Former DOJ national security chief says that Trump likely violated the Espionage Act and a separate federal statute

Trump placed his trust in a lot of lying, seditious, charlatans didn't he?

Everyone from Birx to Comey to Wray turned out to be lying, undermi ing, treasonous pieces of fecal matter....
Lol you have an answer everything huh? You make it up as you go along but you have one.

I guess Trump’s judgement is terrible huh?
"Trump LIKELY...."


"I have no clue but will pull this possible action out of my ass...."
I wonder, what's next for Dumocrats? Impeachments based on allegations didn't work? Two OF THEM? No... Um...OK. A senate hearing on Jan 6th based on allegations? Not working. So, following that same broken logic, lets totally break precedent and raid a former President's home to find evidence that would justify this. If if not, what then? It seems many of you assholes ignore ANY overreach Democrats do. Let me get this straight for the record, so you think Trump is the bad guy? After this? Amazing.
The Espionage Act has a specific provision that relates to gross negligence of handling of documents.

The full interview has a lot of interesting insights.

“There's a variety of different possible crimes, but I think the two that are probably worth focusing the most on are 18 USC 2071. This really applies to any federal government employee who, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies or destroys public records, right? Records that are public records. Another potential crime is actually under the Espionage Act, which is 18 USC 793. And that actually has provisions that apply to essentially the mishandling through gross negligence, permitting documents to be removed from their proper place, or to be lost, stolen, or destroyed. There's also conspiracy provisions within that 18 USC 793. But certainly gross negligence could be proved by willfulness, because that would be even beyond gross negligence.”

One other important point she makes is that the FBI would have good reason to believe evidence is still there.

“It's a very overt step for the FBI to actually execute a search warrant that signals to the whole world that they had probable cause — that a federal judge agreed with — to believe that the evidence of a crime would be located in the premises to be searched at the time it was searched. So it couldn't be, "We thought the stuff was there a year ago, but not now." It would have to be probable cause to believe that evidence of a crime exists in that location at that time. And that means that the Department of Justice, probably at the highest levels, probably all the way up to the attorney general, agreed that this was a step that was not only legally supportable, but also important to take.”

Weird how that didn't come up when Hitlery destroyed 30,000 government emails under subpoena, many classified up to and including SAP info.
Why can't Mary McCord be charged just like Alex Jones for making outrageous charges that have no basis in reality?
Probably because she isn’t lying. She is speculating on what she thinks the FBI’s intentions are.
Weird how that didn't come up when Hitlery destroyed 30,000 emails under subpoena, many classified up to and including SAP info.
Typical whataboutism.

So Trump gets a pass but not Hillary huh?
Weird how that didn't come up when Hitlery destroyed 30,000 government emails under subpoena, many classified up to and including SAP info.
Actually Comey publicly pointed this out, that Hillary had committed the legal definition of espionage .... right before he declared she was too stupid to know she was doing it.
Why doesn’t it?
Ummm, let's see...the WW1 communications system relied on semaphore flags and crank telephones and Morse Code and hand held messages exchanged between spies and we were like at war with Germany. How does that translate to the age of information? The Sedition act of 1918 undermined the 1st Amendment and could put your ass in prison for uttering an offensive remark about the government. Is that what democrats are trying to bring back?
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Lol umm okay so Hillary is guilty but Trump gets a pass?

We already know what Hillary did, and she got off scott-free. Nor did the FBI raid her house and break into her safe.

We don't know the reason for the raid on Trump. But we do know how he was harassed for not only the four years he was President, but for the two years after he left office.

If you don't find the differences in the way the two have been treated to be disturbing, there's something wrong with you.
Well here we go, allegations Trump DID stuff to justify a witch hunt that eventually doesn't prove anything. This is the third blasted time Dems have done this.

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