Former CIA Analyst schools CNN host


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007

When a big time establishment news network such as CNN goes “off script” it can be a beautiful thing to watch.

[ame=]YouTube - Former CIA Analyst schools CNN host[/ame]
Speculating about what is happening and might happen, while interesting, doesn't really tell us much.

And that's what this all is, really. Speculation.

Of course I would expect the CIA to be on the ground trying to figure out what's going on, and encouraging and aiding the rebels.

And, given that the CIA has a long long history of getting it wrong, and of being bamboozled by the natives, too, I don't doubt they're going to get it wrong here, as well.

Given the nature of this revolution, I'd be surprised if anybody gets it right, to be honest.

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