Former CIA Director slams Comrade Trump

Former CIA director says Trump is 'unstable, inept, inexperienced and unethical' in scathing interview

This country has never been in so much peril....He wants to build a useless wall while opening our electoral process to Vladimir Putin...and you nutcases voted for him...
John Brennan, the lying commie traitor is slamming Trump?

jesus. What a choice. We can believe bripat, who is a congenital idiot and con troll. Or a complete hero in the service of our country, John Brennan.
Uh, this is too easy. Brennan is the clear winner, and the other clown is as usual, the LOOSER.
Brennan is a former member of the Communist Party. Furthermore he lied to the entire country when he said the government wasn't recording our phone calles. Brennan is involved the coup against the president up to his eyeballs. He's a worthless lying piece of shit.

Still defend old perverted Bone Spur I see. Brennan dedicated his life to defending this country. Bone Spur dedicated his life to assaulting women and not paying contractors. You are a treasonous slug....
I'm not suprised you would defend that lying fraud. You will defend anyone who attacks Trump. That's your only criteria.
Former CIA director says Trump is 'unstable, inept, inexperienced and unethical' in scathing interview

This country has never been in so much peril....He wants to build a useless wall while opening our electoral process to Vladimir Putin...and you nutcases voted for him...
To qualify to run for president of the US, you need only be 35 years of age, a natural born citizen of the US and have resided within the country for at least 14 years.
NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! He's met the guidelines and shown himself in the past to be a successful businessman. As to his ethics with women, that's between him and his wife and none of our business. All that matters is that he work on the issues for which he was elected, including a wall.
You lefties (socialists/communists) want no borders, the free flow of people, a one world government, the end to free speech, the end to private land ownership and the robbing of anyone with more money than you, to pay for your laziness.

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