Former CIA [Station] Chief: Brennan Knows He’s About to be Indicted For Orchestrating a Coup

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Former CIA [Station] Chief: Brennan Knows He’s About to be Indicted For Orchestrating a Coup

[VIDEO] Former CIA Chief Says 'Desperate' Brennan Knows He's About to be Indicted For Orchestrating a Coup
11 Oct 19 ~ By Missy Crane
"A former CIA Chief is speaking out about John Brennan’s strange behavior. Yes, we know he’s an unhinged, anti-Trump lunatic, but something has changed. Ever since Brennan learned that he would be interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham, Brennan’s demeanor has changed. In this interview with MSNBC, Brennan first announces that he’s going to be interviewed by Durham, and his voice is about 10 octaves higher than usual.
Brennan has gone from being this very belligerent rebel who behaved like an “untouchable,” to a nervous nelly “backpedaler.”
Now, retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnson explains how the coup against President Trump looks to him like it’s a CIA operation that has Brennan’s fingerprints all over it.

Is the hammer about to drop on John Brennan? Will he fall upon his sword or will he take others with him, namely Barack Hussein Obama?
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are getting 'excited' about this. It shows how low on the genetic totem pole they are. Dogs gets excited when another dog doesn't denote intelligence, veracity or a winning ticket. At this point it's a last gasp effort by the PMS/DSA Left and Schiff has been chosen by Pelosi while dumping Nadler.
Brennan is an evil, traitorous thug who helped orchestrate an attempted coup d' etat. However, like Hillary, he’s part of the elite ruling class. Laws that apply to the little people (us) do not apply to our betters. He’s engaged in sedition and treason, he believes he is immune from consequences. That is reality.
The first indictment is yet to be served for any failed coup plotter. What happened after all the “boom” announcements about McCabe, for instance. Not one Rat of any importance has been touched. They are all walking free and making money on their notoriety.
Brennan has an 'Ace in the hole', he knows more about Obama and the operation than anyone.
If the gov't is serious, they need to do one thing. Bring indictments of the perpetrators in districts away from DC. Just like with the two Ukrainians who were indicted in SDNY for crimes that mostly took place elsewhere, any one of the failed coup attempt acts that happened elsewhere makes the conspiracy venue lay there. How about the Middle District of N.C. say in Raleigh where I would be happy to volunteer to be an unbiased juror. In fact, they don’t even have to pay me for my service as I can do it by mail in vote.
US Attorney John Durham is expanding both the timeline of his review (well into 2016) and adding staff and resources probing into the underpinnings of 'SpyGate' in Europe: the UK, Australia, Italy and Ukraine.
Mr. Johnson connects the dots and points to the desperate Hail Mary thrown with the Ukraine Hoax and is correct once again. That latest hoax is connected to the Mueller Investigation, the Russia Collusion Hoax and is a continuation, as stated.
This thing is unwinding. I don't have much expectation from Michael Horowitz's FISA Abuse report, or reports from John Huber. Horowitz always backtracking off problematic facts, while Huber has faded into the wallpaper. I do however have a reasonable hope in the effectiveness and professionalism of John Durham.
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It's always nice when a socialist-communist bites the dust. Brennan was never a good American. He was a liability from the get go. It's just a shame when people like him rise to leadership positions in this country. He's a lot like Ilhan Omar, Useless.
Still too many Obama judges on the bench but, over the next six years, that will all change. Well....the much greater part of it.
So, YOU'RE really the ones planning the coup!

You GRASP that the president appoints federal judges, da Komrade? You Stalinists have used radical Communist judges to thwart the law and shit all over the Constitution for decades. Obama Judges are corrupt to the core. Trump appoints judges who follow the law and the Constitution, the opposite of Obama judges.
Former CIA [Station] Chief: Brennan Knows He’s About to be Indicted For Orchestrating a Coup

[VIDEO] Former CIA Chief Says 'Desperate' Brennan Knows He's About to be Indicted For Orchestrating a Coup
11 Oct 19 ~ By Missy Crane
"A former CIA Chief is speaking out about John Brennan’s strange behavior. Yes, we know he’s an unhinged, anti-Trump lunatic, but something has changed. Ever since Brennan learned that he would be interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham, Brennan’s demeanor has changed. In this interview with MSNBC, Brennan first announces that he’s going to be interviewed by Durham, and his voice is about 10 octaves higher than usual.
Brennan has gone from being this very belligerent rebel who behaved like an “untouchable,” to a nervous nelly “backpedaler.”
Now, retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnson explains how the coup against President Trump looks to him like it’s a CIA operation that has Brennan’s fingerprints all over it.

Is the hammer about to drop on John Brennan? Will he fall upon his sword or will he take others with him, namely Barack Hussein Obama?
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are getting 'excited' about this. It shows how low on the genetic totem pole they are. Dogs gets excited when another dog doesn't denote intelligence, veracity or a winning ticket. At this point it's a last gasp effort by the PMS/DSA Left and Schiff has been chosen by Pelosi while dumping Nadler.
Brennan is an evil, traitorous thug who helped orchestrate an attempted coup d' etat. However, like Hillary, he’s part of the elite ruling class. Laws that apply to the little people (us) do not apply to our betters. He’s engaged in sedition and treason, he believes he is immune from consequences. That is reality.
The first indictment is yet to be served for any failed coup plotter. What happened after all the “boom” announcements about McCabe, for instance. Not one Rat of any importance has been touched. They are all walking free and making money on their notoriety.
Brennan has an 'Ace in the hole', he knows more about Obama and the operation than anyone.
If the gov't is serious, they need to do one thing. Bring indictments of the perpetrators in districts away from DC. Just like with the two Ukrainians who were indicted in SDNY for crimes that mostly took place elsewhere, any one of the failed coup attempt acts that happened elsewhere makes the conspiracy venue lay there. How about the Middle District of N.C. say in Raleigh where I would be happy to volunteer to be an unbiased juror. In fact, they don’t even have to pay me for my service as I can do it by mail in vote.
US Attorney John Durham is expanding both the timeline of his review (well into 2016) and adding staff and resources probing into the underpinnings of 'SpyGate' in Europe: the UK, Australia, Italy and Ukraine.
Mr. Johnson connects the dots and points to the desperate Hail Mary thrown with the Ukraine Hoax and is correct once again. That latest hoax is connected to the Mueller Investigation, the Russia Collusion Hoax and is a continuation, as stated.
This thing is unwinding. I don't have much expectation from Michael Horowitz's FISA Abuse report, or reports from John Huber. Horowitz always backtracking off problematic facts, while Huber has faded into the wallpaper. I do however have a reasonable hope in the effectiveness and professionalism of John Durham.

I sure hope so. That bastard should be in the grey bar hilton, if not swinging from a rope.
I sure hope so. That bastard should be in the grey bar hilton, if not swinging from a rope.
Still too many Obama judges on the bench but, over the next six years, that will all change. Well....the much greater part of it.
So, YOU'RE really the ones planning the coup!
You GRASP that the president appoints federal judges, da Komrade? You Stalinists have used radical Communist judges to thwart the law and shit all over the Constitution for decades. Obama Judges are corrupt to the core. Trump appoints judges who follow the law and the Constitution, the opposite of Obama judges.
The only ones shitting on the Constitution are Trump and his minions. How else am I supposed to read the post to which I responded? Six years would take us beyond the end of a second term. Are y'all saying he wouldn't step down? You've got some splainin' to do and no sad diversions, like comments about Commies and Stalin, is going to change that.
Still too many Obama judges on the bench but, over the next six years, that will all change. Well....the much greater part of it.
So, YOU'RE really the ones planning the coup!
You GRASP that the president appoints federal judges, da Komrade? You Stalinists have used radical Communist judges to thwart the law and shit all over the Constitution for decades. Obama Judges are corrupt to the core. Trump appoints judges who follow the law and the Constitution, the opposite of Obama judges.
The only ones shitting on the Constitution are Trump and his minions.

How so? Be specific.
Still too many Obama judges on the bench but, over the next six years, that will all change. Well....the much greater part of it.
So, YOU'RE really the ones planning the coup!
You GRASP that the president appoints federal judges, da Komrade? You Stalinists have used radical Communist judges to thwart the law and shit all over the Constitution for decades. Obama Judges are corrupt to the core. Trump appoints judges who follow the law and the Constitution, the opposite of Obama judges.
The only ones shitting on the Constitution are Trump and his minions. How else am I supposed to read the post to which I responded? Six years would take us beyond the end of a second term. Are y'all saying he wouldn't step down? You've got some splainin' to do and no sad diversions, like comments about Commies and Stalin, is going to change that.
Should Trump get a FISA warrant against Biden? Why not?
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