Forget Lobster for dinner, try $150k spent on clothes!

I don't care if Michelle Obama eats lobster everyday on jewel-encrusted plates either, as long as she pays for it herself. As for Palin, she should enjoy her expensive new clothes while she can because come Nov. 5 she'll be heading back to Alaska. Those Prada suits won't keep her very warm during the cold Alaskan winter, but at least she'll be back in time for moose-killing season.

you're confusing utility with pork.
just because x number of people use it, doesn't mean it's not pork, moron. it was budgeted at 3 billion dollars and yet somehow the cost is now at $15B+ and rising and it leaks.
your mistake is thinking that there's any appreciable difference between a dem politician and a repub politician.
there isn't.

i'll see if i can get those crayon drawings up.

You're assuming all pork is bad.

Yes, how many people benefit from an earmark does factor in to whether or not it is considered PORK.

It's just a badly built bridge. But it sounds like the bridge was necessary, seeing as how you use it everyday.

I wish we didn't build it though. That way you'd be paying a toll to drive on it.
I don't care if Michelle Obama eats lobster everyday on jewel-encrusted plates either, as long as she pays for it herself. As for Palin, she should enjoy her expensive new clothes while she can because come Nov. 5 she'll be heading back to Alaska. Those Prada suits won't keep her very warm during the cold Alaskan winter, but at least she'll be back in time for moose-killing season.


I hear Florida early voting is going really well for Obama. YEA!!!:clap2: They won't be able to steal this one.
You're assuming all pork is bad.

Yes, how many people benefit from an earmark does factor in to whether or not it is considered PORK.

It's just a badly built bridge. But it sounds like the bridge was necessary, seeing as how you use it everyday.

I wish we didn't build it though. That way you'd be paying a toll to drive on it.

it replaced an existing, fully functional road.
so you think paying five times the cost is a good thing.
you're not too bright, are you?
yea.. a fucking retard is trying to use it. Sounds like a terminal issue.

hey, more clever repartee from the honors english guy.
thanks, and would you make sure not to put too much ice in my Coke?
appreciate it.
According to financial disclosure records, the accessorizing began in early September and included bills from Saks Fifth Avenue in St. Louis and New York for a combined $49,425.74

This must have been a sucky experience for her. Saks Fifth avenue in New York? That doesn't sound like a pro-america part of the country

One would think she would do her shopping at Wall Mart in the rural pro-america parts of the nation.
This must have been a sucky experience for her. Saks Fifth avenue in New York? That doesn't sound like a pro-america part of the country

One would think she would do her shopping at Wall Mart in the rural pro-america parts of the nation.

o please the walmart and average joe shit is just that....she lives high on the hog and loves it...and it wont change if she is elected to the vp office..this woman has shown time and time again her double faces.
o please the walmart and average joe shit is just that....she lives high on the hog and loves it...and it wont change if she is elected to the vp office..this woman has shown time and time again her double faces.

I agree.

I was being tongue in cheek. :eusa_angel:
This must have been a sucky experience for her. Saks Fifth avenue in New York? That doesn't sound like a pro-america part of the country

One would think she would do her shopping at Wall Mart in the rural pro-america parts of the nation.

But they don't carry Marc Jacobs at Walmart, silly.
But they don't carry Marc Jacobs at Walmart, silly.

who is Marc Jacobs?

I shop at Target, Walmart and TJ Maxx for my clothes. The only desigher I know is Michael Kors and that's cuz I watch Project Runway on Bravo :tongue:
I'm curious where the outrage is from the Cons on this board at this gross elite behavior?

It's one thing to treat yourself to a nice dinner that might've cost upwards of $400 (which Michelle didn't even do) and it's quite another to spend $150,000 on clothing for yourself and your children in order to present a certain image.

The outrage over the lobster and caviar was ridiculous. If they aren't hypocrites they will condemn this wasteful spending and be equally outraged against their own party.

She hadda do SOMETHIN' 'cause that Walmart look wasn't gettin' it, ya know, and she had to match rich bitch McCain, you betcha, LOL.....

Now the one article says this:

"With all of the important issues facing the country right now, it's remarkable that we're spending time talking about pantsuits and blouses," said spokesperson Tracey Schmitt. "It was always the intent that the clothing go to a charitable purpose after the campaign."

Palin Clothes Spending Has Dems Salivating, Republicans Disgusted

but I really think the charitable thing would be to let her keep the clothes, in consideration of THIS:


Anything the RNC buys her would have to be an improvement, LOL
who is Marc Jacobs?

I shop at Target, Walmart and TJ Maxx for my clothes. The only desigher I know is Michael Kors and that's cuz I watch Project Runway on Bravo :tongue:

:eusa_shhh: better not admit this. You know who will jump on it if 'he' know's who is on that show! lol :lol:


I love it! .... the show that is. :lol: I was glad to see Leanne win this last season. ;)
it replaced an existing, fully functional road.
so you think paying five times the cost is a good thing.
you're not too bright, are you?

Hey Del, you're winning that poll about the biggest jackass on these boards. I love it. I voted for you.

No, paying 5 times is not good Del.

PS. I just talked to a Ron Paul supporter. We agree about gov. spending being out of control. But I told him, "you don't think that rich people should pay the same as I do in taxes, do you? Just like you don't expect poor people to pay what I pay either, right?"

And he does want that. His argument is that if the government spent only what it should, rich people would not have to pay so much more. And neither would we.

I agree, but the fact is, neither the Democrats or Republicans are willing to stop. The dems on social programs and the GOP on defense.

And I don't approve of how the GOp came in and pretended they were going to be fiscally responsible and then doubled the debt. Would we approved of the tax breaks to the rich had we known they were going to double the debt? I think not.

And I'm willing to bet that the democrats show they are more fiscally responsible than the republicans in the next 4 years. And what they do spend on will be in America, not Iraq.
I hear Florida early voting is going really well for Obama. YEA!!!:clap2: They won't be able to steal this one.
Yep, I've heard the same. Many polling places have done away with the digital touch screens and returned to paper ballots. I like the idea of having a paper trail. Still those paper ballots of 2000 with their hanging chads and dimpled chads didn't help Al Gore. Damn!

I am shocked, just shocked, that Republicans aren't in here yelling about how she is such a hypocrite, spending money that she didn't earn, while trying to paint herself as a Wal-mart going hockey mom. If a Democrat did that, they would be all over it. But for Palin? A free pass. At least from the partisans here.

In other news? Palins unfavorables are the highest of any VP candidate,ever, from a NYT/CBS poll. Gee...I wonder why...:eusa_whistle:
I am shocked, just shocked, that Republicans aren't in here yelling about how she is such a hypocrite, spending money that she didn't earn, while trying to paint herself as a Wal-mart going hockey mom. If a Democrat did that, they would be all over it. But for Palin? A free pass. At least from the partisans here.

In other news? Palins unfavorables are the highest of any VP candidate,ever, from a NYT/CBS poll. Gee...I wonder why...:eusa_whistle:

It's ok for Palin because she's a real American.
what "good" proposals are you talking about?

do you get it yet, dumbfuck or should i scan some crayon drawings and post them for you?

Hey Del, I just got this email from Wesley Clark:

A responsible withdrawal from Iraq? Filibuster.

Reform the health care system? Filibuster.

Investment in renewables and a new energy economy? Filibuster.

That's what we can expect to happen to Barack Obama's agenda if we don't elect enough Democrats to the Senate on November 4. Republicans have filibustered a record-breaking 94 times in the last two years! Imagine what they will do when faced with Barack Obama's agenda for change.

That's why I'm asking you to help in two Senate races that few believed we could win just months ago: Jim Martin in Georgia and Kay Hagan in North Carolina. Contribute to Jim and Kay today.

ActBlue — Stop The Filibusters

Jim Martin served our nation honorably as a member of the Armed Forces in Vietnam, in the Georgia House of Representatives, and at the Georgia Department of Human Resources. He has led his state on health care issues, helped provide quality and affordable health care for thousands of children, and put foster children in loving homes.

His opponent, Saxby Chambliss, ran one of the most despicable TV ads I've ever seen in 2002. The ad compared war hero Senator Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden. And now, Chambliss has launched two new attack ads against Jim, even brazenly using the same background music from the attack ad on Max.

The race is neck-and-neck, and I need you to make sure Jim has the resources to fight back against Chambliss' distortions and lies by making a contribution today.

As a five-term State Senator, Kay helped strengthen North Carolina's economy, increased the salaries of teachers, and broadened early childhood education. I'm also standing with Kay because she will stand up for our nation's military and veterans. It is not just because she comes from a strong military family -- she has a deep respect for the men and women who serve our country and fight for the freedom we often take for granted.

Kay has a real chance to oust Elizabeth Dole. Dole has been a rubberstamp for George Bush and has voted with him 92% of the time. We can't let George Bush's failed policies continue under Dole.

Kay holds a slim lead. So now the right wing attack machine is throwing millions of dollars into this race over the final two weeks hoping negative, false advertisements will make the difference. And I just learned Elizabeth Dole has loaned herself $3 million dollars this week to buy her seat back.

Kay needs our help to fight back. Please help carry Kay to victory by making a contribution today!

ActBlue — Stop The Filibusters

We have 13 days to make a difference in these races. Jim and Kay need your help now.

Thank you for helping to change our country.

I'll be waiting for your apology. You said we fila'd as much as the GOP has. You were wrong. Admit it. Admit you don't know the games being played!

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