Forget Russia. The American media is the real enemy...

There is no left wing in the US.

It's incredible how people as devastatingly vapid as you survive through puberty with even the safety precautions we have. I often wonder if you're kept in a basement where everything with a corner or an edge has added padding.

I'll bet we could hook you up to a polygraph and you'd flat line it parroting such profoundly ignorant horseshit.

Given that the commies own all the media how did trump "win" ? You are full of shit.

Because in America we're smart enough to see through the marxist bullshit the media is peddling.
Unfortunately in europe you fools swallow every load the media pumps down your throat.
There is no left wing in the US.

There is no common sense in your statement...:popcorn:

There never has been.

That's why I am serious when I say that I can not believe that imbecile has not walked off a ledge someone accidentally left unguarded or drank Drano as a laxative.

Fuckin child resistant lids keep piece of shit like him alive into whatever passes for "adulthood" in the moonbat species.

The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
Not true. Russians now control the GOP. They are traitors to democracy. That's why all the voter suppression and support for Russia. You don't hear Trump promoting American values to the rest of the world. He promotes Russian, North Korean and Philippine dictator values. The GOP has caused this country more damage than Isis and al Qaeda combined.
Republicans have become a danger to both this country but to the entire world.

It's funny how some people believe it's possible to "compromise" with a mindless bed wetter like this asshole. Someone who walks around believing that the party who opposed communism and crushed the USSR through a military build up is now subservient to the government that replaced it because the TV told them russia hacked the election.

Seriously, how does one "negotiate" with someone that insane?

The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
Not true. Russians now control the GOP. They are traitors to democracy. That's why all the voter suppression and support for Russia. You don't hear Trump promoting American values to the rest of the world. He promotes Russian, North Korean and Philippine dictator values. The GOP has caused this country more damage than Isis and al Qaeda combined.
Republicans have become a danger to both this country but to the entire world.

It's funny how some people believe it's possible to "compromise" with a mindless bed wetter like this asshole. Someone who walks around believing that the party who opposed communism and crushed the USSR through a military build up is now subservient to the government that replaced it because the TV told them russia hacked the election.

Seriously, how does one "negotiate" with someone that insane?

Take it easy dean is not an armed opponent especially in this kind of intellectual cage fight.
Take it easy dean is not an armed opponent especially in this kind of intellectual cage fight.

I don't care if he kills himself.

I've been admonished to refrain from encouraging it, but just too be clear I would not give even the thought of a fuck if he did get a retroactive self abortion.

I view Jonestown as a net gain for the gene pool.

Even Putin and Xi get more favorable ratings than Trump.

Oh look, fake numbers.

How can you proclaim that and support Donald Trump?

I'm a veteran of Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I could never support someone who said he likes people who weren't captured.
Over 40,000 Americans have been captured as POW's since 1940. Many where starved to death. Many were tortured to death. They went knowing what could happen. You claim to be a veteran. You knew what could happen. Trump ran.
And you call yourself a "constitutional conservative"???? Trump squats on the constitution. And you're disabled? Republicans would see you out on the street.
What is it you think is good about the GOP? They would never help you.
They don't even help children, or seniors, or the disabled.
What kind of a country do they want.
I tell you this, I went into the military hoping to protect the greatest democracy ever created. A country with heart. I didn't go to protect monsters.

Sorry pal, but you sound absolutely unhinged.

And everything you said is what we just got RID of.
Here's the thing about Russia, it has a GNP of $2.01 trillion.

The European Union and the United States combined, which is mostly NATO, has a combined GNP of more than $30 trillion.

So the combined economic power of the NATO alliance is 15 times as large as Russia, and yet, the elites who control our government and the governments of the European nations are still acting like Russia is a threat.

The real threat is the elites themselves, who have closed down our factories and shipped the jobs overseas, or have imported immigrants and fired American workers. My brother, who works at Facebook, told me he is the only American who works in his unit. That's typical for the tech industry, the H1-B visas have been used to replace Americans with immigrants who will work for far less.
Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
You obviously missed the point that is apparent to intelligent people.

Russia has an economy similar in size to Spain or Italy. It also has a relatively small population of less than 150 million.

Understand now?
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
lol. "Your guy", "got elected by Wikileaks".
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
lol. "Your guy", "got elected by Wikileaks".

LOL.. and your candidate got destroyed by them.
Even Putin and Xi get more favorable ratings than Trump.

Oh look, fake numbers.

How can you proclaim that and support Donald Trump?

I'm a veteran of Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I could never support someone who said he likes people who weren't captured.
Over 40,000 Americans have been captured as POW's since 1940. Many where starved to death. Many were tortured to death. They went knowing what could happen. You claim to be a veteran. You knew what could happen. Trump ran.
And you call yourself a "constitutional conservative"???? Trump squats on the constitution. And you're disabled? Republicans would see you out on the street.
What is it you think is good about the GOP? They would never help you.
They don't even help children, or seniors, or the disabled.
What kind of a country do they want.
I tell you this, I went into the military hoping to protect the greatest democracy ever created. A country with heart. I didn't go to protect monsters.

Sorry pal, but you sound absolutely unhinged.

And everything you said is what we just got RID of.

Unhinged? So, like Trump, you like people who weren't captured?
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
lol. "Your guy", "got elected by Wikileaks".

LOL.. and your candidate got destroyed by them.
This is what I was replying to:
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The very first thing that Fascists do is shut down free press, and then free speech. That that is what the fat senile old orange clown and his followers are trying to do.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The very first thing that Fascists do is shut down free press, and then free speech. That that is what the fat senile old orange clown and his followers are trying to do.
No, he isn't. Stop lying.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The very first thing that Fascists do is shut down free press, and then free speech. That that is what the fat senile old orange clown and his followers are trying to do.
No, he isn't. Stop lying.

Oh that's already on the record.

Roll tape.
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
Not true. Russians now control the GOP. They are traitors to democracy. That's why all the voter suppression and support for Russia. You don't hear Trump promoting American values to the rest of the world. He promotes Russian, North Korean and Philippine dictator values. The GOP has caused this country more damage than Isis and al Qaeda combined.
Republicans have become a danger to both this country but to the entire world.
Then it is up to you to do something about it. Stop yammering and get to it.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The very first thing that Fascists do is shut down free press, and then free speech. That that is what the fat senile old orange clown and his followers are trying to do.
No, he isn't. Stop lying.

Are you f*cking delusional?
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

The very first thing that Fascists do is shut down free press, and then free speech. That that is what the fat senile old orange clown and his followers are trying to do.
No, he isn't. Stop lying.

Oh that's already on the record.

Roll tape.

Can you believe the nerve of this guy who endlessly lies complaining about others being dishonest? How does that happen?

Just the fact that he tells people he is going to bring back the jobs that are gone when 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and are never coming back shows the depth of his dishonesty. Putting up fake magazine covers. Stealing from children with cancer. Not paying his workers.

And his ignorant right wing calls those lies??????????????????

When did public record become lies?
Even Putin and Xi get more favorable ratings than Trump.

Oh look, fake numbers.

How can you proclaim that and support Donald Trump?

I'm a veteran of Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and I could never support someone who said he likes people who weren't captured.
Over 40,000 Americans have been captured as POW's since 1940. Many where starved to death. Many were tortured to death. They went knowing what could happen. You claim to be a veteran. You knew what could happen. Trump ran.
And you call yourself a "constitutional conservative"???? Trump squats on the constitution. And you're disabled? Republicans would see you out on the street.
What is it you think is good about the GOP? They would never help you.
They don't even help children, or seniors, or the disabled.
What kind of a country do they want.
I tell you this, I went into the military hoping to protect the greatest democracy ever created. A country with heart. I didn't go to protect monsters.

Sorry pal, but you sound absolutely unhinged.

And everything you said is what we just got RID of.

Why did you even bother to go into the military if it wasn't to protect the lives and rights of poor and middle class Americans?

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