Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

You didn't have a point. YOu just try to pretend your disability fraud isn't welfare. You are sucking on the government teet just as hard as your HUD neighbors.

Me, I'd have too much pride to do that. I'd fine something to do.

I funded my own disability. My HUD neighbors never contributed a dime into the federal income tax system which is where that program is funded through. Almost half of America doesn't contribute to our federal income tax system. Fraud? What's fraudulent about my disability? I surrendered all my medical records to SS and they went through them with a fine tooth comb. Not only are you not smart enough to understand what welfare is, not smart enough to get help for your severe mental disabilities, but now I find out you're not smart enough know what fraud is, something a ten year old knows.

You have no pride--no Democrat has because there's nothing to be proud of.

Uh, it was the same report that listed Chicago as the #1 City, but your city is #7. You really can't have it both ways.

People have been using cats to control rodents since the dawn of civilization, guy. It's actually why they were domesticated. (My cat has been making a nuscience of herself since I got back from vacation today.

People used cats for their own private property, not cities needing cats to help solve their problem. Rats are drawn towards food sources like garbage. Without food, they die and can't reproduce.
I funded my own disability. My HUD neighbors never contributed a dime into the federal income tax system which is where that program is funded through. Almost half of America doesn't contribute to our federal income tax system. Fraud? What's fraudulent about my disability? I surrendered all my medical records to SS and they went through them with a fine tooth comb. Not only are you not smart enough to understand what welfare is, not smart enough to get help for your severe mental disabilities, but now I find out you're not smart enough know what fraud is, something a ten year old knows.

You have no pride--no Democrat has because there's nothing to be proud of.

Uh, guy, you aren't in a fucking wheelchair. you could work. You just don't want to.

Frankly, the main complaint that is almost legitimate that you guys have is that the government tries to sign up as many people for benefits as they can.... but people like you are kind of part of the problem.

You are collecting welfare. Sorry, man, you just are. How it was paid for is irrelevant (You'll get back everything in five years, anyway)
People used cats for their own private property, not cities needing cats to help solve their problem. Rats are drawn towards food sources like garbage. Without food, they die and can't reproduce.

Actually, quite the contrary, the first cats were domesticated to protect granaries in the ancient world.

They were even worshipped in Ancient Egypt.

Actually, quite the contrary, the first cats were domesticated to protect granaries in the ancient world.

They were even worshipped in Ancient Egypt.

Nice to see Chicago follow the traditions of ancient Egypt to help solve their problems.
Uh, guy, you aren't in a fucking wheelchair. you could work. You just don't want to.

Frankly, the main complaint that is almost legitimate that you guys have is that the government tries to sign up as many people for benefits as they can.... but people like you are kind of part of the problem.

You are collecting welfare. Sorry, man, you just are. How it was paid for is irrelevant (You'll get back everything in five years, anyway)

No, it's very relevant in relation to your ridiculous comparison.

You and your employer pay into SS and Medicare all your life. When needed or applicable, you collect from those benefits because you indeed paid for them. It's a promise government made to the people for their forced participation. You pay into auto or house insurance all of your life. When needed, you collect on those benefits you paid into your entire life.

The most fortunate among us are those of us who did pay for various government programs, insurance, and so forth, but never had a reason or need to collect.

Now if you want to make the case I'm not in a wheelchair, no I'm not. But show me under SS disability requirements where it says I have to be to collect this benefit I paid into all my working years. Do you need me to post the requirements again? You probably didn't have the balls to go to the link I posted last time a few months ago. Your mental disabilities prevented you from learning the truth, as always with you.

Can I work? Probably, but not capable of making enough to support myself. Government threw me out to the wolves, and government needs to provide if they stopped me from being self-supportive.

In the fall, I plan on finding a part-time job. Being cooped up in this apartment drives me crazy all winter. I need to get out and do something. SS allows me to make $1,300 a month without effecting my benefits, which would put me in the ballpark of what I was making before they forcibly took away my career. But thanks to Commie Care, I need to stay on disability because in 11 months, I'll be on Medicare and have some coverage. Again, since that Communist forced his Nazi policy of national healthcare, most companies no longer provide it.
No, it's very relevant in relation to your ridiculous comparison.

You and your employer pay into SS and Medicare all your life. When needed or applicable, you collect from those benefits because you indeed paid for them. It's a promise government made to the people for their forced participation. You pay into auto or house insurance all of your life. When needed, you collect on those benefits you paid into your entire life.

Automobile insurance is limited to single incidents, they aren't a lifetime payment.

The most fortunate among us are those of us who did pay for various government programs, insurance, and so forth, but never had a reason or need to collect.

Right. Just like those welfare people. Most people on welfare are only on it for a few years, and unlike you, will go back to being productive members of society.

Now if you want to make the case I'm not in a wheelchair, no I'm not. But show me under SS disability requirements where it says I have to be to collect this benefit I paid into all my working years. Do you need me to post the requirements again? You probably didn't have the balls to go to the link I posted last time a few months ago. Your mental disabilities prevented you from learning the truth, as always with yo

Uh, guy, you are gaming the system. Just like any other welfare person who only works 32 hours a week to keep getting food stamps.

Can I work? Probably, but not capable of making enough to support myself. Government threw me out to the wolves, and government needs to provide if they stopped me from being self-supportive.

No, man, government just said you were unsafe to drive a truck... the rest of this is on you.

In the fall, I plan on finding a part-time job. Being cooped up in this apartment drives me crazy all winter. I need to get out and do something. SS allows me to make $1,300 a month without effecting my benefits, which would put me in the ballpark of what I was making before they forcibly took away my career. But thanks to Commie Care, I need to stay on disability because in 11 months, I'll be on Medicare and have some coverage. Again, since that Communist forced his Nazi policy of national healthcare, most companies no longer provide it.

So how is that different from the person who refuses to work more than 32 hours a week so they can keep getting section 8 and food stamps?
Automobile insurance is limited to single incidents, they aren't a lifetime payment.

So WTF does that have to do with anything? By the time I was approved it was only two years before my early retirement date anyway.

Right. Just like those welfare people. Most people on welfare are only on it for a few years, and unlike you, will go back to being productive members of society.

Bullshit. Those HUD people were here over three years, and after they left will still be on HUD. From what I was told they Fd up that place so badly it will cost the landlord thousands to put it back into livable shape that the city will approve of. Because the police have been out here so many times, the city is now Fn with the landlord to get him to sell out. They forced him to have two new roofs installed which easily cost him around $6,000 or more. The illegals have to come back to finish it up because the morons didn't order enough shingles.

Uh, guy, you are gaming the system. Just like any other welfare person who only works 32 hours a week to keep getting food stamps.

Food stamps has no hourly requirement to get them. It goes by monthly income you idiot. Why do you discuss subjects you are completely ignorant of? I fall within the requirements of disability. There is no gaming the system here. Like I said, do you want me to post the requirements and link again? Of course not. You hate being proven wrong which is all the time OCD.

No, man, government just said you were unsafe to drive a truck... the rest of this is on you.

Correct. They took away my profession.

So how is that different from the person who refuses to work more than 32 hours a week so they can keep getting section 8 and food stamps?

Because the person staying under income limits when they have the ability to support themselves because they are totally physically and mentally capable of doing so is an option. I have no options. The Communists ruined our healthcare system so that's no longer available to a lot of people, and nobody will hire an older guy with no experience at anything other than his former profession. See, if you had the balls, you'd see a shrink for your severe mental problems, and you would not be bringing this up for over a year and half with every post.
So WTF does that have to do with anything? By the time I was approved it was only two years before my early retirement date anyway.

Two years. Then you would have went on welfare anyway. The problem is, you are gaming the system, just like any other welfare collector.

Bullshit. Those HUD people were here over three years, and after they left will still be on HUD. From what I was told they Fd up that place so badly it will cost the landlord thousands to put it back into livable shape that the city will approve of. Because the police have been out here so many times, the city is now Fn with the landlord to get him to sell out. They forced him to have two new roofs installed which easily cost him around $6,000 or more. The illegals have to come back to finish it up because the morons didn't order enough shingles.

Wow, does this guy know you hate him so much that he confides so much in you?

Food stamps has no hourly requirement to get them. It goes by monthly income you idiot. Why do you discuss subjects you are completely ignorant of? I fall within the requirements of disability. There is no gaming the system here. Like I said, do you want me to post the requirements and link again? Of course not. You hate being proven wrong which is all the time OCD.

You game the system. They game the system. Yes, they work 32 hours to keep under that minimum requirement. You game the system by not taking other jobs to keep that money flowing. You both living large, buddy. Living Large. You think you are middle class, you are confused poor.

Correct. They took away my profession.

No, they took you out of a profession because you were a danger to yourself and others. That doesn't stop you from finding other work. But you'd rather do the "Whoa is me" routine.

Because the person staying under income limits when they have the ability to support themselves because they are totally physically and mentally capable of doing so is an option. I have no options. The Communists ruined our healthcare system so that's no longer available to a lot of people, and nobody will hire an older guy with no experience at anything other than his former profession. See, if you had the balls, you'd see a shrink for your severe mental problems, and you would not be bringing this up for over a year and half with every post.

You have a shitload of options, you just don't want to try.

I bring it up because I love pointing out your hypocrisy. If the Republicans had their way, you wouldn't get welfare for being sick. They'd be giving that money to deserving rich people to buy dressage horsies.

The purpose of politics is to build the world you'd want to live in. You wouldn't want to live in the world you want to build, that's the thing. And before you go off an whine "Well, I'd be fine if the government hadn't kept me off the road"... Um, no, you probably wouldn't have, because according to you, most trucking companies wouldn't have hired you before that.
Two years. Then you would have went on welfare anyway. The problem is, you are gaming the system, just like any other welfare collector.

No sense trying to explain something to a moron that makes up his own definition to words. I thought you said you went to college. What a terrible reflection on our advanced education in this country. You make AOC look smart.

Wow, does this guy know you hate him so much that he confides so much in you?

Yes he does. I've had it out with him before. I told him if I lose one tenant over his HUD people, I'm suing him in court. I'm suing for the down time of that apartment until I can find another tenant, I'm suing him for the city inspection fee, I'm suing him for my time and the cost of my attorneys, I'm suing him for everything I can get out of him.

He asked me to buy his property so I can move in who I want. I told him there is only one property I'm interested in buying, and that is one of his next door to him. Because if I can buy one of those houses, I'm moving in the same MF's in the house next door to him that he moved in next door to me to see how he likes it. His eyes lit up like he seen a ghost.

You game the system. They game the system. Yes, they work 32 hours to keep under that minimum requirement. You game the system by not taking other jobs to keep that money flowing. You both living large, buddy. Living Large. You think you are middle class, you are confused poor.

Again using phrases you don't know the meaning of. Get back to me when you learn what gaming the system means.

No, they took you out of a profession because you were a danger to yourself and others. That doesn't stop you from finding other work. But you'd rather do the "Whoa is me" routine.

Like I said, find me a job in my area that pays me what I was making. You failed. I'll be lucky to find a part-time lower waged job at my age. Nobody is going to pay a living wage to an old guy with no experience at anything. I'll be looking for a delivery van job provided there is no heavy weight to lift, or a non-CDL truck driving job, both of which pay around 12.00 an hour in most all cases.

You have a shitload of options, you just don't want to try.

And you have yet to give me one. This is my best option.

I bring it up because I love pointing out your hypocrisy.

No, you bring it up and have been constantly bringing it up for a year and a half because you have a severe mental disorder called OCD. The first letter in the acronym stands for OBSESSIVE, and that's what you are, obsessed. You sit there obsessed about my life when my life is doing just fine. It's your life that's Fd up because of this demon in your head. You're trying to give me advice when you should be giving yourself advice like get professional help. When you start taking steps to improve your life first, then start giving out advice to other people. You're like the drunk at a bar giving advice to a drug addict on addiction.
No sense trying to explain something to a moron that makes up his own definition to words. I thought you said you went to college. What a terrible reflection on our advanced education in this country. You make AOC look smart.

You can explain it all day, but you are collecting money for not working. You are getting money for merely existing.

Yes he does. I've had it out with him before. I told him if I lose one tenant over his HUD people, I'm suing him in court. I'm suing for the down time of that apartment until I can find another tenant, I'm suing him for the city inspection fee, I'm suing him for my time and the cost of my attorneys, I'm suing him for everything I can get out of him.

He asked me to buy his property so I can move in who I want. I told him there is only one property I'm interested in buying, and that is one of his next door to him. Because if I can buy one of those houses, I'm moving in the same MF's in the house next door to him that he moved in next door to me to see how he likes it. His eyes lit up like he seen a ghost.

I'm sure they did. I'm sure he thought. "Man, this is one crazy mother-fucker. I better get out of here before he whips out a gun."

Like I said, find me a job in my area that pays me what I was making. You failed. I'll be lucky to find a part-time lower waged job at my age. Nobody is going to pay a living wage to an old guy with no experience at anything. I'll be looking for a delivery van job provided there is no heavy weight to lift, or a non-CDL truck driving job, both of which pay around 12.00 an hour in most all cases.

Uh, guy, "paying what you were making" (which I didn't know, anyway) wasn't the criteria. ALl I had to do was find you something that pays better than disability, which doesn't pay that much.

No, you bring it up and have been constantly bringing it up for a year and a half because you have a severe mental disorder called OCD. The first letter in the acronym stands for OBSESSIVE, and that's what you are, obsessed. You sit there obsessed about my life when my life is doing just fine. It's your life that's Fd up because of this demon in your head. You're trying to give me advice when you should be giving yourself advice like get professional help. When you start taking steps to improve your life first, then start giving out advice to other people. You're like the drunk at a bar giving advice to a drug addict on addiction.

Except- again- I have gainful employment.
I don't live in a slum, I live in a rather nice suburb.
I bring in regular income and I don't need to be on a government program to get my health insurance paid for. (I'm also in really good health for a man of my age.)

Sorry, man, your life sounds pretty fucked up... which explains all the anger.
I'm sure they did. I'm sure he thought. "Man, this is one crazy mother-fucker. I better get out of here before he whips out a gun."

Good, I hope that's exactly what he thinks. Then he'll be more concerned about that than the big bucks he gets from HUD and get better tenants in here. Better still, maybe he'll get so scared he'll move back to the middle-east where he belongs and destroy property in his own country.

Uh, guy, "paying what you were making" (which I didn't know, anyway) wasn't the criteria. ALl I had to do was find you something that pays better than disability, which doesn't pay that much.

It's not that much, but with my rental income, it's comfortable. What you get once accepted on SSD is what you would get if you retired at the normal retirement age of 67. But mind you it's all cash. No federal tax, no state tax, city or county tax. No taxes at all. In comparison to working, it's all after tax money. Secondly: If I did ever run into anything where I could make more money working, and the job doesn't work out, SS will not give you your disability back. Plus it would have to pay a good sum better than SS because why would I go out and work 180 hours a month to make $100 more per month? That would be completely stupid.

So by staying on SSD, I have a guaranteed income I don't have to worry about losing, I applied for the homestead exemption to pay less property tax, I will be on Medicare in 11 months so I don't have to worry about medical coverage because of Commie Care, I can still work part-time and make up to $1,300 a month or so IF I can find somebody willing to hire me. Therefore a job would have to be pretty damn secure and at least pay me what I made before to make it worth the gamble.

Except- again- I have gainful employment.
I don't live in a slum, I live in a rather nice suburb.
I bring in regular income and I don't need to be on a government program to get my health insurance paid for. (I'm also in really good health for a man of my age.)

Sorry, man, your life sounds pretty fucked up... which explains all the anger.

Who's angry? I'm happier than a lark. But one thing I have that you don't: peace of mind. And you will never have that unless you man up and seek proper psychological help.
Good, I hope that's exactly what he thinks. Then he'll be more concerned about that than the big bucks he gets from HUD and get better tenants in here. Better still, maybe he'll get so scared he'll move back to the middle-east where he belongs and destroy property in his own country.
Keep telling us how not racist you are, Ray, that shit never gets old.

It's not that much, but with my rental income, it's comfortable. What you get once accepted on SSD is what you would get if you retired at the normal retirement age of 67. But mind you it's all cash. No federal tax, no state tax, city or county tax. No taxes at all. In comparison to working, it's all after tax money. Secondly: If I did ever run into anything where I could make more money working, and the job doesn't work out, SS will not give you your disability back. Plus it would have to pay a good sum better than SS because why would I go out and work 180 hours a month to make $100 more per month? That would be completely stupid.

Dude, I'm sure you put a lot of thought into gaming the system.

I wouldn't do that, because I wouldn't take money that had been earmarked for people with real disabilities, but to each his own.

Who's angry?

You, all the time. You are angry at black people, you are angry at the people who run your city, you are angry at your Middle Eastern Neighbor who just wants to rent to folks. You sit at home listening to police scanners so you can find new stuff to be angry about.
Dude, I'm sure you put a lot of thought into gaming the system.

I wouldn't do that, because I wouldn't take money that had been earmarked for people with real disabilities, but to each his own.

So what in my medical records do you think are not real disabilities? Oh, that's right, you've never seen my medical records. Only Social Security and their expert doctors have. Only the government doctor that said he would no longer certify me to drive has. You (as most liberals) know nothing. Yeah...yeah...I know. A liberal is always the smartest one in the room.

Now, free of charge, time for class to start:

The SSA uses a strict definition of disability that is based on your ability to work and earn wages. You will be considered disabled if:

  • You cannot do work that you did before;
  • You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition; and
  • You have a verifiable medical condition / disability expected to last at least one year or result in death.

You, all the time. You are angry at black people, you are angry at the people who run your city, you are angry at your Middle Eastern Neighbor who just wants to rent to folks. You sit at home listening to police scanners so you can find new stuff to be angry about.

So one should not be angry about people who cut a persons property values by half? One should not be angry about an immigrant slum lord that comes to his country and only gives a shit about his money and no concern whatsoever about the neighbors his tenants are keeping awake at night; no concern about how many times the police have been to his property? If that's nothing to get angry about, I don't know what is.

On the other hand, you're a self hating white that hates other whites. You hate Jewish people. You hate wealthy people. You hate management and supervisors. You hate police.

Everybody hates some people or group of people OCD, and that includes yourself.
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Why explain facts to retard Joe? According to him earned stuff is welfare. He proves how stupid he is with each post.

You know how liberals are. Showing them truth is like showing Dracula a cross. You can show them color charts highlighting the color green. If they are convinced that grass is purple, there is little you can do to change their minds.
So what in my medical records do you think are not real disabilities? Oh, that's right, you've never seen my medical records. Only Social Security and their expert doctors have. Only the government doctor that said he would no longer certify me to drive has. You (as most liberals) know nothing. Yeah...yeah...I know. A liberal is always the smartest one in the room.

Guy, you aren't in a wheelchair.

You can sit behind a desk at a computer for 8 hours a day.

You are at least smart enough to do data entry.

You are gaming the system. I mean, that's awesome and stuff. Just don't tell me you are better than the HUD family.

So one should not be angry about people who cut a persons property values by half? One should not be angry about an immigrant slum lord that comes to his country and only gives a shit about his money and no concern whatsoever about the neighbors his tenants are keeping awake at night; no concern about how many times the police have been to his property? If that's nothing to get angry about, I don't know what is.

Guy, one house doesn't devalue the whole neighborhood. You live in a metro area where property values have been drying up for years because industry left the city. In short, your city got screwed by big corporations, but your first instinct is to blame people of color.

Republicans: Distracting Stupid White People from the real cause of their problems since 1968.


You know how liberals are. Showing them truth is like showing Dracula a cross. You can show them color charts highlighting the color green. If they are convinced that grass is purple, there is little you can do to change their minds.

Yawn, guy, you are perfectly fine collecting government benefits when it's YOU.

Again- politics are about creating the kind of world you want to live in. You wouldn't want to live in the world you want to create.
I am disabled rated 70 percent by VA and paid at the 100 percent rate cause my disability keeps me from working, I get Medicare disability for the same reason. I guess all the doctors that made those rulings were wrong too right ya moron?

I wouldn't know.

Unlike Ray, who seems to only be able to not drive a truck and then claims he really can drive a truck and the mean old government won't let him, I don't know if you are incapable of working or not.

Which isn't even the point.

You have two choices.

You can live in a society that takes care of it's most vulnerable members.

Or you can say, "you're on your own, we aren't going to take money from the makers to give to the takers".

I'm actually kind of fine with the former. You conservatives are not, unless it's money YOU are getting from the government. Then you are just fine with it.

The reality is, we spend far more on "Middle Class Entitlements" than we do on "Welfare". We collect Social Security and Medicare when we are old, we collect unemployment when Republicans fuck up the economy and we are between jobs, we collect veteran's benefits because we put on a uniform for a few years. And we are mostly fine with that.

But some poor black family gets a HUD voucher and an EBT card because their minimum wage job doesn't earn enough money to put food on the table and a roof over their heads, and people like you are Ray go ape shit.

Now, that said, I'm not keen with people gaming the system, whether it be the Food Stamp Family that can work 40 hours a week or a guy like Ray, who could take a data entry job but prefers to collect a disability.

The very same people who bitch about enhanced unemployment means that minimum wage workers aren't going back to their resturant jobs because they don't want to catch Covid when they can just stay home.
Guy, you aren't in a wheelchair.

You can sit behind a desk at a computer for 8 hours a day.

You are at least smart enough to do data entry.

You are gaming the system. I mean, that's awesome and stuff. Just don't tell me you are better than the HUD family.

Smart enough to do data entry? So are about a hundred million other Americans. Show me all of these good paying data entry jobs OCD. You must think you're talking to an idiot or something. One of my tenants is a computer tech and works for the school system. I know what he makes even after all his education he's still paying on. He makes about as much as I did as a a tractor-trailer operator, or at least he was when he submitted his rental application that I verified in one phone call.

I know your leftist mind blocks out things you don't want to see, but have somebody read what I pasted about SSD qualifications and explain it to you. I even provided a hyperlink. You don't have to be in a wheelchair to be eligible for disability. Your disability must preclude you from doing your duties in your profession which is exactly what happened to me. Also, look up what Gaming the System means. Learning things is fun.

Guy, one house doesn't devalue the whole neighborhood. You live in a metro area where property values have been drying up for years because industry left the city. In short, your city got screwed by big corporations, but your first instinct is to blame people of color.

Republicans: Distracting Stupid White People from the real cause of their problems since 1968.

I never said one house. You said I was angry at black people, and I explained why. Blacks destroy property values in nearly every place they invade. This camel jockey is no help either. All the white or mostly white suburbs in Cleveland have property values that increase every single year excluding the Covid recession. Your ignorance is astounding because you discuss subjects you have little or no knowledge of.
I am disabled rated 70 percent by VA and paid at the 100 percent rate cause my disability keeps me from working, I get Medicare disability for the same reason. I guess all the doctors that made those rulings were wrong too right ya moron?

See, you didn't need those doctors that dedicated 8 years of their life to learning about healthcare. All you needed was an online opinion from JoeB131. I don't have to tell you what the B in his name stands for, he makes that evident with every post.

OCD Joe doesn't understand the difference between social programs we pay into all of our lives, or in your case, the benefits you worked for serving our country, and young people who are physically and mentally capable of working and collect benefits from a system they didn't pay a dime into. As far as he's concerned, it's all welfare. He claims he went to college too. How embarrassing for our advanced education system in this country.

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