Forget Russia. The American media is the real enemy...

The American media is a credible threat, since it is controlled by Communists, and has millions of viewers and readers who don't know they're listening/reading to Communist propaganda.
Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
Russia is large in land area, but it's GNP is $2.01 trillion, making it the NINTH largest economy, below Brazil.

Countries Compared by Economy > GDP. International Statistics at

That's a cute try, but irrelevant.

In any measure of international power, Russia is in top three most powerful nations on Earth. They are not in any sense "small", or "unimportant".
Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
Russia is large in land area, but it's GNP is $2.01 trillion, making it the NINTH largest economy, below Brazil.

Countries Compared by Economy > GDP. International Statistics at

That's a cute try, but irrelevant.

In any measure of international power, Russia is in top three most powerful nations on Earth. They are not in any sense "small", or "unimportant".
They are. If they launched their nukes, half of them wouldn't even take off the ground.
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
Not true. Russians now control the GOP. They are traitors to democracy. That's why all the voter suppression and support for Russia. You don't hear Trump promoting American values to the rest of the world. He promotes Russian, North Korean and Philippine dictator values. The GOP has caused this country more damage than Isis and al Qaeda combined.
Republicans have become a danger to both this country but to the entire world.

It's funny how some people believe it's possible to "compromise" with a mindless bed wetter like this asshole. Someone who walks around believing that the party who opposed communism and crushed the USSR through a military build up is now subservient to the government that replaced it because the TV told them russia hacked the election.

Seriously, how does one "negotiate" with someone that insane?

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
Russia is large in land area, but it's GNP is $2.01 trillion, making it the NINTH largest economy, below Brazil.

Countries Compared by Economy > GDP. International Statistics at

That's a cute try, but irrelevant.

In any measure of international power, Russia is in top three most powerful nations on Earth. They are not in any sense "small", or "unimportant".
They are. If they launched their nukes, half of them wouldn't even take off the ground.

In the international arena, "power" isn't just measured with nukes.

But if it was, Russia would undeniably be number one.
Russia was a threat when it was controlled by the Communists. Now it is controlled by an oligarchy that have no particular desire to do us harm. We have surrounded their territory with countries allied to us, and stationed troops and military equipment right on their borders. We protect Europe, even though the European Union has a combined economy larger than ours. The situation is completely ridiculous, and in focusing all this attention on Russia, we forget the real threat from our own home grown Communists who control the media, Hollywood, and the universities. They're the real problem we have to deal with.
Poor thing. You think people who voted for an AMERICA FIRST candidate give a shit what foreign countries think....just sad.

Here's the problem with your logic here.

While I'm sure that all the nationalists (white and otherwise) voted for Trump, the inverse is quite obviously not true - not all Trump voters are nationalists.

You're (thankfully) part of a small minority.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
It's the Republican party dummy
Given that the commies own all the media how did trump "win" ? You are full of shit.

Because ordinary people who live outside urban bubbles and actually do the labor in the country have been ignoring the media more and more since we have other avenues to find information that isn't manipulated by apparatchik pieces of shit like Mika Brzezinski.

You're ignorant enough to pretend to understand how politics work in our country while muzbot jihadists are taking over your shithole country. By the way dipshit, how many bases does the UK have on our shores? How many do we have on yours?

Who's the fuckin colony now.
So, what you are saying is that the media has little sway. Whats your problem then ?
Even Putin and Xi get more favorable ratings than Trump.

Oh look, fake numbers.

How can you proclaim that and support Donald Trump?

I'm a veteran of Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I could never support someone who said he likes people who weren't captured.
Over 40,000 Americans have been captured as POW's since 1940. Many where starved to death. Many were tortured to death. They went knowing what could happen. You claim to be a veteran. You knew what could happen. Trump ran.
And you call yourself a "constitutional conservative"???? Trump squats on the constitution. And you're disabled? Republicans would see you out on the street.
What is it you think is good about the GOP? They would never help you.
They don't even help children, or seniors, or the disabled.
What kind of a country do they want.
I tell you this, I went into the military hoping to protect the greatest democracy ever created. A country with heart. I didn't go to protect monsters.
Given that the commies own all the media how did trump "win" ? You are full of shit.

Because ordinary people who live outside urban bubbles and actually do the labor in the country have been ignoring the media more and more since we have other avenues to find information that isn't manipulated by apparatchik pieces of shit like Mika Brzezinski.

You're ignorant enough to pretend to understand how politics work in our country while muzbot jihadists are taking over your shithole country. By the way dipshit, how many bases does the UK have on our shores? How many do we have on yours?

Who's the fuckin colony now.

OK so lemme get all this straight.....

--- A major foreign nation is not our problem, the domestic media is our problem -- that's because it's comprised of Big Business. This Big Business media makes its money not from the traditional advertising but from pushing ideologies of Big Government that overregulates Big Business. Meanwhile, this Big Business Media (BBM) just receives its money from ---- I dunno, magic? It just falls from the sky and lands in their bank accounts by itself. I guess. :dunno:

This BBM pushes the Democratic Party to achieve this hyperregulation, despite that orgainization having collapsed in 2014, according to threads on this same site.

So effective has this BBM and its devious plan been, that it managed to lose an entire Presidential election last year, and that's why it's so powerful and that's why it's the enemy.

Did I leave anything out? Oh yes --- we have always been at war with Eastasia.
Poor thing. You think people who voted for an AMERICA FIRST candidate give a shit what foreign countries think....just sad.

Here's the problem with your logic here.

While I'm sure that all the nationalists (white and otherwise) voted for Trump, the inverse is quite obviously not true - not all Trump voters are nationalists.

You're (thankfully) part of a small minority.
We may be a minority but not only are we growing but we hold enough power in each state to get President Trump elected and re elected! :)
So, what you are saying is that the media has little sway. Whats your problem then ?

I realize you don't have the cognitive capacity to understand why willfully manipulating and lying to the people of a country in order to have them accept a reduced standard of living, a corrupt political system that is literally stealing the future productive capacity of people who have yet to be born with a 20 trillion dollar debt, is a bad fuckin thing.

Vapid drones like you exist in a virtual reality I suppose where authorities let you suckle at their tits, but that ain't how it is in the real world bed wetter.


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