Former Gov. of Ky...fighting to keep Heathcare alive.....STOP!!!!

Why are repubs so desperate to deny healthcare o the sick & injured?
Do you have a link to prove that accusation? Healthcare, which was running smoothly in this country, is crumbling before our eyes due to Obamacare. Democrats fucked it up and now want to "fix" it with,,,,get this.... Universal healthcare. Lol. Imagine giving the cocksuckers who fucked up healthcare the ability to implement another brain dead idea.

That's funny. Thanks for the laugh ;)
I knew you couldn't.

Couldn't what ? Your comment was so funny I couldn't stop laughing long enough to finish reading it. Seriously. ;)

So while you're happily handing out free healthcare to every jailbird in the country and, and, don't forget all those camel jockeys in Crapistan too, you'd happily deny that same level of care to hard working tax paying Americans, and there family members too because they lack the money to pay for it.

You need to put your thinking cap on so you can rethink your position on this matter.
There is nothing to rethink. Obamacare is a failure because it's a liberal plan to fail so you can get universal healthcare, which is worse. The conservative plan would be affordable to everyone needing healthcare, but that's not what you Leftists want. You want the government deciding what kind f healthcare I get and it will be no better than the worst care we have now.

Liberal ideas suck and they don't work.

Liberal ideas suck? Dude, we got you clean water, a 40 hour work week, time and half now for salary workers, SS, Medicare, Union protection, Dodd/Frank, I mean....this list is do tell what the fuck a conservative has done...EVER FOR YOUR DUMB ASS THAT YOU CAN THANK HIM FOR....I'm 60, so I don't have much time to wait for your response....roach for brains ass ho
The former gov. of Ky. Steve Breshear is fighting tooth and nail to keep ACA's Kenect Ky alive, a heralded program he and democrats along with the Obama administration provided for the people of Ky. New gov. tea party Bevans is dismantling it, calling it too expensive and wants the federal exchange to take over. I for one am siding with Bevans.......and the people that voted this man in......ITS TIME PEOPLE REALIZE THAT THERE ARE CONSEQENCES BEHIND VOTES. Ky houses some of the poorest white mf's in the country, who dominate disability payments and welfare programs, yet these hillbilly fucks want anti government politicians in office. That's the ignorance of white to the governor, cut, slice dismantle, do what you promised and let this white poor fucks fall to the curb,

The problem was that KY was footing the bill for the exchange and we were losing our collective asses paying for a program that SHOULD have been paid by the federal government all along.

BTW, it's KYNECT and the former governor's name is Beshear.
""The problem was that KY was footing the bill for the exchange and we were losing our collective asses paying for a program that SHOULD have been paid by the federal government all along.""

More like the
The former gov. of Ky. Steve Breshear is fighting tooth and nail to keep ACA's Kenect Ky alive, a heralded program he and democrats along with the Obama administration provided for the people of Ky. New gov. tea party Bevans is dismantling it, calling it too expensive and wants the federal exchange to take over. I for one am siding with Bevans.......and the people that voted this man in......ITS TIME PEOPLE REALIZE THAT THERE ARE CONSEQENCES BEHIND VOTES. Ky houses some of the poorest white mf's in the country, who dominate disability payments and welfare programs, yet these hillbilly fucks want anti government politicians in office. That's the ignorance of white to the governor, cut, slice dismantle, do what you promised and let this white poor fucks fall to the curb,

The problem was that KY was footing the bill for the exchange and we were losing our collective asses paying for a program that SHOULD have been paid by the federal government all along.

BTW, it's KYNECT and the former governor's name is Beshear.
Admiral, Sir, Lots of places are losing their collective asses paying for Kentucky programs:

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?
That's funny. Thanks for the laugh ;)
I knew you couldn't.

Couldn't what ? Your comment was so funny I couldn't stop laughing long enough to finish reading it. Seriously. ;)

So while you're happily handing out free healthcare to every jailbird in the country and, and, don't forget all those camel jockeys in Crapistan too, you'd happily deny that same level of care to hard working tax paying Americans, and there family members too because they lack the money to pay for it.

You need to put your thinking cap on so you can rethink your position on this matter.
There is nothing to rethink. Obamacare is a failure because it's a liberal plan to fail so you can get universal healthcare, which is worse. The conservative plan would be affordable to everyone needing healthcare, but that's not what you Leftists want. You want the government deciding what kind f healthcare I get and it will be no better than the worst care we have now.

Liberal ideas suck and they don't work.

Your argument doesn't hold water. The repubs have nothing to replace Obama care with. Nothing.

The only thing a republican knows how to do is attack democrats, bitch about Obama and whine about ACA...these worthless bastards haven't come up with a new idea since Reagan their head nut was in the white house. And yet the American Stupid keep voting these morons time and time again back to washington, to nothing but get a fuckin paycheck and hold worthless hell with the whole lot of em

The behavior of repubs in congress has been nothing short of wicked and evil. They laughingly claim high moral values and protectors of life, yet they're all about main & kill.

You disgusting immoral creeps. All of you.
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