For You Gun Hating Nutters

You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
Us gun nuts keep you safe.

Go put a big sign in front of your house that you are a gun free zone.

But you don't. You really upon us creating the uncertainty.

You keep nothing safe .

I'm not anti gun by the way. Did the safety class, now I can apply for my license.

Why do you need a license? Let me guess you live in one of those People's Republic states!

My license is the 2nd Amendment.
Rural areas have next to no violent crime, and firearm ownership is highest in these area of the country by a long ways. People kill people not firearms. shit for brains

Go back to your mothers basement

That is same in countries that don't have a proliferation of guns. I'm sure there is a point in there somewhere. However, it is unrelated to what we are talking about.
any further infringement on the second amendment is an all out act of war against the american people, period.

Not if it's repealed legally.

Well, you might get all upset but who cares. You are a land of laws.
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

Isn't she dead? Well, maybe he is into that sort of thing.

No! Wait! That was Rosie Greer!
any further infringement on the second amendment is an all out act of war against the american people, period.

Not if it's repealed legally.

Well, you might get all upset but who cares. You are a land of laws.
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

Isn't she dead? Well, maybe he is into that sort of thing.

No! Wait! That was Rosie Greer!
naw, pam is a little long in the tooth but she aint bad at all
Rural areas have next to no violent crime, and firearm ownership is highest in these area of the country by a long ways. People kill people not firearms. shit for brains

Go back to your mothers basement

That is same in countries that don't have a proliferation of guns. I'm sure there is a point in there somewhere. However, it is unrelated to what we are talking about.
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

No, you are an independent nation because British citizens of the US colonies didn't want to be taxed without representation. Had little or nothing to do with guns.

Pam was great....for an old broad...

Are you an American citizen? If so, your knowledge of American history sucks ass!

Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord fought? Hint: It had EVERYTHING to do with guns!

It wasn't known as the "popcorn fart heard 'round the world"!

Simpy pathetic!
Obama, Crooked Hillary and about every shithead Democrat holding office in the US.

The only thing that has kept the filthy Democrats from banning firearms was the fact that the shitheads have not control Congress since 2010.

None of them want outright bans. So that is a lie.

Isn't Hillary one of your own? She wanted to ban guns! You are the liar!
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

No, you are an independent nation because British citizens of the US colonies didn't want to be taxed without representation. Had little or nothing to do with guns.

Pam was great....for an old broad...

Are you an American citizen? If so, your knowledge of American history sucks ass!

Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord fought? Hint: It had EVERYTHING to do with guns!

It wasn't known as the "popcorn fart heard 'round the world"!

Simpy pathetic!
He can't help it he's a fucking control freak… LOL
its unreasonable for someone to have to be searched to exercise a constitutional right

Says who? Who decides what is unreasonable? If you are not a felon or have no history of mental illness you can have your peashooter. Seems reasonable to me.

You are confused about this.

Commie states like California and New York have significantly restricted the right to keep and bear arms for everybody including that do not have a history of mental illness or being a felon. In some Democrat control states almost every firearm that I own now would be illegal to own so don't give us that lying bullshit about "you can have your firearms"..

In New Jersey a few weeks ago a guy from out of state with no criminal history or intent to commit a crime was arrested for the mere possession of a firearm. In New York last year a veteran had his firearms confiscated by the jackbooted government thugs because he had gone to the doctor for a mild case of insomnia. That is a great example of why we can't trust you stupid Liberals to restrict our Liberties.

If you continue to be confused about the filthy ass Libtards wanting to take the right to keep and bear arms away from law abiding citizens I can give you many more examples. Obama would have passed a very restrictive anti gun bill if he would have had the support in Congress. He said so. Crooked Hillary ran on an anti right to keep and bear arms platform and that is one of the reasons she lost.
You gun nuts won't Be happy until guns are available out of vending machines .
that's not a bad idea at all

No, that would be terrible .

Only to you anti gun nuts.

You use to be able to go into Sears and walk out with a firearm and no paper work required. That was real Liberty that you filthy Libtards destroyed.

Real liberty ? Nothing says liberty like every psycho and criminal being able to buy a gun on demand !

You are a great example of a delusional gun nut .
You do know that law abiding citizens far outnumber criminals don't you?

The more law abiding citizens that are armed the less safe criminals feel committing crimes
first of all, do you not realize gun grabbing is why we are an independent nation NOW?
we fought a revolution over this(both my country, from the crown, and my state, from Mexico)
plus, there is more of a chance of you sleeping with Pam Grier than of the second being repealed.

No, you are an independent nation because British citizens of the US colonies didn't want to be taxed without representation. Had little or nothing to do with guns.

Pam was great....for an old broad...
Yeah we could have won the Revolutionary war with slingshots

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