~Forget To Eat~


May 13, 2011
Seriously, have you ever found yourself at a moment, where you realized, you have forgotten to eat??
I do this, quite often.
I never eat breakfast...and most days, I only eat one meal a day, and that would be around 4 p.m......then that's it.
But some days, I get so busy, and I am on the go so much....and it just doesn't cross my mind, that the tummy needs food. I can lie down in bed late at night, and the rumbling roaring of the tummy growl will start, as if to let me know- "Hey bitch, you forgot to send something down my way" ~LoL~
People look at me like I'm crazy when I say, 'I forgot to eat today'- but what can I say?? It's the truth, it happens to me from time to time.
As I sit and type this now, the tummy is letting me know.......here it is almost 7:30 p.m. and I haven't eaten today *sigh*
Since I stopped eating sugar and limited my carb intake I don't obsess about food anymore and find myself forgetting to eat sometimes. It's now easier to resist snacking too!
That happened alot in the Military, things would get so hectic we would either forget or just not have the time to eat. When I deployed to Kuwait I didn't eat a meal my first 2 days there. Now usually I don't miss a meal unless I'm depressed or stressed out over something.

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