Palin Spends $150K on Clothes?

Let me help you understand the point of the post: The common denominator here is money. When you say private donations, did you know that one of the biggest contributors to Obama's campaign was Wall Street? Now let's see if we can figure out who is getting the biggest piece of the financial bailout. How's that for private donations?

Oh please.....

Obama had 1.5 million contributors including me.

He ran the cleanest campaign in American history.

Summary data for Barack Obama | OpenSecrets
What is your source for the figure of the $150 million? Also, can you please breakdown the $150 million? How much of it is being used for security? Lastly, can you also please give me the costs of previous innagurations?

Thank you.
What is your source for the figure of the $150 million? Also, can you please breakdown the $150 million? How much of it is being used for security? Lastly, can you also please give me the costs of previous innagurations?

Thank you.

Many of the fundraisers are well-known moneymen and women in Democratic circles. Those leading the list raised at least $300,000. They include two of Obama's top campaign fundraisers: Louis Susman, who retired this month as vice chairman of banking giant and government bailout recipient Citigroup, and billionaire Hyatt hotel heiress Penny Pritzker.

The Associated Press: Obama hosting pricey party in a dicey economy

the most expensive previous inaugural was ~$43MM in 2005

hope we can believe in.
Cleanest campaign in history my ass. I would be more eloquent, but the fact that you made that claim in public proves you are unworthy.
Many of the fundraisers are well-known moneymen and women in Democratic circles. Those leading the list raised at least $300,000. They include two of Obama's top campaign fundraisers: Louis Susman, who retired this month as vice chairman of banking giant and government bailout recipient Citigroup, and billionaire Hyatt hotel heiress Penny Pritzker.

The Associated Press: Obama hosting pricey party in a dicey economy

the most expensive previous inaugural was ~$43MM in 2005

hope we can believe in.

So let me get this straight.

People who have been paid completely legally to do a legal job and have earned a legal salary have used their money and donated it to the President-Elect so he can host an elaborate innaguration ceremony. Because the economy is doing horribly, rich people should horde their money? Do you have any idea how much these people donate to charity?

Citigroup isn't the failure of one person. Citigroup is the failure of decisions made by many people in the company to get involved in the sub-prime mortgage industry.

From what I've come to understand, none of this is being charged to the taxpayer. I've been sent numerous e-mails in the past asking for money for this.

How much money was paid to this campaign and this innaguration by lobbyists? ZERO.
Obama accprding to MSNBC President elect ass kisser deluxe, has raised about 40 odd million for his inauguration party. The total cost for the biggest by far victory party in presidential history - and that is what they essentially all are - is estimated at 160 million. So along with all the other bail outs the Dems (sounds sort of like dims) have promised us we are going to have to bailout Obamas inauguration to the tune of between 110 million and 120 million and yeah that's is chump change compared to the trillion dollar deficits we are being promised essentially in perpetuity.

We are now beginning to see that what the Democratsmeant by their complaints about Bush's deficits was that they thought they should be much higher...
1.) He is a half brother who he met twice after they were 5. Are you expecting him to bankroll George's entire life? And another thing, George DOES NOT WANT your money. He doesn't want yours or Jerome Corsi's money. He wants to get by on his own merits, I find that respectable in a guy. He doesn't want to ride the coattails of his siblings or parents like some people.

2.) Bridge to nowhere is one lie. The fact she says she stood up to Big Oil when she and Big Oil are both trying to get the ANWR open to drilling is another lie.

3.) Who were the agents that Obama sent to Alaska? See, I can play this game all day long. I'm not making it up but once again you buy into the Republican smear machine.

Media Matters - Fox News' Cameron uncritically reported on McCain ad without noting DNC had denied allegations

4.) The chronic lies that Joe told? Well lets see:

4a.) His name is Samuel, not Joe

4b.) He doesn't make anywhere near $250k and will actually benefit under Obama's plan

4c.) Samuel isn't a licensed plumber

4d.) Samuel doesn't pay his taxes.

Need I go on? I don't think so.

5.) Look up the signs of a Depression, we have them.

It's partly because of the vast level between the wealthy and the poor.

What do you think of this quote?

"In some countries, a few families are fabulously wealthy, contribute far less than they should in taxes, and are indifferent to the poverty of the great masses of the people. “A country in this situation is fraught with continual instability"

Wow, you are really dumb. You still want to discuss Obama's scurrilous behavior in terms of Brother George after the sound whipping that I gave you on this subject? Fine, let's see what "bankroll his entire life" would mean. I figure that would amount to about 500 bucks. Tough cost, those filial obligations. But then you must realize how bad this makes the President look,and you the same by reflection.

Wait, it just dawned on me. These excuses that you make are not for Obama. They are for you. So you come from a family where folks don't feel responsibe for each other, where love and affection are in short supply. That might also explain another point that I made and you chose to ignore: you and the President would allow infants born as a result of botched abortion to die.

Alexander Pope must have been thinking of you when he said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. In your case, very little. Governor Palin earned enough money for the citizens of Alaska so that not only don't they pay state taxes, but they also get a large rebate check as a result of her machinations. What part of money-to-the-people don't you understand? By the way, the citizens of Alaska want ANWR open to drilling, as do I. Oil is the life's blood of our economy. If you stop America from getting and having oil, you destroy the country.

You poor sick puppy. Joe may have a nickname. He said he hoped to MAKE 250k. One can do plumbing without being licensed. He was behind in his taxes, but not nearly as far behind nor to the extent that President Obama's selection for Treasury Secretary. Care to comment on that?

Funny how incensed you are at an American citizen questioning your candidate. Scared that we might see that the emperor has no clothes (I used a fairy tale reference to make you feel at home)?

I didn't say that Obama sent agent to Alaska, you said that McCain sent agents to Chicago. You're doing it. It was the press (read "smear machine") that went to Alaska to defend "the One." Now, once again, the left-wing Dem press is the smear machine. It defies logic (get out the dictionary) to think that Republicans can be a "smear machine" since they would not be able to get the smear out, since the NYTimes, LATimes, Washington Compost, et al are all LEFT WING. Get it? You've been brain washed. Hoodwinked. Fooled.

What is the current unemployment rate?
1929 -- 3.2% Hoover era begins, March
1930 -- 8.7%
1931 -- 15.9%
1932 -- 23.6%
1933 -- 24.9% (20.9%) Roosevelt era begins, March
1934 -- 21.7% (16.2%)
1935 -- 20.1% (14.4%)
1936 -- 16.9% (10.0%)
1937 -- 14.3% ( 9.2%) Recession begins, May
1938 -- 19.0% (12.5%) Recession ends, June
1939 -- 17.2% (11.3%)
1940 -- 14.6%

Who pays the taxes?
Before the Bush tax cuts, the top 1% of wage earners paid 37% of all income tax revenue. Now, after the Bush tax cuts, the top 1% are paying 39% of a total income tax bite. That's a 2% increase in the share of total taxes paid by the rich, the top 1%, since the Bush tax cuts went into effect. By the same token, before the Bush tax cuts, the top 5% paid 56% of all income tax revenue. Now the top 5% are paying 60%, after the Bush tax cuts.

My hopes for you are rapidly deteriorating.
You, and many on the right, continually to quote who pays the most income taxes, while neglecting the Fact that there are payroll taxes as well, for which billionaires like Warren Buffet are not even subject to.

If the top 1% holds 37% of this country's wealth PC, then they should be paying 37% of the TOTAL tax bill of this the LEAST.

I don't think one can compare what tax bracket pays what in taxes, TOTAL TAXES have to be included in order to get a better, thorough picture, on who pays what, in taxes as a percentage of their own income/earnings/wealth....

A statement such as the top 1% pays 37% of our income taxes, when we only collect about 1 trillion in income taxes while our yearly budget spending is over 3 trillion, doesn't tell us squat....does it?

I don't get it:

Sarah Palin used 150,000 TAXPAYER money on clothes and makeup. She uses money people were forced to pay.

While Barack Obama uses $150 million that was donated to him for this purpose. He uses money people donated to him.

Yeah I agree it is wasteful, but so is this whole election: it s just candidates throwing money at everything to win, every year it gets bigger. The only difference with the past is that now we have someone who breaks all previous funding records. I don't see nothing wrong with donating money to a presidential candidate, but wasting money on this scale however.

How much money do you think these elections have costed in general (Taxpayer money and donated money)?
You, and many on the right, continually to quote who pays the most income taxes, while neglecting the Fact that there are payroll taxes as well, for which billionaires like Warren Buffet are not even subject to.

If the top 1% holds 37% of this country's wealth PC, then they should be paying 37% of the TOTAL tax bill of this the LEAST.

I don't think one can compare what tax bracket pays what in taxes, TOTAL TAXES have to be included in order to get a better, thorough picture, on who pays what, in taxes as a percentage of their own income/earnings/wealth....

A statement such as the top 1% pays 37% of our income taxes, when we only collect about 1 trillion in income taxes while our yearly budget spending is over 3 trillion, doesn't tell us squat....does it?


Instead of "if," why don't you tell me how much of the "wealth" the top 1% holds? Holds is a loaded term, since one doesn't have any right to keep ones wealth in perpetuity. Now tell me how much of the the "pursuit of happiness" they hold. Anyone can become rich. That's America. Most of the rich earned it, they did not inherit it. We all have equal benefits of living in America, in 14th Amendment terms, but half of us don't pay any federal income tax. Fair?
Now the Social Security Tax. There is a limit as to how much SS one can collect at retirement, so we are all on the same footing there.
I don't get it:

Sarah Palin used 150,000 TAXPAYER money on clothes and makeup. She uses money people were forced to pay.

While Barack Obama uses $150 million that was donated to him for this purpose. He uses money people donated to him.

Yeah I agree it is wasteful, but so is this whole election: it s just candidates throwing money at everything to win, every year it gets bigger. The only difference with the past is that now we have someone who breaks all previous funding records. I don't see nothing wrong with donating money to a presidential candidate, but wasting money on this scale however.

How much money do you think these elections have costed in general (Taxpayer money and donated money)?

You have your facts backwards:

1) Sarah Palin's money came from the RNC, that's donated money.

2) The Obama inauguration which is $160 million is LARGELY tax payer money. Check this out. WillowTree posted this link on page 2 of this thread.

Here's part of an article from MSNBC:

"Obama's inaugural committee has raised more than $41 million to cover events ranging from a Philadelphia-to-Washington train ride to a megastar concert with Beyonce, U2 and Bruce Springsteen to 10 official inaugural balls. Add to that the massive costs of security and transportation — costs absorbed by U.S. taxpayers — and the historic inauguration will produce an equally historic bill."

Costly price tag for Obama inauguration - Inauguration-
150 Million for a party of this size is cheap.

150,000 to put lipstick on a pig is expensive.

Context is key.

How much of this did you kick in?

Like most Liberals, you're pretty free with other people's money.
150 Million for a party of this size is cheap.

150,000 to put lipstick on a pig is expensive.

Context is key.

150,000 for ONE PERSON (the pitbull bitch Palin).

150,000,000 for a party for several million people. could put lipstick on only 100 Palins for the cost of the party.

I think the party is more cost effective, as it provides a benefit to more than just one person.

Speaking of which, did the bitch send the clothes back? I bet not.....she's probably justifying keeping them because she says she's gonna run in 2012.
How much of this did you kick in?

Like most Liberals, you're pretty free with other people's money.
Roughly $20,000 I think.

I wonder how much tax payer money got wasted on Bush's bazillion vacation trips during his record setting lazy boy presidency? More than 150 million, easily.

Sour grapes, you people are going to be sucking them for quite some time I see.
150,000 for ONE PERSON (the pitbull bitch Palin).

150,000,000 for a party for several million people. could put lipstick on only 100 Palins for the cost of the party.

I think the party is more cost effective, as it provides a benefit to more than just one person.

Speaking of which, did the bitch send the clothes back? I bet not.....she's probably justifying keeping them because she says she's gonna run in 2012.
I think she's using them to open a museum to fund her high school drop out daughter's trailer.

You have your facts backwards:

1) Sarah Palin's money came from the RNC, that's donated money.

2) The Obama inauguration which is $160 million is LARGELY tax payer money. Check this out. WillowTree posted this link on page 2 of this thread.

Here's part of an article from MSNBC:

"Obama's inaugural committee has raised more than $41 million to cover events ranging from a Philadelphia-to-Washington train ride to a megastar concert with Beyonce, U2 and Bruce Springsteen to 10 official inaugural balls. Add to that the massive costs of security and transportation — costs absorbed by U.S. taxpayers — and the historic inauguration will produce an equally historic bill."

Costly price tag for Obama inauguration - Inauguration-

"1) Sarah Palin's money came from the RNC, that's donated money."

Wrong because John Mccain used Government funding for his campaign, so it is TAXPAYERMONEY.


Why would you assume that the Mccain inauguration would have cost less?
I don't get it:

Sarah Palin used 150,000 TAXPAYER money on clothes and makeup. She uses money people were forced to pay.

While Barack Obama uses $150 million that was donated to him for this purpose. He uses money people donated to him.

Yeah I agree it is wasteful, but so is this whole election: it s just candidates throwing money at everything to win, every year it gets bigger. The only difference with the past is that now we have someone who breaks all previous funding records. I don't see nothing wrong with donating money to a presidential candidate, but wasting money on this scale however.

How much money do you think these elections have costed in general (Taxpayer money and donated money)?

60 million was donated. 100 million is going to be picked up by taxpayers.
150,000 for ONE PERSON (the pitbull bitch Palin).

150,000,000 for a party for several million people. could put lipstick on only 100 Palins for the cost of the party.

I think the party is more cost effective, as it provides a benefit to more than just one person.

Speaking of which, did the bitch send the clothes back? I bet not.....she's probably justifying keeping them because she says she's gonna run in 2012.

No, donkeybutt, it was for her whole family

Hypocrites! 160 million dollars.. 100 million "donated" by taxpayers,, and youse don't blink an eye! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
No, donkeybutt, it was for her whole family

Hypocrites! 160 million dollars.. 100 million "donated" by taxpayers,, and youse don't blink an eye! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Good that Sarah Palin knows how to spread the wealth, it seems like the Republicans do know what Socialism is. :lol:

I still don't get the fuss, the inauguration would be there anyway.

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