"Forget The Conspiracy Stuff, Tens Of Thousands of Ballots Were Not Counted"

But he said the campaign wants to ensure the election was fair.
If he'd "wanted to ensure the election was fair", he'd have called for the recount BEFORE the votes were couted on Nov. 8, or quickly within a day or two.

But in fact he waited until it was clear Hillary had lost. Only then did they become concerned that the election was "fair".

Dissembling liars like him, are part of the reason normal Americans got fed up with the Clinton agenda and booted her out, despite her 3-to-1 advantage in spending and her overwhelming advantage in favorable media stories.

Why would you call for a recount before the votes were even counted? :cuckoo:
Investigative reporter, Greg Palast, who's been reporting on various programs designed to target specific voting groups such as "CrossCheck," says that "hacking is not an issue." It's the fact that tens of thousands of ballots simply were not counted, thanks to these voter suppression efforts.

"We don't count millions of votes," says Greg.

Watch Here: AM Joy w/Joy Reid on Twitter

Read more about "CrossCheck" here: Voting-rights groups challenge electoral purges

CrossCheck targets last names like "Wong and Hernandez." Reason? They tend to vote Democrat.

Greg also predicted that the election would be stolen by Trump in his documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and explained how it would be done. It can be streamed here: DVD & Streaming - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The election was stolen, folks.
Idiots will be idiots, If they really wanted a full investigation there would be a recount of the states she took by less of a percentage margin than he did M,P, And W. So now what, this is not about the real election, it is about harassing Trump, and the American public and intimidating the recount workers to try to get them to satisfy their lie. The paid rioters will converge on all of the recount points, and they will threaten the workers, and try to remove the Republican Party auditors from them. It will be just like it was in Florida with vote boxes being found in car trunks, and Republican poll workers bein locked out. That is what it is all about you liberals had better hope she does not get enough votes to overturn this election. You are not ready for the consequences.
Idiots will be idiots, If they really wanted a full investigation there would be a recount of the states she took by less of a percentage margin than he did M,P, And W. So now what, this is not about the real election, it is about harassing Trump, and the American public and intimidating the recount workers to try to get them to satisfy their lie. The paid rioters will converge on all of the recount points, and they will threaten the workers, and try to remove the Republican Party auditors from them. It will be just like it was in Florida with vote boxes being found in car trunks, and Republican poll workers bein locked out. That is what it is all about you liberals had better hope she does not get enough votes to overturn this election. You are not ready for the consequences.

Hey.. guess what... this isn't a recount. It's an audit to determine if the electronic voting machines and ballot scanners gave the correct result!
Investigative reporter, Greg Palast, who's been reporting on various programs designed to target specific voting groups such as "CrossCheck," says that "hacking is not an issue." It's the fact that tens of thousands of ballots simply were not counted, thanks to these voter suppression efforts.

"We don't count millions of votes," says Greg.

Watch Here: AM Joy w/Joy Reid on Twitter

Read more about "CrossCheck" here: Voting-rights groups challenge electoral purges

CrossCheck targets last names like "Wong and Hernandez." Reason? They tend to vote Democrat.

Greg also predicted that the election would be stolen by Trump in his documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and explained how it would be done. It can be streamed here: DVD & Streaming - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The election was stolen, folks.

I don't think they can simply not count certain votes. Every ballot is matched with a number to that person's name and they have to balance out. And it's fairly easy to find if ballots haven't been counted, and would be easy enough to prove.

I agree though that something may be up in the mix, and we'll find out soon enough when Wisconsin starts to audit their vote count during the latter part of next week.

Trump won on a measly 100K accumulative votes in 3 battleground states. Hillary Clinton is now leading in the popular vote by over 2 million. All 3 of these states need to be thoroughly audited, not just recounted. They have found several Democrat precincts where she was leading heavily in the paper ballots, but lost the count in the electronic machines, and the cyber experts have convinced Jill Stein and now the Clinton campaign to look a little closer.

If they find anything, other states will follow suit.
Look on the bright side, I'll get to laugh and mock Hillary a 2nd time when she's reconfirmed to be a loser. :eusa_dance:
So the election is over for weeks but the world has still to fear that unscrupulous monster again? "Recount" here, "voter suppression" there. What´s next? Cement bags voted for Trump because they wanted to become a wall? Democrats supporters were too busy helping the poor to vote? Al-Qaeda and ISIS were under attack by the Syrian army and therefor couldn´t vote?
Fraudulent ballots shouldn't be counted. At least 1/3 of democrook ballots are dead people or illegal votes.

For years, military people were disenfranchised and the left didn't give a shit. We either didn't get the absentee ballots in time to send them by the deadline or they never showed up. One year, all the ballots were put in crates, mislabeled and stored in a warehouse. All by accident, of course. No lib has ever even wanted to talk about that.

No lib wanted to talk about a poll worker who saw her co workers filling out stacks of absentee ballots in a Dem controlling polling place.

No lib wanted to talk about how Dem poll workers managed to find a trunk full of ballots well after the election, all for Al Franken, and they were just enough to hand him the election in time for his needed vote on Obamacare. That was just amazing to have enough ballots in the trunk of a poll workers car that managed to change the outcome completely. What are the odds that the poll workers filled out all the unused ballots so they could hand the election to Franken and make Obamacare a reality.

No lib wanted to talk about how Obama told illegals they could vote and no one would stop them or question the ballots. Most of Hillary's votes came from areas where illegals and their anchor babies make up the majority of the population.

None of you cared that the military were cheated out of voting for years. I know, it happened to my family a few times. None of you cared when ACORN workers were filling out ballots for senior citizens in nursing homes and checking off Obama's name when that isn't who they wanted to vote for. Remember the fight when an elderly woman attacked one of the workers for not respecting her wishes? Yea, it was okay to disenfranchise a bunch of old people.

Now, you guys pretend to be worried about something you claimed time and time again didn't exist - voter fraud or mistakes that may or may not affect the outcome. I doubt there are enough votes to change things. No way in hell Hillary would have conceded if there was even the slightest chance she could win.

It's over now and yet people like Soros can't handle seeing their dream of a socialist America slipping away so we keep seeing all these desperate attempts to plant doubt in people's minds and keep the rioters going in hopes everyone will stay angry.

Shame there are no safe spaces from all the liberal bullshit.
Hillary lost in an election that pitted the media against Trump, polls that ignored the voting base and simply had the most corrupt candidate in history against a deplorable. The electoral college will complete their job of electing Trump and Hillary will be proven that much less a patriot and person of integrity.

They gave him a pass on his taxes. They should have pushed harder.

Here is the good news. We didn't elect Cruz, who would have been a nightmare. Trump was center-Left politically before he decided to launch his campaign. He and Schumer might find a pragmatic middle ground on some stuff. You never know.
Now, you guys pretend to be worried about something you claimed time and time again didn't exist - voter fraud or mistakes that may or may not affect the outcome.

I disagree. Each side believes the other side is fraudulent when it comes to voting and vote counting. Joe Lieberman was instrumental in 2000 RE making sure that military votes were counted, including ones that didn't meet all the rules - but your points are well taken. I think both sides have trouble protecting the voting rights of their opponents.

I doubt there are enough votes to change things. No way in hell Hillary would have conceded if there was even the slightest chance she could win.

Agreed. Obama also said that this was a clean election.

The most they'll find is evidence that security protocols need to be tightened - and this is good for both sides. Clinton shouldn't not have joined. She has nothing to gain but bad publicity. The Green Party is going to walk with a pile of money.
Investigative reporter, Greg Palast, who's been reporting on various programs designed to target specific voting groups such as "CrossCheck," says that "hacking is not an issue." It's the fact that tens of thousands of ballots simply were not counted, thanks to these voter suppression efforts.

"We don't count millions of votes," says Greg.

Watch Here: AM Joy w/Joy Reid on Twitter

Read more about "CrossCheck" here: Voting-rights groups challenge electoral purges

CrossCheck targets last names like "Wong and Hernandez." Reason? They tend to vote Democrat.

Greg also predicted that the election would be stolen by Trump in his documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and explained how it would be done. It can be streamed here: DVD & Streaming - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

The election was stolen, folks.

What silly horseshit! If the remaining votes could not change where the electorial votes were going, there is no reason to waste time and money counting them. Do the math! This ain't rocket science! And if there were votes remaining to be counted that mattered we would have to fully determine how many fraudulent votes were made by non-citizens which would undoubtedly be in the millions.
Sure as hell sounds like the Trump supporters of the board are scared as piss.
The democrats, these liberals LOST because they aren't as inclusive and tolerant as they would like to believe. I am finding that out the hard way. Liberals want to intimidate, harass or obliterate. In the name of tolerance and inclusiveness and all their other rhetorical dogmatic bullshit.

So, I just watched this today and uh....wow. Holy shit. Very well done documentary and I would say required viewing for all Americans.

I'd like the following posters (listed in no particular order) to rent this movie and let me know what you think:

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