Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Yup. So what.

The Zionists are racist scum, fuck 'em.

BLM protested peacefully for about 10 years, starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Then they realized an important fact. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Yup. So what.

The Zionists are racist scum, fuck 'em.

BLM protested peacefully for about 10 years, starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Then they realized an important fact. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
They are breaking stuff in liberal cities. They came to Greenville south Carolina to take down a statue. Well they left without doing it.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Yup. So what.

The Zionists are racist scum, fuck 'em.

BLM protested peacefully for about 10 years, starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Then they realized an important fact. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
So you're advocating bribery and extortion?
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

He's pro charter schools and I'm against them. What does this have to do with Israel. Do you live there?
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

first off, he left in 2016.
and then more recently charged with hate crime.
He's pro charter schools and I'm against them. What does this have to do with Israel. Do you live there?

Just yet another demonstration how the left are disciples of Satan. They always side with evil over good. Biden sent the Palestinians money, and they got rockets to attack Israel. When Israel asked for help replenishing their arms in which they defended themselves with, Dementia told them to go pound a salt bag. Always side with Satan. That's the Democrat way.

So what side does another group of Satan disciples like BLM side with in the conflict? Evil of course as they always do.

Nobody looks forward to death, but if there is a great wonderful place that we go to in the end, the nice thought is there won't be any leftists there.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

BLM could care less about black lives. Their only concern is to cause trouble and get wealthy at the same time. When they start all this trouble, it only leads to more black lives cut short and others ending up in prison. Black shop owners put out of business forever, and then pressure their commie representatives to get rid of the cops, which some are actually doing, making their black dominated areas even more dangerous to be in that eventually leads to more dead black people.

If they actually cared about black lives, their motto would be to never give police the opportunity to cause them harm. Just do everything they say, and a police officer will have no justification for harming you or ending your life. But they can't do that. It's way too pragmatic for them.
Just yet another demonstration how the left are disciples of Satan. They always side with evil over good. Biden sent the Palestinians money, and they got rockets to attack Israel. When Israel asked for help replenishing their arms in which they defended themselves with, Dementia told them to go pound a salt bag. Always side with Satan. That's the Democrat way.

Wow, you mean Satan is on the side of oppressed people of color? That's terrible.

If the Zionists don't want to be attached by Palestinians, GO BACK TO EUROPE WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

So what side does another group of Satan disciples like BLM side with in the conflict? Evil of course as they always do.

Nobody looks forward to death, but if there is a great wonderful place that we go to in the end, the nice thought is there won't be any leftists there.

I've always wondered about that. If you guys think the afterlife is so wonderful, why don't more of you off yourselves?

If they actually cared about black lives, their motto would be to never give police the opportunity to cause them harm. Just do everything they say, and a police officer will have no justification for harming you or ending your life. But they can't do that. It's way too pragmatic for them.

The problem with that is the cases that upset them the police really didn't have good cause to harm them.

Geo. Floyd accidently passed a fake $20.00. Maybe. Because we still haven't seen a police report proving it was fake.

Tamir Rice was playing with a toy in a park.

Walter Scott was out for a drive.

Sandra Bland was killed over a moving violation.
Wow, you mean Satan is on the side of oppressed people of color? That's terrible.

If the Zionists don't want to be attached by Palestinians, GO BACK TO EUROPE WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

Which is just as stupid of a statement as we should go back to Europe because that's what the Indians want. The Jews built up that giant sand hill just like we did in America. They don't want Jews out, they want them out and keep everything they created. That's besides the fact that the issue of what belongs to whom was settled by the UN many years ago.

When you launch missiles from the tops of hospitals and schools so that the retaliation kills those people too, yes, that's pure evil.

I've always wondered about that. If you guys think the afterlife is so wonderful, why don't more of you off yourselves?

Because you can't get into heaven that way. It's scripture.

The problem with that is the cases that upset them the police really didn't have good cause to harm them.

Geo. Floyd accidently passed a fake $20.00. Maybe. Because we still haven't seen a police report proving it was fake.

Tamir Rice was playing with a toy in a park.

Walter Scott was out for a drive.

Sandra Bland was killed over a moving violation.

You just don't listen, do you? What did I tell you about trying to win a debate with lies?
Which is just as stupid of a statement as we should go back to Europe because that's what the Indians want. The Jews built up that giant sand hill just like we did in America. They don't want Jews out, they want them out and keep everything they created. That's besides the fact that the issue of what belongs to whom was settled by the UN many years ago.

Actually, that's not true. The UN originally called for a two-state solution and theyare still calling for that, not to mention the 18 UN resolutions the Zionist Entity is currently in violation of.

When the Palestinians retook Gaza, they raised all the Israeli houses to the ground and built their own.

When you launch missiles from the tops of hospitals and schools so that the retaliation kills those people too, yes, that's pure evil.

But what if you are the one bombing hospitals and schools. Those fucks seem pretty evil, too.

Because you can't get into heaven that way. It's scripture.
Do you have a cite? Frankly, if you go by what the bible says, very few people are getting into heaven.

You just don't listen, do you? What did I tell you about trying to win a debate with lies?

That you sit home at night and have a little party every time a black child is murdered by cops?
Actually, that's not true. The UN originally called for a two-state solution and theyare still calling for that, not to mention the 18 UN resolutions the Zionist Entity is currently in violation of.

It takes two to Tango. There is only one solution that the terrorists want, and that is every Jew dead. They are not interested in any two state solution.

But what if you are the one bombing hospitals and schools. Those fucks seem pretty evil, too.

So what are they supposed to do, just sit there and take it? There is nothing evil about taking out an aggressive enemy no matter where they are launching arms from. Any deaths of sick people or children is on their heads, not Israel.

Do you have a cite? Frankly, if you go by what the bible says, very few people are getting into heaven.

There are all kinds of them. Biblically speaking, we were all one people many years ago. The people tried to build a tower to sneak into heaven. In anger, God destroyed the tower, and made everybody speak different languages, created different races so they could not communicate any longer to do such evil deeds.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple.

That you sit home at night and have a little party every time a black child is murdered by cops?

Do you have a party when they are murdered by non-cops?

Nobody was murdered. A police officer shot in self-defense. Learn the difference between self-defense and murder.
It takes two to Tango. There is only one solution that the terrorists want, and that is every Jew dead. They are not interested in any two state solution.

Why should they be. Someone comes in, takes over your house and then says, "Hey, Ray, I'll let you sleep in your old garage" I don't think you'd be keen on that.

But the Palestinians are supposed to be happy the Jews let them have the crappier parts of their own country? Really?

Let's not forget, you fucking wingnuts wanted to march on state capitols with guns because you couldn't go to Applebee's.

There are all kinds of them. Biblically speaking, we were all one people many years ago. The people tried to build a tower to sneak into heaven. In anger, God destroyed the tower, and made everybody speak different languages, created different races so they could not communicate any longer to do such evil deeds.

Um, okay, I'm not sure how tall the Tower of Babel was... but um, I'm sure it isn't as tall as the Sears Tower. Why hasn't God struck us all dead for that?

Nobody was murdered. A police officer shot in self-defense. Learn the difference between self-defense and murder.

Self defense from a child playing with a toy?

Why should they be. Someone comes in, takes over your house and then says, "Hey, Ray, I'll let you sleep in your old garage" I don't think you'd be keen on that.

But the Palestinians are supposed to be happy the Jews let them have the crappier parts of their own country? Really?

Let's not forget, you fucking wingnuts wanted to march on state capitols with guns because you couldn't go to Applebee's.

Palestine was nothing but crap. It was the Jews who moved there and built a section up. They gave Palestinians jobs, built hospitals so they too can have care, built restaurants for people to dine. And in spite of them getting rockets shot at them, in benevolence, they continue to do so today.

Um, okay, I'm not sure how tall the Tower of Babel was... but um, I'm sure it isn't as tall as the Sears Tower. Why hasn't God struck us all dead for that?

You didn't get the point of the story, did you? It didn't matter how tall it was. It might have been four stories high. The point is according to the Bible, God took offense to it because there is only one way to get into heaven, and that is loyalty to God. In fact the 911 terrorists focused the WTC based on that story. God didn't get upset by tall buildings, God was upset why they were trying to build them.

Self defense from a child playing with a toy?

Yeah, a toy. So tell me which one was the toy.

Tamir Rice.jpeg

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