Samantha Bee, anti Trumper and her husband are fighting to keep blacks out of their private school

Right off the bat, your title is a lie.

PS 452 is not a "private" school. In fact, the "PS" stands for "Public School".

Which, of course, makes it even worse.


No, it doesn't, as long as you stick to reality, rather than the pathetic spin of the OP's article.
The SHEER reality of it is simple... Well to do liberal whites don't want minoritys in "their" school. Funny YOU USED to claim that shit only happened in "fly over country". Now you OWN so WEAR IT.
Samantha Bee is fighting the introduction of low income, minority children to their kids' school

Samantha Bee isn't even quoted in the entire story at all, lying hack.
NOR is the story about 'introducing" anybody into a school--- it's about moving it.

Try reading your own link.

her husband is.

i assume she agrees with her husbands about what to do for their kids.

It looks like Jones is objecting to the school moving has a lot more to do with location than race, but that doesn't stop Republicans from playing the race card.

Not to mention the abject inability to tell the difference between "Samantha Bee" and "Jason Jones".
Yes....apparently, the left wing people's paradise of New York, home of the social justice warrior one of the most racially segregated cities in the country......and they plan on keeping it that way.

Social justice warrior, Samantha Bee and her husband, are fighting to keep blacks out of their children's private school.....

Samantha Bee's Husband Fights To Keep Poor, Black Kids Out Of His Children's School

The current Upper West Side focus is on P.S. 452, which, according to Slate, "has a lopsided enrollment, with a population that’s three-quarters white and Asian, with only 13 percent of kids qualifying for free lunch, in a district that’s 43 percent white and Asian and 48 percent low-income."

This public school is already over-crowded and a proposal has been made to move it just 16 blocks away.

There is just one problem.

At this location, the school, which is currently one of the best public schools in the city, would be near a number of large housing projects. The move, then, could result in the end of the segregation many of these parents so desire. A lot more poor, black students might start attending.

Samantha Bee's husband is not only fighting this move, the former correspondent is -- get this -- urging parents who agree with him not to talk to the media:

One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones, who’s married to Samantha Bee. "To portray any opposition as classist or racist is as bad as it can get," Jones told WNYC. And elsewhere: "We are not divided,” he said at a public hearing about the proposal, “we are absolutely united in wanting what's best for our children," then encouraged fellow parents not to talk to the press about the controversy.

Because in Manhattan past is precedent, Slate believes these rich, white parents will eventually win the day and the school will stay where it is.

And yet she has the balls to call Trump a racist....

Well that was a lame defense of Trumps racism. Not only that but this is more about moving the school but it's funny to watch you pretend to care about minorities.

Just search his name to see how much his comments are coming from a caring place.
Yes....apparently, the left wing people's paradise of New York, home of the social justice warrior one of the most racially segregated cities in the country......and they plan on keeping it that way.

Social justice warrior, Samantha Bee and her husband, are fighting to keep blacks out of their children's private school.....

Samantha Bee's Husband Fights To Keep Poor, Black Kids Out Of His Children's School

The current Upper West Side focus is on P.S. 452, which, according to Slate, "has a lopsided enrollment, with a population that’s three-quarters white and Asian, with only 13 percent of kids qualifying for free lunch, in a district that’s 43 percent white and Asian and 48 percent low-income."

This public school is already over-crowded and a proposal has been made to move it just 16 blocks away.

There is just one problem.

At this location, the school, which is currently one of the best public schools in the city, would be near a number of large housing projects. The move, then, could result in the end of the segregation many of these parents so desire. A lot more poor, black students might start attending.

Samantha Bee's husband is not only fighting this move, the former correspondent is -- get this -- urging parents who agree with him not to talk to the media:

One P.S. 452 parent speaking out against the move is comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones, who’s married to Samantha Bee. "To portray any opposition as classist or racist is as bad as it can get," Jones told WNYC. And elsewhere: "We are not divided,” he said at a public hearing about the proposal, “we are absolutely united in wanting what's best for our children," then encouraged fellow parents not to talk to the press about the controversy.

Because in Manhattan past is precedent, Slate believes these rich, white parents will eventually win the day and the school will stay where it is.

And yet she has the balls to call Trump a racist....

Well lets see:

Donald Trump was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to African Americans- and Trump settled- promising not to do it again.

Samantha Bee- and her husband- never made a single racist comment.

Nor did Samantha Bee- or her husband say anything about keeping black kids out of their school.

Like Trump- you are just lying again.
Samantha Bee is fighting the introduction of low income, minority children to their kids' school

Samantha Bee isn't even quoted in the entire story at all, lying hack.
NOR is the story about 'introducing" anybody into a school--- it's about moving it.

Try reading your own link.

her husband is.

i assume she agrees with her husbands about what to do for their kids.

It looks like Jones is objecting to the school moving has a lot more to do with location than race, but that doesn't stop Republicans from playing the race card.

Not to mention the abject inability to tell the difference between "Samantha Bee" and "Jason Jones".

Not as if Trumpsters- or their Dear Leader- care about the truth.

Remember- they just have a 'alternative facts'......LOL
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?

Of course they can- but its not a neighborhood school anymore.
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?

I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.
Right off the bat, your title is a lie.

PS 452 is not a "private" school. In fact, the "PS" stands for "Public School".

Which, of course, makes it even worse.


No, it doesn't, as long as you stick to reality, rather than the pathetic spin of the OP's article.
The SHEER reality of it is simple... Well to do liberal whites don't want minoritys in "their" school. Funny YOU USED to claim that shit only happened in "fly over country". Now you OWN so WEAR IT.


You wouldn't know reality if it fucked you in the ass.

If the school moves, guess what?

Another school will replace it. School zones in New York are only a few square blocks.
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?

I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.
Why should they not walk a mile? I know we did most of the time I was attending school. I made my daughter walk the WHOLE 1/4 mile to her grade school rather than waiting in single-digit temps for the f**king bus to pick her up. Oh, wait, she would have had to cross two streets. Oh, the horror! The unimaginable danger! Forcing a child to submit to such hazards! It's almost unimaginable that she's 35 yrs old this year, having had to walk a quarter mile to school.
You can be sure that any wealthy or well-off white lefties will either protest their own surroundings being infiltrated by blacks and minorities or they will move away.
White lefties love diversity unless it's in their own back yard.
They move into cities and price minorities out of town but call it gentrification as that sounds less abrasive than calling it the racism that it is.
Hypocrites deluxe.
They can't walk a mile?
I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Because life sometimes is harsh and it is better to become inured to the harshness?

So in other words, because you're an asshole, and no other reason?

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.

At 8 and 10 I was walking about a mile to school, but I dont remember how I got to school when I was 6.

The darlings will survive.


So, because you walked 40 miles in the snow, uphill both ways, so must everyone else? No one is impressed.

How about instead, you go fuck yourself?

Of course their kids will survive. They'll live better lives than you could ever imagine, and you'll still be a bitter old fuck.
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?

I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.
Why should they not walk a mile? I know we did most of the time I was attending school. I made my daughter walk the WHOLE 1/4 mile to her grade school rather than waiting in single-digit temps for the f**king bus to pick her up. Oh, wait, she would have had to cross two streets. Oh, the horror! The unimaginable danger! Forcing a child to submit to such hazards! It's almost unimaginable that she's 35 yrs old this year, having had to walk a quarter mile to school.

Stop whining about how hard your life was. You're not impressing anyone.

Because you feel like it is not a reason why they should have to anything.
They can't walk a mile?
I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Because life sometimes is harsh and it is better to become inured to the harshness?

So in other words, because you're an asshole, and no other reason?

Part of the responsibility of a parent is to prepare their children for life. Banana slicing control freak parents that want to shelter Zoe and Biff from any possibility of getting hurt are NOT helping their kids.

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.

At 8 and 10 I was walking about a mile to school, but I dont remember how I got to school when I was 6.

The darlings will survive.


So, because you walked 40 miles in the snow, uphill both ways, so must everyone else? No one is impressed.

You apparently have difficulty with reading comprehension.

How about instead, you go fuck yourself?

Because I am not a degenerate libtard?

Of course their kids will survive. They'll live better lives than you could ever imagine, and you'll still be a bitter old fuck.

roflmao, mighty judgmental this morning, eh?

Maybe a couple of joints can settle your nerves down?
Stop whining about how hard your life was. You're not impressing anyone.
Because you feel like it is not a reason why they should have to anything.
They can't walk a mile?
I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Because life sometimes is harsh and it is better to become inured to the harshness?

So in other words, because you're an asshole, and no other reason?

Part of the responsibility of a parent is to prepare their children for life. Banana slicing control freak parents that want to shelter Zoe and Biff from any possibility of getting hurt are NOT helping their kids.

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.

At 8 and 10 I was walking about a mile to school, but I dont remember how I got to school when I was 6.

The darlings will survive.


So, because you walked 40 miles in the snow, uphill both ways, so must everyone else? No one is impressed.

You apparently have difficulty with reading comprehension.

How about instead, you go fuck yourself?

Because I am not a degenerate libtard?

Of course their kids will survive. They'll live better lives than you could ever imagine, and you'll still be a bitter old fuck.

roflmao, mighty judgmental this morning, eh?

Maybe a couple of joints can settle your nerves down?

You don't get to decide how other people raise their kids. Your sob stories about walking miles to your one room schoolhouse are meaningless, and your judgement of parents that you've never met, and don't have any knowledge of is asinine.

I see no problem with Jones and Bee wanting their kids school to remain right down the street from their house, and all of your noise is just noise.

As for smoking a few joints, that will occur as soon as I get home.
Public schools in NY are zoned schools.

That means your kids go to the school closest to your house. Right now, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' kid (or kids) go to school a few blocks from their home. They can walk to school, just like most New Yorkers.

With the rezoning, their kids school will be a mile or so away.
They can't walk a mile?

I'm sure they can - buy why should they have to?

Their kids are 10, 8, and 6.
Why should they not walk a mile? I know we did most of the time I was attending school. I made my daughter walk the WHOLE 1/4 mile to her grade school rather than waiting in single-digit temps for the f**king bus to pick her up. Oh, wait, she would have had to cross two streets. Oh, the horror! The unimaginable danger! Forcing a child to submit to such hazards! It's almost unimaginable that she's 35 yrs old this year, having had to walk a quarter mile to school.

Stop whining about how hard your life was. You're not impressing anyone.

Because you feel like it is not a reason why they should have to anything.
Pay attention! I was not whining about how "hard" my life was. While I did have to walk to school until we moved to the country and school was almost 20 miles from home, I never thought of "whining" about that. I'm highlighting how stupid and useless (aka: waste of money) it was to bus my daughter 1/4 mile simply because she would have had to cross two streets to get to school.
My life was not hard, it was expected. Oh, yeah, we used to carry .22 rifles and shotguns to school just so we could jump off the bus a couple of stops early to WALK back home and bag a couple of birds or squirrels.

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