Palin Spends $150K on Clothes?

I'm betting you're one of those people who owns Nailin Paylin. :lol:

And yes, I did happen to google it.

Finding Havens for the Homeless -

From what I read, it's a security measure more then anything and they are doing plenty to help the homeless.

And I can't blame them for taking the amount of precautions. Especially since Obama has gotten more death threats then any other candidate/president elect ever.

Thanks for quoting the Washington Compost.

So if I understand your drift, these poor unfortunates will be offered superb accommodations. That must be where the $150 million is going. Good thing the Obama's don't need the Blair House any longer. They can move the homeless in there.

Here's the truth: The ragged, unwashed aka "the least among us" will be escorted at the point of a nightstick away from any place where they can be seen by the "One."

Too bad his half brother doesn't have a TV in that cardbox in Kenya. Maybe the America's homeless chose not to stay in the hut with George because they won't be able to see the inauguration. Oh, I forgot, they won't be able to see it anyway.


"Change we can believe in."
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I'm still waiting for you to show me where the taxpayers are paying the majority of the bill for this.

And do you have a list of WHY this is costing $150,000,000?

How far are you willing to bend over for your messiah. The U.K.Guardian reported the cost at the beginning of the week, 160,000,000 dollars. Where were your questions when the press and the left(same thing) were and still are saying the lies about the Bush Administration? How about the lies about the most experienced candidate in the election, Governor Sarah Palin?
How far are you willing to bend over for your messiah. The U.K.Guardian reported the cost at the beginning of the week, 160,000,000 dollars. Where were your questions when the press and the left(same thing) were and still are saying the lies about the Bush Administration? How about the lies about the most experienced candidate in the election, Governor Sarah Palin?

So you believe the media is controlled the left. :lol:

So what lies about the Bush Administration and Palin?

And :rofl: at what I bolded. I've heard her being called more experienced then Obama but Biden AND McCain? :rofl:

By the way, you say you aren't a Republican. Then what would you be because it's obviously not a Democrat.
Thanks for quoting the Washington Compost.

So if I understand your drift, these poor unfortunates will be offered superb accommodations. That must be where the $150 million is going. Good thing the Obama's don't need the Blair House any longer. They can move the homeless in there.

Here's the truth: The ragged, unwashed aka "the least among us" will be escorted at the point of a nightstick away from any place where they can be seen by the "One."

Too bad his half brother doesn't have a TV in that cardbox in Kenya. Maybe the America's homeless chose not to stay in the hut with George because they won't be able to see the inauguration. Oh, I forgot, they won't be able to see it anyway.


"Change we can believe in."

I never said they will be offered superb housing. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. It's a security measure and they are getting houses to live in for the short time their schedule will be changed. Everyone in Washington is having to change their schedule because of this.

Obama never stayed in the Blair House and what you call truth is your opinion. You have nothing to prove such a thing will happen.

And on Brother George:

Barack Obama is my inspiration, says lost brother - Telegraph

George Hussein Obama, 26, was discovered this week living in a shack on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. He told The Daily Telegraph that although he had hardly spoken to his half-brother, the Democratic candidate's book Dreams Of My Father was providing the inspiration to lift himself out of poverty.

There was a long time when I was just taking a break, doing nothing, trying to find myself and what I wanted to do. Now I am more focused on my future, and I can say it is because I understand more about things because of hearing what Barack is doing."

Mr Obama said he has had only two brief conversations with the presidential candidate when he visited his Kenyan family two years ago. They have the same father as the Illinois Senator, but a different mother, Jael, who is now an American citizen living in Atlanta, Georgia.

He will not be calling on his famous brother for help, however.

"We have only met twice, once when I was five or six, and again in 2006," he said. " I cannot say that we are close, he probably does not even think about me. I am not going to start pestering him, I don't want to look to him for help, I want to achieve things for myself.

"I don't even tell people that I am related to Barack Obama, I don't want people here to be harassing me because they think I have money or influence. I have nothing like that, I am a person who likes to live quietly.

Of course, if I was in the US I would vote for him, I think everyone should. But I am a bit biased," he joked.

From the mouth of the brother himself.

Are you done parroting the Republican smear machine and actually thinking for yourself?

Gee, what a concept is that.
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And more on George Obama:

Anti-Obama author deported from Kenya - Telegraph

In a clear publicity stunt planned for his book launch, the author intended to visit Mr Obama's half-brother George, who lives in a Nairobi slum, to hand him a $1,000 cheque as a "goodwill" gift.

George Obama has been misquoted on many right wing American websites as saying that he lives on $1 a month, an inaccuracy which has been picked up by Obama's enemies and used as evidence that the candidate has turned his back on his family.

"I have not heard from this man, but even if he came here with that money, I would not take it from him," George Obama told The Daily Telegraph.

"He is no friend of me or my family, and if the police want to send him out of Kenya, that would be better."

So Politicalchic, I'll be expecting you to admit you were fully wrong for buying into the Republican smear machine anytime now.
So you gave me a highly biased link to where you get your news from obviously and a link from MSNBC not explaining what the money is being spent on.

This is exactly why I rarely provide links when they are asked for. I usually say google is yer friend. That's the answer you will receive from now on!
This is exactly why I rarely provide links when they are asked for. I usually say google is yer friend. That's the answer you will receive from now on!

Because they prove what you say is bullshit?

And :lol:
Thanks for quoting the Washington Compost.

So if I understand your drift, these poor unfortunates will be offered superb accommodations. That must be where the $150 million is going. Good thing the Obama's don't need the Blair House any longer. They can move the homeless in there.

Here's the truth: The ragged, unwashed aka "the least among us" will be escorted at the point of a nightstick away from any place where they can be seen by the "One."

Too bad his half brother doesn't have a TV in that cardbox in Kenya. Maybe the America's homeless chose not to stay in the hut with George because they won't be able to see the inauguration. Oh, I forgot, they won't be able to see it anyway.


"Change we can believe in."

Uh, did you read the article? The homeless will be provided with 'live television feeds'
I never said they will be offered superb housing. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. It's a security measure and they are getting houses to live in for the short time their schedule will be changed. Everyone in Washington is having to change their schedule because of this.

Obama never stayed in the Blair House and what you call truth is your opinion. You have nothing to prove such a thing will happen.

And on Brother George:

Barack Obama is my inspiration, says lost brother - Telegraph

From the mouth of the brother himself.

Are you done parroting the Republican smear machine and actually thinking for yourself?

Gee, what a concept is that.

This is so sad, I almost feel sorry for you. I'm glad that you got in "at the top floor," since I'm sure that there will be many more Obama-pologists before long. So there is potential for a revolution by the homeless??? They might attack the motorcade with shopping carts??? Is that the reason why he needs to remove them -- for "security"? Bogus.

So they get houses to live in for a "short time"? Whether they want them or not! Power to the people! Are you sure you didn't get this from Animal Farm? -- some animals are more equal than others.

Obama was offered Blair House after the 15th, but chose a much more palacial hotel. And speaking of palaces, have you seen Brother George's Hut-Sweet-Hut? Lives on $12 a year? But, look, he's happier that way. Let's not send him a few bucks. Talk about spin.

By the way, there is no "Republican Smear Machine". The only "smear machine" is the media which is left-wing, and totally behind President Obama. Now think about this. How can there be a "Republican Smear Machine" when the media is Democrat and never treats Republicans equally? Let's compare the treatment of Sarah Palin compared to Joe Biden, or the attacks on Joe the Plumber who actually asked a tough question of Obama, and therefore had to have his tax record exposed, to Tim Geithner who chose not to pay taxes -- but it's only "an honest mistake." Don't get me started on media bias.

I can tell that your political education goes all the back to … yesterday.
This is so sad, I almost feel sorry for you. I'm glad that you got in "at the top floor," since I'm sure that there will be many more Obama-pologists before long. So there is potential for a revolution by the homeless??? They might attack the motorcade with shopping carts??? Is that the reason why he needs to remove them -- for "security"? Bogus.

So they get houses to live in for a "short time"? Whether they want them or not! Power to the people! Are you sure you didn't get this from Animal Farm? -- some animals are more equal than others.

Obama was offered Blair House after the 15th, but chose a much more palacial hotel. And speaking of palaces, have you seen Brother George's Hut-Sweet-Hut? Lives on $12 a year? But, look, he's happier that way. Let's not send him a few bucks. Talk about spin.

By the way, there is no "Republican Smear Machine". The only "smear machine" is the media which is left-wing, and totally behind President Obama. Now think about this. How can there be a "Republican Smear Machine" when the media is Democrat and never treats Republicans equally? Let's compare the treatment of Sarah Palin compared to Joe Biden, or the attacks on Joe the Plumber who actually asked a tough question of Obama, and therefore had to have his tax record exposed, to Tim Geithner who chose not to pay taxes -- but it's only "an honest mistake." Don't get me started on media bias.

I can tell that your political education goes all the back to … yesterday.

:lol: That's right Politicalchic. Ignore TWO articles by the Telegraph that says George Obama is not living on a $1, that he supports his half brother, that he doesn't want handouts,etc.

Just live in your own little world where Democrats are bad and Republicans are good. Each side has their good and their bad, but feel free to wake up to reality anytime you like.

Joe the Plumber stated that Obama being elected would be death to Israel, how can he not expect a response for that?

Sarah Palin got off relatively easy in the debate and media. Outside of the Katie Couric interview, she really didn't get asked the tough questions.

But it's okay, you keep on defending the way the Republicans treated Hillary while saying how dare anyone attack "poor little sawwwwwwah"

And again, I see you ignore the fact this is a secure measure. They cannot bring their suitcases or sacks around either. But since you don't give a fuck if Obama gets killed, I can see why you don't care.

All you need is one terrorist dressed up as a homeless person with their rucksack filled bomb which ends up killing Obama, Biden, and many others.

Use common fucking sense Politicalchic.

I'm still waiting for you to admit you're wrong on George Obama at the very least. I love how you fucking ignore both articles and continue your little rant.

What a fool.
:lol: That's right Politicalchic. Ignore TWO articles by the Telegraph that says George Obama is not living on a $1, that he supports his half brother, that he doesn't want handouts,etc.

Just live in your own little world where Democrats are bad and Republicans are good. Each side has their good and their bad, but feel free to wake up to reality anytime you like.

Joe the Plumber stated that Obama being elected would be death to Israel, how can he not expect a response for that?

Sarah Palin got off relatively easy in the debate and media. Outside of the Katie Couric interview, she really didn't get asked the tough questions.

But it's okay, you keep on defending the way the Republicans treated Hillary while saying how dare anyone attack "poor little sawwwwwwah"

And again, I see you ignore the fact this is a secure measure. They cannot bring their suitcases or sacks around either. But since you don't give a fuck if Obama gets killed, I can see why you don't care.

All you need is one terrorist dressed up as a homeless person with their rucksack filled bomb which ends up killing Obama, Biden, and many others.

Use common fucking sense Politicalchic.

I'm still waiting for you to admit you're wrong on George Obama at the very least. I love how you fucking ignore both articles and continue your little rant.

What a fool.

Oh, did I hurt little baby's feelings? I can tell , by the use of invectives (that means naughty language). Did you look at the hovel that George is living in? Would you let your brother live like that, especially if you were a multimillionaire? Now, think before you answer.

Biden, Biden, Biden. Dumb as a box of rocks. And lies, too. Did you hear him respond to the reporter about his resume? (Political Punch: Joe Biden's Mouth: 'If the Sparks Fly, So Be It')

And yes, Sarah has more executive experience than any of the other candidates in the previous race. Braver, more experienced, and unlike President Obama, doesn't believe in killing babies born as a result of botched abortions. That's probably why the press, the "smear machine,' as you put it, went after her so hard. Sent hundreds of reporters to Alaska to find any dirt (so that's why you call them "smear" merchants) but couldn't check out Blagojovich or Richardson or Geithner. Did you miss that?

Hey, how did you like it when Biden mis-identified sections of the Constitution in the debate?

No, Joe the Plumber asked Obama if he was going to take Joe's money, and Obama said he would "spread the wealth." Forcing this critical verbal error resulted in the "smear machine" going after poor Joe. Missed that too?

You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts as far as my attitude toward President Obama. I wish him success because it means success for the county I love. Notice the treatment he is receiving from my side, compared to the way your side treated the last President.

Do you know how looney you sound: "terrorist dressed up as a homeless person" ???? Is there a lot of that going on in your neck of the woods? Should be easy to identify those terrorists...

I warned them this would happen once they stopped teaching logic and rhetoric.

Based on your response, I now believe that the number of IQ points in the world has remained the same, but must be divided by the ever increasing population.
Oh, did I hurt little baby's feelings? I can tell , by the use of invectives (that means naughty language). Did you look at the hovel that George is living in? Would you let your brother live like that, especially if you were a multimillionaire? Now, think before you answer.

Biden, Biden, Biden. Dumb as a box of rocks. And lies, too. Did you hear him respond to the reporter about his resume? (Political Punch: Joe Biden's Mouth: 'If the Sparks Fly, So Be It')

And yes, Sarah has more executive experience than any of the other candidates in the previous race. Braver, more experienced, and unlike President Obama, doesn't believe in killing babies born as a result of botched abortions. That's probably why the press, the "smear machine,' as you put it, went after her so hard. Sent hundreds of reporters to Alaska to find any dirt (so that's why you call them "smear" merchants) but couldn't check out Blagojovich or Richardson or Geithner. Did you miss that?

Hey, how did you like it when Biden mis-identified sections of the Constitution in the debate?

No, Joe the Plumber asked Obama if he was going to take Joe's money, and Obama said he would "spread the wealth." Forcing this critical verbal error resulted in the "smear machine" going after poor Joe. Missed that too?

You’ve shown your customary quick command of unknown facts as far as my attitude toward President Obama. I wish him success because it means success for the county I love. Notice the treatment he is receiving from my side, compared to the way your side treated the last President.

Do you know how looney you sound: "terrorist dressed up as a homeless person" ???? Is there a lot of that going on in your neck of the woods? Should be easy to identify those terrorists...

I warned them this would happen once they stopped teaching logic and rhetoric.

Based on your response, I now believe that the number of IQ points in the world has remained the same, but must be divided by the ever increasing population.


1.) He's his half brother who he's had two conversations with in like 20 years.

2.) He doesn't want Obama's help; in fact he says he is inspired by Obama.

3.) He admits to having done really nothing with himself for awhile.

4.) He doesn't want Jerome Corsi money or your money.

You know, I find it amusing how all these Republicans are rushing to give this man what is basically a welfare check while they continue to bash the idea of welfare at home.


5.) This is not about Joe Biden. For the record, I rather hear the raw truth from Joe Biden then the sugarcoated lies of people like Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, and Sarah Palin.

She is a political bridge to nowhere.

6.) I can see that you are a true red Republican. You call Sarah more experienced and braver then any other candidate. Are you smoking some of the meth from Wasilla, Alaska's meth capital? And you REALLY don't believe that McCain didn't send anyone to Chicago to dig up dirt on Obama? Problem was, nothing to dig up kids. He's already admitted to anything that could of been used against him (such as past drug use). We've never had a president open about such things. Not Clinton, Bush, etc.

7.) Again, you misquote Obama and the situation. Joe the Plumber was a chronic liar and most likely paid by someone to say what he did. But then again, I can see you know nothing of economics. A condition that this current depression (and yes, it has all the signs of such a thing) and the Great Depression had was the level of wealth that seperated the upper class and lower class. The level we're at now is highly similar to what we had during The Great Depression.

8.) What "our sides" have to do with this conversation is pointless, and a logical fallacy on your part. I have no "side" as I am not a Democrat. I have stated way too many times to count that when I turn 18 in a couple days, I will not be registering as a Republican, Democrat, or member of any other scheming political party.

9.) How is it easy to identify those terrorists? Please do tell us politicalchic since I guess you're the master now. Gee, we sure could of used you on 9/11 with your vast knowledge. :rolleyes:

10.) And once again, you ignore the articles. But let me restate some facts for you:

George Hussein Obama, 26, was discovered this week living in a shack on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. He told The Daily Telegraph that although he had hardly spoken to his half-brother, the Democratic candidate's book Dreams Of My Father was providing the inspiration to lift himself out of poverty.

"There was a long time when I was just taking a break, doing nothing, trying to find myself and what I wanted to do. Now I am more focused on my future, and I can say it is because I understand more about things because of hearing what Barack is doing."

Mr Obama said he has had only two brief conversations with the presidential candidate when he visited his Kenyan family two years ago

Today, Mr Obama is studying to be a mechanic at a college close to his six foot by eight foot one roomed home on a muddy road.

Now, the shy but bright Mr Obama said, "I want to work hard and get myself to somewhere more comfortable".

We have only met twice, once when I was five or six, and again in 2006," he said. " I cannot say that we are close, he probably does not even think about me. I am not going to start pestering him, I don't want to look to him for help, I want to achieve things for myself.
"I don't even tell people that I am related to Barack Obama, I don't want people here to be harassing me because they think I have money or influence. I have nothing like that, I am a person who likes to live quietly

"Of course, if I was in the US I would vote for him, I think everyone should. But I am a bit biased," he joked.

In a clear publicity stunt planned for his book launch, the author intended to visit Mr Obama's half-brother George, who lives in a Nairobi slum, to hand him a $1,000 cheque as a "goodwill" gift.

George Obama has been misquoted on many right wing American websites as saying that he lives on $1 a month, an inaccuracy which has been picked up by Obama's enemies and used as evidence that the candidate has turned his back on his family.

"I have not heard from this man, but even if he came here with that money, I would not take it from him," George Obama told The Daily Telegraph.

"He is no friend of me or my family, and if the police want to send him out of Kenya, that would be better

Those are the facts from George Obama himself. Now who am I going to believe, him or you who is saying what he supposedly is saying?

I think I'll go with him. But hey, you hold on tight to those myths of you for the next four years, you'll need them when Obama succeeds and you realize that the Republican Party that you worship to is on life support.

These great men below were right:

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
- Winston Churchill

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
- John F. Kennedy

1.) He's his half brother who he's had two conversations with in like 20 years.

2.) He doesn't want Obama's help; in fact he says he is inspired by Obama.

3.) He admits to having done really nothing with himself for awhile.

4.) He doesn't want Jerome Corsi money or your money.

You know, I find it amusing how all these Republicans are rushing to give this man what is basically a welfare check while they continue to bash the idea of welfare at home.

View attachment 6668

5.) This is not about Joe Biden. For the record, I rather hear the raw truth from Joe Biden then the sugarcoated lies of people like Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, and Sarah Palin.

She is a political bridge to nowhere.

6.) I can see that you are a true red Republican. You call Sarah more experienced and braver then any other candidate. Are you smoking some of the meth from Wasilla, Alaska's meth capital? And you REALLY don't believe that McCain didn't send anyone to Chicago to dig up dirt on Obama? Problem was, nothing to dig up kids. He's already admitted to anything that could of been used against him (such as past drug use). We've never had a president open about such things. Not Clinton, Bush, etc.

7.) Again, you misquote Obama and the situation. Joe the Plumber was a chronic liar and most likely paid by someone to say what he did. But then again, I can see you know nothing of economics. A condition that this current depression (and yes, it has all the signs of such a thing) and the Great Depression had was the level of wealth that seperated the upper class and lower class. The level we're at now is highly similar to what we had during The Great Depression.

8.) What "our sides" have to do with this conversation is pointless, and a logical fallacy on your part. I have no "side" as I am not a Democrat. I have stated way too many times to count that when I turn 18 in a couple days, I will not be registering as a Republican, Democrat, or member of any other scheming political party.

9.) How is it easy to identify those terrorists? Please do tell us politicalchic since I guess you're the master now. Gee, we sure could of used you on 9/11 with your vast knowledge. :rolleyes:

10.) And once again, you ignore the articles. But let me restate some facts for you:

Those are the facts from George Obama himself. Now who am I going to believe, him or you who is saying what he supposedly is saying?

I think I'll go with him. But hey, you hold on tight to those myths of you for the next four years, you'll need them when Obama succeeds and you realize that the Republican Party that you worship to is on life support.

These great men below were right:

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
- Winston Churchill

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
- John F. Kennedy

What a delightful surprise it was to see that you can count to ten!

So what have we learned about you, other than your lack of acumen? That you would use any excuse to get out from helping a sibiling in need. BTW, although I am not related in any way other than humanity, I should tell you in full disclosure that I sent a check to Brother George.

And what are the lies of Sarah Palin? Can you produce just one or two?
And who were the agents that McCain sent to Chicago to dig up dirt on Obama. Or were you simplly clutching at straws (and in your case, simple is the operative term). Care to admit that you made that one up?

Joe the Plumber paid to say what? Obama walked by Joe's house. You should get the game of Clue and play it a few times, since you don't have a clue. How could he have known Obama was dropping by? Or that he would stop and chat with him? Answer please? Maybe Joe was dressed as one of those homeless terrorist that you surmised might be wandering around the neighborhood. And what were some of those "chronic lies" that Joe was known to tell???

Thanks for making it clear that you know as much about ecomonics as you do about politics. Based on this questionaire I think you should take the job that you are so richly qualified for: hostess on a live bait barge.

Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were a "beardless youth," so there is room for you to grow and learn. In the spirit of friendship and enlightenment, let me give you a bit of learning that might, hopefully, point you in the right direction:

How, then, to explain that Obama has won the Presidency? Perhaps, partly, these words from (economist) Alexander Tytler:
"No republic has long outlived the discovery by a majority of its people that they could vote themselves largesse from the public treasury."

Be well, and happy birthday.
What a delightful surprise it was to see that you can count to ten!

So what have we learned about you, other than your lack of acumen? That you would use any excuse to get out from helping a sibiling in need. BTW, although I am not related in any way other than humanity, I should tell you in full disclosure that I sent a check to Brother George.

And what are the lies of Sarah Palin? Can you produce just one or two?
And who were the agents that McCain sent to Chicago to dig up dirt on Obama. Or were you simplly clutching at straws (and in your case, simple is the operative term). Care to admit that you made that one up?

Joe the Plumber paid to say what? Obama walked by Joe's house. You should get the game of Clue and play it a few times, since you don't have a clue. How could he have known Obama was dropping by? Or that he would stop and chat with him? Answer please? Maybe Joe was dressed as one of those homeless terrorist that you surmised might be wandering around the neighborhood. And what were some of those "chronic lies" that Joe was known to tell???

Thanks for making it clear that you know as much about ecomonics as you do about politics. Based on this questionaire I think you should take the job that you are so richly qualified for: hostess on a live bait barge.

Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were a "beardless youth," so there is room for you to grow and learn. In the spirit of friendship and enlightenment, let me give you a bit of learning that might, hopefully, point you in the right direction:

How, then, to explain that Obama has won the Presidency? Perhaps, partly, these words from (economist) Alexander Tytler:
"No republic has long outlived the discovery by a majority of its people that they could vote themselves largesse from the public treasury."

Be well, and happy birthday.

1.) He is a half brother who he met twice after they were 5. Are you expecting him to bankroll George's entire life? And another thing, George DOES NOT WANT your money. He doesn't want yours or Jerome Corsi's money. He wants to get by on his own merits, I find that respectable in a guy. He doesn't want to ride the coattails of his siblings or parents like some people.

2.) Bridge to nowhere is one lie. The fact she says she stood up to Big Oil when she and Big Oil are both trying to get the ANWR open to drilling is another lie.

3.) Who were the agents that Obama sent to Alaska? See, I can play this game all day long. I'm not making it up but once again you buy into the Republican smear machine.

Media Matters - Fox News' Cameron uncritically reported on McCain ad without noting DNC had denied allegations

4.) The chronic lies that Joe told? Well lets see:

4a.) His name is Samuel, not Joe

4b.) He doesn't make anywhere near $250k and will actually benefit under Obama's plan

4c.) Samuel isn't a licensed plumber

4d.) Samuel doesn't pay his taxes.

Need I go on? I don't think so.

5.) Look up the signs of a Depression, we have them.

It's partly because of the vast level between the wealthy and the poor.

What do you think of this quote?

"In some countries, a few families are fabulously wealthy, contribute far less than they should in taxes, and are indifferent to the poverty of the great masses of the people. “A country in this situation is fraught with continual instability"

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