Forbes Magazine: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise


And then they flip out when people start looking at shitty alternatives, like socialism.

They're conditioned to mindlessly assume that any regulation is a bane to capitalism. In reality, proper and efficient regulation is a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism.

As we keep seeing.
As I stated before, they think corporations are taking care of THEM.
Then whine about the "gubmint" when they don't.
Well joe Biden is taking care of that right now.

Joe will likely figure out a way to crash the stock market like back in 1929. That is supposed to be impossible but as Obama warns us, , "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

I can only hope Joe doesn’t manage to get us into a full out nuclear war with Russian and China that will turn this nation and much of the world into a nuclear waste land. Trump kept us out of the dirty little wars as well as the really BIG ones.

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“We can’t let a madman with nuclear weapons let on the loose like that,” Trump told Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte during a phone call in April 2017, shortly after taking office.

“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” Trump said at an event on the topic of opioid use in the US on August 8, 2017.

September 19 2017
President Donald Trump, in his first address to the United Nations, derided Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, as a “rocket man” on Tuesday as the president warned that he may be forced to "totally destroy" the rogue nation.

"If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," Trump said, as he detailed the horrors of what he called the "depraved" North Korean regime.

"Rocket man is on a suicide mission," he said, using a nickname for Kim that refers to the North Korean leader's recent missile tests.

November 8 2017
"Do not underestimate us. Do not try us," Trump said, while also condemning the "dark fantasy" of life in the North.

Before they turned the page on decades of public acrimony, the leaders regularly traded threats and insults as North Korea pushed to develop a nuclear missile capable of hitting the United States.

“I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.

“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.
No, it isn't.
Banks have a choice.
Lenders have a choice.
No one was forced to loan $$$, to anyone.
No one even faced added pressure from anyone.
The banks and CHOSE to lend to people, even with no/bad credit, because they knew they could immediately sell the mortgages to wall street.
Who then bundled them as AAA ranted, when they were junk.

Sure...................Banks fail but you blame the government.
Couldn't be the banks fault, it HAS to be the "gubmint".
Deregulate everything, then teabaggers expect a different outcome, because corporations ALWAYS do the right thing on behalf of consumers.
You're an idiot no need to debate an idiot you have convinced yourself you are right. Only a fool would continue to support the same failures and expect a different outcome FOOL.
Legislators were SCREAMING to have Fannie and Freddie get into the subprime mortgage market because there is so much money to be made on them. That's because the fees are all front end loaded. Lenders fees, brokerage fees, legal fees. I've seen borrowers getting $35,000 on a $50,000 loan. The rest went to fees. Then the lender sells the high interest subprime loan to an investor.

The investor will pay $50,000 face value for the loan, because of the higher yield on the money and a supposedly secure loan.
No legislatures were crying racism everytime Bush called for both to be regulated more
You're an idiot no need to debate an idiot you have convinced yourself you are right. Only a fool would continue to support the same failures and expect a different outcome FOOL.
You're a MORON.
HOW did the government FORCE lenders to loan $$$, to people who weren't qualified?
WHEN did the government force lenders to sell their shitty, bundled mortgages, to wall street?
Fool corporations aren't taking care of anyone
You got that right.
they supply what we need in exchange for currency. Nor is it the job if the government to take care of anyone.
Then why are teabaggers whining about the government to do "something"?
From natural disasters to inflation.
I don't recall Biden or the Democrats trying to do anything to repeal or change this law when they controlled both chanbers of Congress and the Presidency.

True, but then many on the right have some weird belief that because something gets deregulated businesses have some sort of magical obligation to suddenly rob everybody blind, and then blame the govt. for the robbery. I don't see either the left wing or right wing in general having any moral high ground here. Nobody forces these gamblers to do stupid shit.
So every bank failed because of Bad Orange Man or just the ones who said Diversity is our bottom line
Really? Should the fire everyone?
The people that gave out the bonuses?
They would have to known the bank was going under, so they grab as much $$$, as they can before the ax falls.

Silicon Valley Bank employees received their annual bonuses Friday just hours before regulators seized the failing bank.
The payments were for work done in 2022 and had been in process days before the bank’s collapse.
Pay them $15/hr? How would you and The Banker run a bank?
NOT like SVB or Signature.
You're a MORON.
HOW did the government FORCE lenders to loan $$$, to people who weren't qualified?
WHEN did the government force lenders to sell their shitty, bundled mortgages, to wall street?
A thing called the CRA effective in 1993 requires Freddie and Fannie to make 30% of their mortgages to to affordable housing.
SO.............Bush listened to them?
Bush was pretty selective when listening to democrats.
Bush didn't vote on legislation that would regulate Freddie and Fannie that would be Congress Obama was also a member of Congress
Bush didn't vote on legislation that would regulate Freddie and Fannie that would be Congress Obama was also a member of Congress
Of course not, Bush was president.
He also didn't vote on the American Dream Downpayment Act.

House Approves American Dream Downpayment Act - ALTA​

American Land Title Association › news › news

Dec 10, 2003 — House Approves American Dream Downpayment Act ... Oxley (OH). Downpayment and closing costs are traditionally the most significant obstacles that ...

President Bush Signs American Dream Downpayment Act of ...​

National Archives | (.gov) › 2003/12

Dec 16, 2003 — President Bush on Tuesday signed into law the American Dream Downpayment Act of 2003, which will help approximately 40000 families a year ...
You're a MORON.
HOW did the government FORCE lenders to loan $$$, to people who weren't qualified?
WHEN did the government force lenders to sell their shitty, bundled mortgages, to wall street?
They didn't force them, but what they did was akin to leaving the bank vault open with a flashing "free money" sign above the door.

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