Former Clinton adviser: Hillary & Bloomberg planning to instal her as democrat nominee

Hillary Clinton and billionaire Mike Bloomberg may have formulated a plan to make Hillary the Democrat presidential nominee, according to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris.
Former Clinton Adviser: Hillary & Bloomberg Planning To Install Her As Democrat Nominee

Once again infowars told you this bs two yrs ago............ and past articles can prove it to the losers but losers always deny..

There was no mention of Sanders in the article. Isn't HE supposed to be the front runner?
Hillary Clinton should be in jail by now for her crime of writing the lies about President Trump in the Steele Dossier, and which resulted in inquiries that cost the American taxpayers one hundred million dollars to find the same result in each instance: that President Trump did not ever collude with the government, did not talk to Putin advisers or Putin and who didn't know the Russian language.

Damn you Hillary Clinton, you need to write out a check for the $100,000,000 in inquiries into
your lying dossier which you thought up, created through political assassins, and think you are
worthy of leading this country. You ain't. Pay up.​
Hillary Clinton and billionaire Mike Bloomberg may have formulated a plan to make Hillary the Democrat presidential nominee, according to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris.
Former Clinton Adviser: Hillary & Bloomberg Planning To Install Her As Democrat Nominee

Once again infowars told you this bs two yrs ago............ and past articles can prove it to the losers but losers always deny..

There was no mention of Sanders in the article. Isn't HE supposed to be the front runner?

I'd have to re-check that for yah but can't right now.

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