Former DOJ national security chief says that Trump likely violated the Espionage Act and a separate federal statute

of course you don't.

you're a partisan asshole
Lol I’m a partisan asshole? You are the one convinced based on no evidence whatsoever that Trump is 100% innocent.

I personally think we have to wait and see. It’s definitely great start that I am very pleased with.
Lol I’m a partisan asshole? You are the one convinced based on no evidence whatsoever that Trump is 100% innocent.

I personally think we have to wait and see. It’s definitely great start that I am very pleased with.
ou are the one convinced based on no evidence whatsoever that Trump is 100% innocent.


Not only are you a partisan asshole, you're a moron.

WHERE did I claim Trump is innocent?
So he’s not then huh? Is that what you’re position is? Your posts do not reflect belief.

Is he innocent, or is he guilty?

Black or white?

no gray areas?

and anyone that doesn't agree he's "100%" guilty seems to be a trump asskisser in your book.

and THAT'S why I call you a partisan asshole.
Is he innocent, or is he guilty?

Black or white?

no gray areas?

and anyone that doesn't agree he's "100%" guilty seems to be a trump asskisser in your book.

and THAT'S why I call you a partisan asshole.
Lol so you’re not going to just answer the question?
Lol so you’re not going to just answer the question?

what answer would make your partisan ass happy?

You're waiting for the facts, but everyone else is a sycophant, or wants to see him hang?

fuck off
I wonder, what's next for Dumocrats? Impeachments based on allegations didn't work? Two OF THEM? No... Um...OK. A senate hearing on Jan 6th based on allegations? Not working. So, following that same broken logic, lets totally break precedent and raid a former President's home to find evidence that would justify this. If if not, what then? It seems many of you assholes ignore ANY overreach Democrats do. Let me get this straight for the record, so you think Trump is the bad guy? After this? Amazing.

The documents belong to the National Archives.
what answer would make your partisan ass happy?

You're waiting for the facts, but everyone else is a sycophant, or wants to see him hang?

fuck off
You could just give your actual answer. Not sure what you’re waiting for lol
The Espionage Act has a specific provision that relates to gross negligence of handling of documents.

The full interview has a lot of interesting insights.

“There's a variety of different possible crimes, but I think the two that are probably worth focusing the most on are 18 USC 2071. This really applies to any federal government employee who, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys public records, right? Records that are public records. Another potential crime is actually under the Espionage Act, which is 18 USC 793. And that actually has provisions that apply to essentially the mishandling through gross negligence, permitting documents to be removed from their proper place, or to be lost, stolen, or destroyed. There's also conspiracy provisions within that 18 USC 793. But certainly gross negligence could be proved by willfulness, because that would be even beyond gross negligence.”

One other important point she makes is that the FBI would have good reason to believe evidence is still there.

“It's a very overt step for the FBI to actually execute a search warrant that signals to the whole world that they had probable cause — that a federal judge agreed with — to believe that the evidence of a crime would be located in the premises to be searched at the time it was searched. So it couldn't be, "We thought the stuff was there a year ago, but not now." It would have to be probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime exists in that location at that time. And that means that the Department of Justice, probably at the highest levels, probably all the way up to the attorney general, agreed that this was a step that was not only legally supportable, but also important to take.”

hahaa the very law you all said required intent when clinton was being investigated!!!

moreover the president can declassify anything at any time. moreover any docs were keep under guard, at his house…not on a unsecured 3rd party server in someone’s basement for years

wow you can’t make this stuff up…the idiotic, hypocrisy of you dembots cultist
The Espionage Act has a specific provision that relates to gross negligence of handling of documents.
You mean like storing over 500 classified documents on a personal server illegally then bleach bitting them and on multiple handheld devices illegally then destroying the devices and evidence? OH Hillary SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg:
You mean like storing over 500 classified documents on a personal server illegally then bleach bitting them and on multiple handheld devices illegally then destroying the devices and evidence? OH Hillary SNAP!! :auiqs.jpg:
So Trump gets a pass and not Hillary huh?
Nope. All the documents belong to the National Archives. Same with every president.
Really? Gotta link saying any and all documents a President has is the property of the National Archives?

No? Then sit down and STFU, Simp.

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