Former FM acquittal watershed for both Lieberman, State prosecution


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday praised the acquittal of Avigdor Lieberman on corruption charges and hailed his anticipated return to government as foreign minister.

"I congratulate you on your unanimous acquittal and am happy about your returning to the government so that we can continue working together for the good of Israel," Netanyahu said in a statement.

The Yisrael Beitenu chairman, who resigned as foreign minister in December 2012, can now return to his cabinet post immediately, unless Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein decides to file an appeal. Netanyahu did not say what role Lieberman would take in the government, but he has kept the Foreign Ministry post open for him pending the verdict, and a political source said he "fully expected Lieberman to be foreign minister again".

Lieberman was accused of rewarding Israeli diplomat Ze'ev Ben Aryeh with an embassy posting in Latvia after he tipped him off about a police probe into his affairs. But the judges ruled that this did not constitute a criminal offense.

Former FM acquittal watershed for both Lieberman, State prosecution - Israel News, Ynetnews



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