have had the support in Congress. He said so. Crooked Hillary ran on an anti right to keep and bear arms platform and that is one of the reasons she lost.

Almost is not all. Give examples of what sort of firearms of yours they want to ban?

Also, credible links to your NJ and NY examples

You really are confused aren't you Moon Bat? That is typical for you Libtards, isn't it?

Every one of the 23 AR-15s that I have would be illegal in California and would be greatly restricted in other states. So would my M-14s, AKs, M-1 Carbines and FALs. Even my semi auto Ruger 10-22 . There are several states where my 300 AR-15 standard capacity magazines would be illegal.

It was New York and not New Jersey.

Hotel guest arrested after going back to get his gun

An out-of-towner who stashed his loaded handgun under the mattress in his Brooklyn hotel room, and then called the front desk after checking out to say he forgot it, will be spending at least one more night in the Big Apple — as a guest of the state.

Torrie Flock, 23, of Charlotte, N.C., rang the front desk at the Harbor Motor Inn on Shore Parkway in Gravesend Monday afternoon to say he’d left a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson under the mattress in Room 218, officials said.

When he returned to retrieve the firearm around 1:30 p.m., cops were waiting and arrested him.

Blog: Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

January 2, 2015
Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

The complaint contends that Montgomery, a Navy veteran and retired police officer who rose to the rank of detective sergeant during his 30-year career, voluntarily sought treatment for insomnia at a hospital on Long Island in May of 2014 after relocating to a new home several hundred miles from his previous residence.

Nonetheless, the suit contends that five days after being discharged from the hospital, the local sheriff’s department showed up at Montgomery’s door and seized his four registered handguns, including his former duty sidearm, after the sheriff had been subjected to “repeated pressure” by the New York State Police, who claimed that Montgomery had been declared mentally defective and had been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.
You really are confused aren't you Moon Bat? That is typical for you Libtards, isn't it?

Every one of the 23 AR-15s that I have would be illegal in California and would be greatly restricted in other states. So would my M-14s, AKs, M-1 Carbines and FALs. Even my semi auto Ruger 10-22 . There are several states where my 300 AR-15 standard capacity magazines would be illegal.

It was New York and not New Jersey.

Hotel guest arrested after going back to get his gun

An out-of-towner who stashed his loaded handgun under the mattress in his Brooklyn hotel room, and then called the front desk after checking out to say he forgot it, will be spending at least one more night in the Big Apple — as a guest of the state.

Torrie Flock, 23, of Charlotte, N.C., rang the front desk at the Harbor Motor Inn on Shore Parkway in Gravesend Monday afternoon to say he’d left a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson under the mattress in Room 218, officials said.

When he returned to retrieve the firearm around 1:30 p.m., cops were waiting and arrested him.

Blog: Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

January 2, 2015
Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

The complaint contends that Montgomery, a Navy veteran and retired police officer who rose to the rank of detective sergeant during his 30-year career, voluntarily sought treatment for insomnia at a hospital on Long Island in May of 2014 after relocating to a new home several hundred miles from his previous residence.

Nonetheless, the suit contends that five days after being discharged from the hospital, the local sheriff’s department showed up at Montgomery’s door and seized his four registered handguns, including his former duty sidearm, after the sheriff had been subjected to “repeated pressure” by the New York State Police, who claimed that Montgomery had been declared mentally defective and had been involuntarily committed to a mental institution.

He kept his gun under his mattress??? When in Rome. NY laws are NY laws.

The second one sounds dodgy. If true, I hope Montgomery wins not only the right to get his firearms back but money as well.

I think it's fantastic that your A15 would be confiscated. Why anybody would need such a weapon is beyond me. Well, if you lived in Somalia maybe.
Rebuttal from post #7 2aguy.

You do know that your link is only an opinion. Did you really read it or just look at it just to spread your propaganda?
You may want to read the real AB109. I did not copy and paste the rest but this is some of what are mentioned in AB109.

As always------- Your only solution is you want to flood this country with more guns like Chicago.

4. What crimes are NOT covered by realignment?
Certain categories of crimes, and certain types of offenders, are not covered by realignment. Realignment is designed to deal with low-level and low-risk offenders, not people who are considered too dangerous to be rehabilitated within the community.

The following offenses and offenders are excluded from realignment:


He kept his gun under his mattress??? When in Rome. NY laws are NY laws.

The second one sounds dodgy. If true, I hope Montgomery wins not only the right to get his firearms back but money as well.

I think it's fantastic that your A15 would be confiscated. Why anybody would need such a weapon is beyond me. Well, if you lived in Somalia maybe.

You are confused Moon Bat.

This is a great example of out of control Liberal gun control.

It doesn't make any difference where he had his firearm. His only crime was possession of a firearm. He did not committed any crime and he had no intention of committing a crime. The Constitution says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed but yet the filthy ass Liberals in New York made it a crime to possess a firearms and that is wrong.

Your inability to understand that speaks volumes of your Libtard stupidity and why we can't trust Liberals with our Constitutional rights because you always get it wrong.

Another example is a decorated veteran was arrested in New York for violation of the SAFE Act two weeks after it was passed. His only crime was having two unloaded standard capacity AR-15 magazines in the trunk of his car. No firearm, no intent to commit a crime, just two unloaded magazines and he was arrested, cuffed and booked for violation of a filthy out of control gun law that was passed with the lie that it was "sensible gun control".

You can't trust Liberals, ever.
then why is it the right of the people?

Oh yeah the people, all people, were considered to be the militia

That's right. They were to belong to a militia. Do they all belong now? You're talking 1776 back when there were still slaves and only land owning men could vote. Things change.
No. They were to be ready to be called into service which was just one reason the people have the right to keep and bear arms it is not the only reason
You do know that law abiding citizens far outnumber criminals don't you?

The more law abiding citizens that are armed the less safe criminals feel committing crimes

And yet you have one of the biggest crime rates in the civilised world. Higher than most European countries that have strict gun laws. You might want to try that one again....

Be specific you mean murder rate because our rates of other crimes are not that high

And we have pockets of high crime that skew the numbers for the entire country. Most murders are criminals shooting other criminals and occur in just a handful of urban areas.

Chicago has strict gun laws and look at that shit hole?

New Hampshire has relaxed gun laws and is consistently one of the top 5 safest states in the country.

We know that most gun murders are committed by people with criminal records not by law abiding citizens.

So tell me how restricting people who don't commit crimes with guns or otherwise stop criminals from using guns.

Here's a hint for you. It doesn't

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