Foreign Minister Julie Bishop chides Barack Obama over Great Barrier Reef climate change remarks


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has criticised US president Barack Obama for a speech in Brisbane last weekend in which he claimed climate change threatened the Great Barrier Reef.

Speaking to 7.30 from New York, where she is attending a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Ms Bishop said "there was an issue regarding [Mr Obama's] statement" and she could "understand the Queensland Government's concern".

Watch the full 7.30 interview with Julie Bishop


Foreign Minister Julie Bishop chides Barack Obama over Great Barrier Reef climate change remarks - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Point is that Our Kenyan Emperor is running his mouth around the world making people really pissed with America. He who was going to make all the world love us!

So he was lying about that too!


NO.... Really?
Point is that Our Kenyan Emperor is running his mouth around the world making people really pissed with America. He who was going to make all the world love us!

So he was lying about that too!


NO.... Really?

Astonishing. A rube claiming that he cares about America pissing off the rest of the world. 6 years ago your fellow rubes would've called you unpatriotic.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has criticised US president Barack Obama for a speech in Brisbane last weekend in which he claimed climate change threatened the Great Barrier Reef.

Speaking to 7.30 from New York, where she is attending a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Ms Bishop said "there was an issue regarding [Mr Obama's] statement" and she could "understand the Queensland Government's concern".

Watch the full 7.30 interview with Julie Bishop


Foreign Minister Julie Bishop chides Barack Obama over Great Barrier Reef climate change remarks - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

You are such a clueless partisan idiot, burriedbullshit. Julie Bishop is another one of the soulless ant-science rightwingnut corporate stooges the Australians were duped into putting in power. Her comments on Obama's statements were idiotically wrong.

Great Barrier Reef will be 'slaughtered': scientists dismiss Julie Bishop's claim reef not at risk

Sydney Morning Herald
Peter Hannam - Environment Editor
November 21, 2014
Australia's leading coral reef scientists say Julie Bishop's remark that the Great Barrier Reef is not in danger from climate change flies in the face of even the Government's own reports.

World-leading scientists say the Great Barrier Reef will be "slaughtered" this century as seas warm and become more acidic, dismissing comments by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop that Australia's natural icon was not at risk.

Ms Bishop told Sky News on Friday her office had sent the White House a briefing outlining the Australia's efforts to preserve the reef after US President Barack Obama's warning in Brisbane last weekend that its "incredible natural glory" was threatened by climate change.

"Of course, the Great Barrier Reef will be conserved for generations to come. And we do not believe that it is in danger," Ms Bishop said.

Mr Obama told the University of Queensland audience on the sidelines of the G20 meeting he wanted the reef to still exist "50 years from now" so his grandchildren could visit.

While Ms Bishop and other Coalition leaders have criticised the US President's intervention, leading scientists have come to his support.

Mr Obama was "right on the money", Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the university's Global Change Institute, said. "He was stating a fact."

"We have one of the jewels of the planet in our possession and we should care a lot about climate and he wasn't getting that from our leader [Prime Minister Tony Abbott]," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

Peer-reviewed research published by Dr Hoegh-Guldberg in 2012 said the global agreement to limit CO₂ concentrations to 450 parts per million in a bid to keep global warming to under 2 degrees from pre-industrial times would not be enough to protect the reefs.

Any increase above 1.5 degrees would be devastating, the research found.

The reef has already shrunk by half in 30 years, he added, with climate change a factor in its retreat.


Charlie Veron, a former chief scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, went further, saying the Abbott government was downplaying the dire future facing the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs everywhere.

"In the long term, that is the whole of this century, we are going to have the Great Barrier Reef slaughtered," Dr Veron, a world authority who has scientifically named about one-quarter of all known corals, said.

"There's no doubt about that at all, if carbon-dioxide emissions keep on tracking as they are."

CO₂, as the major greenhouse gas, traps radiation, heating up the planet. While natural variability plays a role, the background warming continues apace with 2014 on course to be the hottest year on record, the US National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration reported on Thursday.

The immediate threat is another outbreak of bleaching – some of which is now being detected – as ocean temperatures warm, disrupting coral ecosystems, Dr Veron said.

"In the short-term, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly at risk from mass bleaching from the warming of the oceans," he said.

He also dismissed the federal and Queensland governments' Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, released earlier this year.

"It's basically a five-year plan to head off UNESCO," Dr Veron said, referring to the UN body's review of the Great Barrier Reef's World Heritage status due for completion by mid-2015.

Acid effect

Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said government efforts to curb run-off of farm chemicals and the recent decision to ban off-shore dumping of dredge spoil – after approving major works to expand the Abbot Point coal port – would go some way to aid the reef's ability to cope with near-term challenges.

The increased concentration of CO₂ not only heats the atmosphere, it also results in an increase in the acidity of the world's oceans as carbon gets absorbed by the seas.

"It's just chemistry ... you can't deny that," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

"It's dropped the amount of crucial building blocks for skeletons and shells by 26 per cent," he said.

"That's then had an impact on the abilities of corals and other organisms to build their skeletons and to rebuild them after storms, after damage from crown of thorns [starfish] and so on."

Work at the James Cook University has shown that altered chemistry affects some fish in ways that reduce their ability to identify predators and even find their way home.

"It's just one of many, many significant changes that we are yet to discover," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

The health of the reef was also covered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, which predicted "significant change in community composition and structure of coral reef systems in Australia".

"The ability of corals to adapt naturally to rising temperatures and acidification appears limited," the chapter on Australasia said.


Jon Brodie, a chief research scientist from James Cook University, said Ms Bishop's comments contradicted the government's own report on the state of the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2014 "found the reef to be in poor condition and the outlook is for continuing deterioration," Dr Brodie said. "It's obviously in danger."

"Climate change remains the most serious threat to the Great Barrier Reef and is likely to have far-reaching consequences in the decades to come," the report said.

Dr Brodie said government efforts to improve the reef's water quality had made some headway "but it's small progress". He noted that the government had extended targets out to 2018 because goals set in 2009 had not been met.

The government's 2050 action plan, still in a draft stage, will "absolutely not work", Dr Brodie said, adding that it so far fails to set goals to address long-term threats such as climate change.

"Under that plan, the reef will continue to decline," he said.
Of course the GBR is threatened - in particular by plans from the Australian (right-wing) government to increase the shipping of coal through the area. Dredging to improve the shipping lane directly endangers the coral.

Also, coral bleaching, rising sea levels and increased typhoon intensities both directly indirectly threaten the reef.
Point is that Our Kenyan Emperor is running his mouth around the world making people really pissed with America. He who was going to make all the world love us!

So he was lying about that too!



This is just outright dumb, dude. Really - why not come up with something sensible to post?
Sydney Morning Herald has no credibility, it is always pedaling global warming alarmism.
Former Australian Treasurer Peter Costello criticises President Obama's behavior while in Australia.

On The Bolt Report on Channel 10 at 10am and 4pm.

Editorial: Fight!

My guests: Family First Senator Bob Day, former Treasurer Peter Costello, former NSW Labor Treasurer Michael Costa and Nick Cater, Australian columnist and head of the Menzies Research Centre.

So much to discuss, including saving the Abbott Government, kicking Obama, the Palmer circus, the Victorian election, the art of attack and more.

The videos of the shows appear here.

Daily Telegraph Andrew Bolt Blog
The Emperor lies and his acolytes get their panties all of a wad.

See, even His self-elevation has changed NOTHING!
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has criticised US president Barack Obama for a speech in Brisbane last weekend in which he claimed climate change threatened the Great Barrier Reef.

Speaking to 7.30 from New York, where she is attending a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Ms Bishop said "there was an issue regarding [Mr Obama's] statement" and she could "understand the Queensland Government's concern".

Watch the full 7.30 interview with Julie Bishop


Foreign Minister Julie Bishop chides Barack Obama over Great Barrier Reef climate change remarks - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

You are such a clueless partisan idiot, burriedbullshit. Julie Bishop is another one of the soulless ant-science rightwingnut corporate stooges the Australians were duped into putting in power. Her comments on Obama's statements were idiotically wrong.

Great Barrier Reef will be 'slaughtered': scientists dismiss Julie Bishop's claim reef not at risk

Sydney Morning Herald
Peter Hannam - Environment Editor
November 21, 2014
Australia's leading coral reef scientists say Julie Bishop's remark that the Great Barrier Reef is not in danger from climate change flies in the face of even the Government's own reports.

World-leading scientists say the Great Barrier Reef will be "slaughtered" this century as seas warm and become more acidic, dismissing comments by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop that Australia's natural icon was not at risk.

Ms Bishop told Sky News on Friday her office had sent the White House a briefing outlining the Australia's efforts to preserve the reef after US President Barack Obama's warning in Brisbane last weekend that its "incredible natural glory" was threatened by climate change.

"Of course, the Great Barrier Reef will be conserved for generations to come. And we do not believe that it is in danger," Ms Bishop said.

Mr Obama told the University of Queensland audience on the sidelines of the G20 meeting he wanted the reef to still exist "50 years from now" so his grandchildren could visit.

While Ms Bishop and other Coalition leaders have criticised the US President's intervention, leading scientists have come to his support.

Mr Obama was "right on the money", Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the university's Global Change Institute, said. "He was stating a fact."

"We have one of the jewels of the planet in our possession and we should care a lot about climate and he wasn't getting that from our leader [Prime Minister Tony Abbott]," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

Peer-reviewed research published by Dr Hoegh-Guldberg in 2012 said the global agreement to limit CO₂ concentrations to 450 parts per million in a bid to keep global warming to under 2 degrees from pre-industrial times would not be enough to protect the reefs.

Any increase above 1.5 degrees would be devastating, the research found.

The reef has already shrunk by half in 30 years, he added, with climate change a factor in its retreat.


Charlie Veron, a former chief scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, went further, saying the Abbott government was downplaying the dire future facing the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs everywhere.

"In the long term, that is the whole of this century, we are going to have the Great Barrier Reef slaughtered," Dr Veron, a world authority who has scientifically named about one-quarter of all known corals, said.

"There's no doubt about that at all, if carbon-dioxide emissions keep on tracking as they are."

CO₂, as the major greenhouse gas, traps radiation, heating up the planet. While natural variability plays a role, the background warming continues apace with 2014 on course to be the hottest year on record, the US National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration reported on Thursday.

The immediate threat is another outbreak of bleaching – some of which is now being detected – as ocean temperatures warm, disrupting coral ecosystems, Dr Veron said.

"In the short-term, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly at risk from mass bleaching from the warming of the oceans," he said.

He also dismissed the federal and Queensland governments' Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, released earlier this year.

"It's basically a five-year plan to head off UNESCO," Dr Veron said, referring to the UN body's review of the Great Barrier Reef's World Heritage status due for completion by mid-2015.

Acid effect

Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said government efforts to curb run-off of farm chemicals and the recent decision to ban off-shore dumping of dredge spoil – after approving major works to expand the Abbot Point coal port – would go some way to aid the reef's ability to cope with near-term challenges.

The increased concentration of CO₂ not only heats the atmosphere, it also results in an increase in the acidity of the world's oceans as carbon gets absorbed by the seas.

"It's just chemistry ... you can't deny that," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

"It's dropped the amount of crucial building blocks for skeletons and shells by 26 per cent," he said.

"That's then had an impact on the abilities of corals and other organisms to build their skeletons and to rebuild them after storms, after damage from crown of thorns [starfish] and so on."

Work at the James Cook University has shown that altered chemistry affects some fish in ways that reduce their ability to identify predators and even find their way home.

"It's just one of many, many significant changes that we are yet to discover," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

The health of the reef was also covered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, which predicted "significant change in community composition and structure of coral reef systems in Australia".

"The ability of corals to adapt naturally to rising temperatures and acidification appears limited," the chapter on Australasia said.


Jon Brodie, a chief research scientist from James Cook University, said Ms Bishop's comments contradicted the government's own report on the state of the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2014 "found the reef to be in poor condition and the outlook is for continuing deterioration," Dr Brodie said. "It's obviously in danger."

"Climate change remains the most serious threat to the Great Barrier Reef and is likely to have far-reaching consequences in the decades to come," the report said.

Dr Brodie said government efforts to improve the reef's water quality had made some headway "but it's small progress". He noted that the government had extended targets out to 2018 because goals set in 2009 had not been met.

The government's 2050 action plan, still in a draft stage, will "absolutely not work", Dr Brodie said, adding that it so far fails to set goals to address long-term threats such as climate change.

"Under that plan, the reef will continue to decline," he said.

How do you reconcile all of these supposed effects in light of the now well known fact that the planet hasn't warmed since the late 1990's?
You are such a clueless partisan idiot, burriedbullshit. Julie Bishop is another one of the soulless ant-science rightwingnut corporate stooges the Australians were duped into putting in power. Her comments on Obama's statements were idiotically wrong.

Great Barrier Reef will be 'slaughtered': scientists dismiss Julie Bishop's claim reef not at risk

Sydney Morning Herald
Peter Hannam - Environment Editor
November 21, 2014
Australia's leading coral reef scientists say Julie Bishop's remark that the Great Barrier Reef is not in danger from climate change flies in the face of even the Government's own reports.

World-leading scientists say the Great Barrier Reef will be "slaughtered" this century as seas warm and become more acidic, dismissing comments by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop that Australia's natural icon was not at risk.

Ms Bishop told Sky News on Friday her office had sent the White House a briefing outlining the Australia's efforts to preserve the reef after US President Barack Obama's warning in Brisbane last weekend that its "incredible natural glory" was threatened by climate change.

"Of course, the Great Barrier Reef will be conserved for generations to come. And we do not believe that it is in danger," Ms Bishop said.

Mr Obama told the University of Queensland audience on the sidelines of the G20 meeting he wanted the reef to still exist "50 years from now" so his grandchildren could visit.

While Ms Bishop and other Coalition leaders have criticised the US President's intervention, leading scientists have come to his support.

Mr Obama was "right on the money", Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, director of the university's Global Change Institute, said. "He was stating a fact."

"We have one of the jewels of the planet in our possession and we should care a lot about climate and he wasn't getting that from our leader [Prime Minister Tony Abbott]," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

Peer-reviewed research published by Dr Hoegh-Guldberg in 2012 said the global agreement to limit CO₂ concentrations to 450 parts per million in a bid to keep global warming to under 2 degrees from pre-industrial times would not be enough to protect the reefs.

Any increase above 1.5 degrees would be devastating, the research found.

The reef has already shrunk by half in 30 years, he added, with climate change a factor in its retreat.


Charlie Veron, a former chief scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science, went further, saying the Abbott government was downplaying the dire future facing the Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs everywhere.

"In the long term, that is the whole of this century, we are going to have the Great Barrier Reef slaughtered," Dr Veron, a world authority who has scientifically named about one-quarter of all known corals, said.

"There's no doubt about that at all, if carbon-dioxide emissions keep on tracking as they are."

CO₂, as the major greenhouse gas, traps radiation, heating up the planet. While natural variability plays a role, the background warming continues apace with 2014 on course to be the hottest year on record, the US National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration reported on Thursday.

The immediate threat is another outbreak of bleaching – some of which is now being detected – as ocean temperatures warm, disrupting coral ecosystems, Dr Veron said.

"In the short-term, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly at risk from mass bleaching from the warming of the oceans," he said.

He also dismissed the federal and Queensland governments' Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan, released earlier this year.

"It's basically a five-year plan to head off UNESCO," Dr Veron said, referring to the UN body's review of the Great Barrier Reef's World Heritage status due for completion by mid-2015.

Acid effect

Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said government efforts to curb run-off of farm chemicals and the recent decision to ban off-shore dumping of dredge spoil – after approving major works to expand the Abbot Point coal port – would go some way to aid the reef's ability to cope with near-term challenges.

The increased concentration of CO₂ not only heats the atmosphere, it also results in an increase in the acidity of the world's oceans as carbon gets absorbed by the seas.

"It's just chemistry ... you can't deny that," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

"It's dropped the amount of crucial building blocks for skeletons and shells by 26 per cent," he said.

"That's then had an impact on the abilities of corals and other organisms to build their skeletons and to rebuild them after storms, after damage from crown of thorns [starfish] and so on."

Work at the James Cook University has shown that altered chemistry affects some fish in ways that reduce their ability to identify predators and even find their way home.

"It's just one of many, many significant changes that we are yet to discover," Dr Hoegh-Guldberg said.

The health of the reef was also covered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, which predicted "significant change in community composition and structure of coral reef systems in Australia".

"The ability of corals to adapt naturally to rising temperatures and acidification appears limited," the chapter on Australasia said.


Jon Brodie, a chief research scientist from James Cook University, said Ms Bishop's comments contradicted the government's own report on the state of the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2014 "found the reef to be in poor condition and the outlook is for continuing deterioration," Dr Brodie said. "It's obviously in danger."

"Climate change remains the most serious threat to the Great Barrier Reef and is likely to have far-reaching consequences in the decades to come," the report said.

Dr Brodie said government efforts to improve the reef's water quality had made some headway "but it's small progress". He noted that the government had extended targets out to 2018 because goals set in 2009 had not been met.

The government's 2050 action plan, still in a draft stage, will "absolutely not work", Dr Brodie said, adding that it so far fails to set goals to address long-term threats such as climate change.

"Under that plan, the reef will continue to decline," he said.
How do you reconcile all of these supposed effects in light of the now well known fact that the planet hasn't warmed since the late 1990's?

Oh, that's easy to "reconcile", walleyed. Your so-called "fact" isn't an actual fact, it is a denier cult myth, and you are a retarded troll. There, all reconciled.

In the real world the Earth has never stopped warming - the atmosphere, the oceans, the land surfaces and the ice stores.

Even just looking at the atmosphere, which only accounts for less than 3% of the incoming solar energy, 2014 is on track to be the next new hottest calender year on record with the warmest January to October temperatures since at least 1880. The Earth has already just experienced two consequetive 'hottest 12 month periods' on record, from Sept 2013 to October 2014 and again from Nov 2013 to October 2014. In the last year, November 2013 was the hottest November on record; April 2014 was tied with April 2010 as the hottest April on record; May and June were the hottest May and June on record; August, September and October were also all the hottest respective months on record. October was 356th consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last last below-average global temperature for any month was February 1985. The warmest years on record will now be listed as:


ABC INSIDERS is an Australian Sunday morning political discussion program.

This week they also discussed Obama's Brisbane speech - I don't think you Yanks understand the impact it has had here.

Insiders - ABC
ABC INSIDERS is an Australian Sunday morning political discussion program.

This week they also discussed Obama's Brisbane speech - I don't think you Yanks understand the impact it has had here.

Insiders - ABC
The truth about your current corporate-stooge-run-government and the damage they are doing to Australia and to your natural treasures like the Great Barrier Reef must really hurt you Aussie rightwingnut denier cult retards. Tough.
Our President made an accurate statement about the state of the Great Barrier Reef. If you cannot take the truth, tough shit.
Barry can you give the time for the discussion about the speech. I just scanned and could find nothing.

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