Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’​

10 Feb 2024 ~~ By Filip Timotija

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe argued Friday that the special counsel’s report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents while vice president has “nauseating similarities” with findings from the agency’s 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.
While special counsel Robert Hur’s 388-page report, released Thursday, found Biden “willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House, no charges were brought against the president. Hur, in his release, remarked that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which has drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the White House.
Comparisons have also been made between Clinton and Trump, who is facing 40 charges centered on the mishandling of classified records and attempts to obstruct the government from retrieving them after he left the White House, but both have denounced the parallel.
On Friday, speaking to members of the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, the former president argued that if Biden — and Clinton by proxy — weren’t charged, he shouldn’t be either.

True, but Hillary has a criminal instinct second to none.
She erased incriminating evidence and got away with it. (Which seems far worse than an ex-Prez hanging on to old documents). Jake Sullivan was implicated in the State Dept., emails.
See: Top Clinton adviser sent 'top secret' messages to her private account

The president has different legal rights and obligations regarding documents than the Vice President and other elected officials do.
The situation with Biden reminds me a lot of James Comey and Hillary. Comey laid out a series of legal violations by Hillary , but then said in spite of this strong evidence of illegal actions, that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
With Biden , the report also indicates strong evidence of Theft from a Senate SCIF and illegal retention of higgly classided materals as VP, but recommends that no action be taken because Joe is elderly and forgetful. The implication being that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
It sure looks like there is a different standard for prominent Democrats compared to Trump or Republicans.
Probably none of the powers that be care about the court of public opinion on such prosecutions.
It wasn’t Comey's, nor Hur's call to make and neither should be allowed to decide to NOT bring charges against those they investigated. Rgar should be left to the DoJ and Congress..
The FBI is just another tentacle of the DNCPUSA just as the national lamestream “media” is. Democrats are immune from going to jail.

McCabe is such an insufferable cocky little toad.
Ironic- McCabe also wasn’t charged despite lying 4 times under oath ....

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses firing

Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’​

10 Feb 2024 ~~ By Filip Timotija

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe argued Friday that the special counsel’s report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents while vice president has “nauseating similarities” with findings from the agency’s 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.
While special counsel Robert Hur’s 388-page report, released Thursday, found Biden “willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House, no charges were brought against the president. Hur, in his release, remarked that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which has drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the White House.
Comparisons have also been made between Clinton and Trump, who is facing 40 charges centered on the mishandling of classified records and attempts to obstruct the government from retrieving them after he left the White House, but both have denounced the parallel.
On Friday, speaking to members of the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, the former president argued that if Biden — and Clinton by proxy — weren’t charged, he shouldn’t be either.

True, but Hillary has a criminal instinct second to none.
She erased incriminating evidence and got away with it. (Which seems far worse than an ex-Prez hanging on to old documents). Jake Sullivan was implicated in the State Dept., emails.
See: Top Clinton adviser sent 'top secret' messages to her private account

The president has different legal rights and obligations regarding documents than the Vice President and other elected officials do.
The situation with Biden reminds me a lot of James Comey and Hillary. Comey laid out a series of legal violations by Hillary , but then said in spite of this strong evidence of illegal actions, that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
With Biden , the report also indicates strong evidence of Theft from a Senate SCIF and illegal retention of higgly classided materals as VP, but recommends that no action be taken because Joe is elderly and forgetful. The implication being that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
It sure looks like there is a different standard for prominent Democrats compared to Trump or Republicans.
Probably none of the powers that be care about the court of public opinion on such prosecutions.
It wasn’t Comey's, nor Hur's call to make and neither should be allowed to decide to NOT bring charges against those they investigated. Rgar should be left to the DoJ and Congress..
The FBI is just another tentacle of the DNCPUSA just as the national lamestream “media” is. Democrats are immune from going to jail.

McCabe is such an insufferable cocky little toad.
Ironic- McCabe also wasn’t charged despite lying 4 times under oath ....

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses firing


This should make it prrretty easy now for a court to dismiss Biden-Garland's phony, frivolous 31 counts brought under the Espionage Act, against Trump.

Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’​

10 Feb 2024 ~~ By Filip Timotija

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe argued Friday that the special counsel’s report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents while vice president has “nauseating similarities” with findings from the agency’s 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.
While special counsel Robert Hur’s 388-page report, released Thursday, found Biden “willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House, no charges were brought against the president. Hur, in his release, remarked that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which has drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the White House.
Comparisons have also been made between Clinton and Trump, who is facing 40 charges centered on the mishandling of classified records and attempts to obstruct the government from retrieving them after he left the White House, but both have denounced the parallel.
On Friday, speaking to members of the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, the former president argued that if Biden — and Clinton by proxy — weren’t charged, he shouldn’t be either.

True, but Hillary has a criminal instinct second to none.
She erased incriminating evidence and got away with it. (Which seems far worse than an ex-Prez hanging on to old documents). Jake Sullivan was implicated in the State Dept., emails.
See: Top Clinton adviser sent 'top secret' messages to her private account

The president has different legal rights and obligations regarding documents than the Vice President and other elected officials do.
The situation with Biden reminds me a lot of James Comey and Hillary. Comey laid out a series of legal violations by Hillary , but then said in spite of this strong evidence of illegal actions, that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
With Biden , the report also indicates strong evidence of Theft from a Senate SCIF and illegal retention of higgly classided materals as VP, but recommends that no action be taken because Joe is elderly and forgetful. The implication being that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
It sure looks like there is a different standard for prominent Democrats compared to Trump or Republicans.
Probably none of the powers that be care about the court of public opinion on such prosecutions.
It wasn’t Comey's, nor Hur's call to make and neither should be allowed to decide to NOT bring charges against those they investigated. Rgar should be left to the DoJ and Congress..
The FBI is just another tentacle of the DNCPUSA just as the national lamestream “media” is. Democrats are immune from going to jail.

McCabe is such an insufferable cocky little toad.
Ironic- McCabe also wasn’t charged despite lying 4 times under oath ....

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses firing

Hell, Biden and Garland gave McCabe his full pension after he lost a portion of it when Trump [quite rightly] fired his [McCabe's] lying ass.

Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’​

10 Feb 2024 ~~ By Filip Timotija

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe argued Friday that the special counsel’s report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents while vice president has “nauseating similarities” with findings from the agency’s 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.
While special counsel Robert Hur’s 388-page report, released Thursday, found Biden “willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House, no charges were brought against the president. Hur, in his release, remarked that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which has drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the White House.
Comparisons have also been made between Clinton and Trump, who is facing 40 charges centered on the mishandling of classified records and attempts to obstruct the government from retrieving them after he left the White House, but both have denounced the parallel.
On Friday, speaking to members of the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, the former president argued that if Biden — and Clinton by proxy — weren’t charged, he shouldn’t be either.

True, but Hillary has a criminal instinct second to none.
She erased incriminating evidence and got away with it. (Which seems far worse than an ex-Prez hanging on to old documents). Jake Sullivan was implicated in the State Dept., emails.
See: Top Clinton adviser sent 'top secret' messages to her private account

The president has different legal rights and obligations regarding documents than the Vice President and other elected officials do.
The situation with Biden reminds me a lot of James Comey and Hillary. Comey laid out a series of legal violations by Hillary , but then said in spite of this strong evidence of illegal actions, that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
With Biden , the report also indicates strong evidence of Theft from a Senate SCIF and illegal retention of higgly classided materals as VP, but recommends that no action be taken because Joe is elderly and forgetful. The implication being that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
It sure looks like there is a different standard for prominent Democrats compared to Trump or Republicans.
Probably none of the powers that be care about the court of public opinion on such prosecutions.
It wasn’t Comey's, nor Hur's call to make and neither should be allowed to decide to NOT bring charges against those they investigated. Rgar should be left to the DoJ and Congress..
The FBI is just another tentacle of the DNCPUSA just as the national lamestream “media” is. Democrats are immune from going to jail.

McCabe is such an insufferable cocky little toad.
Ironic- McCabe also wasn’t charged despite lying 4 times under oath ....

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses firing
when trump returns we need to investigate everything starting from day one of big floppied penis mike obamas wifes admin

that god damned murdering bitch clinton should be locked up for eternity.....fukin koonta bitch

Former FBI official: Similarities between Biden and Hillary Clinton reports ‘nauseating’​

10 Feb 2024 ~~ By Filip Timotija

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe argued Friday that the special counsel’s report on President Biden’s retention of classified documents while vice president has “nauseating similarities” with findings from the agency’s 2016 investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.
While special counsel Robert Hur’s 388-page report, released Thursday, found Biden “willfully” kept the documents after leaving the White House, no charges were brought against the president. Hur, in his release, remarked that Biden is “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” which has drawn scrutiny from Democrats and the White House.
Comparisons have also been made between Clinton and Trump, who is facing 40 charges centered on the mishandling of classified records and attempts to obstruct the government from retrieving them after he left the White House, but both have denounced the parallel.
On Friday, speaking to members of the National Rifle Association in Pennsylvania, the former president argued that if Biden — and Clinton by proxy — weren’t charged, he shouldn’t be either.

True, but Hillary has a criminal instinct second to none.
She erased incriminating evidence and got away with it. (Which seems far worse than an ex-Prez hanging on to old documents). Jake Sullivan was implicated in the State Dept., emails.
See: Top Clinton adviser sent 'top secret' messages to her private account

The president has different legal rights and obligations regarding documents than the Vice President and other elected officials do.
The situation with Biden reminds me a lot of James Comey and Hillary. Comey laid out a series of legal violations by Hillary , but then said in spite of this strong evidence of illegal actions, that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
With Biden , the report also indicates strong evidence of Theft from a Senate SCIF and illegal retention of higgly classided materals as VP, but recommends that no action be taken because Joe is elderly and forgetful. The implication being that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case.
It sure looks like there is a different standard for prominent Democrats compared to Trump or Republicans.
Probably none of the powers that be care about the court of public opinion on such prosecutions.
It wasn’t Comey's, nor Hur's call to make and neither should be allowed to decide to NOT bring charges against those they investigated. Rgar should be left to the DoJ and Congress..
The FBI is just another tentacle of the DNCPUSA just as the national lamestream “media” is. Democrats are immune from going to jail.

McCabe is such an insufferable cocky little toad.
Ironic- McCabe also wasn’t charged despite lying 4 times under oath ....

Inspector general insists McCabe lied repeatedly after Biden DOJ reverses firing
All of this is crystal clear to the American people, but we don't live in anything resembling the USA, founded on the rule of law anymore...We live in a quasi political junta....Where democrats have locked up 90% of the bureaucracy, the judicial judgeships, and the MSM....The level of propaganda, and outright lies spewed out to the American people right now is stunning, and the Republican's are no better. They are subservient to Democrats, thus impotent...

I'm beginning to think that there is no saving this country...
All of this is crystal clear to the American people, but we don't live in anything resembling the USA, founded on the rule of law anymore...We live in a quasi political junta....Where democrats have locked up 90% of the bureaucracy, the judicial judgeships, and the MSM....The level of propaganda, and outright lies spewed out to the American people right now is stunning, and the Republican's are no better. They are subservient to Democrats, thus impotent...

I'm beginning to think that there is no saving this country...
And we the American people are to blame for not stopping them . It's on our watch.

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